Pretty funny stuff

Started by Firetooth, May 28, 2011, 04:20:10 AM

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Fri, 27 May 2011 21:49:01 -0600
From ******* (#**) (?)
Sorry about sacks km leader told me to

Time    Event
2.1 hours ago    You find The Menace (#54) attempting to view your army!
2.2 hours ago    Paukenschlag (#6) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 369 Acres of Land and destroyed:
29,653 Stoats
1,031,385 Food
929,051,392 Cash
You managed to destroy:
102,121 Stoats
2.2 hours ago    You find The Menace (#54) attempting to view your army!
3 hours ago    Paukenschlag (#6) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 328 Acres of Land and destroyed:
57,241 Stoats
644,028 Food
579,971,849 Cash
You managed to destroy:
242,557 Stoats
3.9 hours ago    You find Aspect (#50) attempting to open an attack opportunity!
4 hours ago    Nasty (#61) attacked you!    You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
49,553 Rats
You managed to destroy:
144,255 Rats
4.5 hours ago    Paukenschlag (#6) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 203 Acres of Land and destroyed:
160,342 Stoats
660,361 Food
594,354,168 Cash
You managed to destroy:
79,695 Stoats
5.4 hours ago    You find The Menace (#54) attempting to view your army!
5.7 hours ago    Revelation (#17) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 156 Acres of Land and destroyed:
17,059 Weasels
394,072 Food
354,509,382 Cash
You managed to destroy:
16,438 Weasels
5.7 hours ago    Revelation (#17) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 607 Acres of Land and destroyed:
42,751 Weasels
449,201 Food
404,103,238 Cash
You managed to destroy:
199,985 Weasels
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 482 Acres of Land and destroyed:
64,383 Rats
1,429,958 Food
1,285,059,810 Cash
You managed to destroy:
374,412 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 541 Acres of Land and destroyed:
264,338 Rats
1,717,939 Food
1,543,859,336 Cash
You managed to destroy:
190,289 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 582 Acres of Land and destroyed:
262,211 Rats
1,502,718 Food
1,350,447,534 Cash
You managed to destroy:
630,390 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 50 Acres of Land and destroyed:
120,904 Rats
1,646,917 Food
1,480,034,080 Cash
You managed to destroy:
478,598 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 261 Acres of Land and destroyed:
64,051 Rats
1,143,280 Food
1,027,431,506 Cash
You managed to destroy:
328,516 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 21 Acres of Land and destroyed:
44,386 Rats
1,642,732 Food
1,476,273,304 Cash
You managed to destroy:
632,093 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 242 Acres of Land and destroyed:
331,367 Rats
1,711,472 Food
1,538,047,937 Cash
You managed to destroy:
261,174 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 289 Acres of Land and destroyed:
60,204 Rats
1,707,032 Food
1,534,058,222 Cash
You managed to destroy:
170,977 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 316 Acres of Land and destroyed:
282,697 Rats
1,771,961 Food
1,592,408,034 Cash
You managed to destroy:
157,056 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 149 Acres of Land and destroyed:
655,034 Rats
1,481,386 Food
1,331,276,862 Cash
You managed to destroy:
783,066 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 740 Acres of Land and destroyed:
445,880 Rats
1,047,250 Food
941,131,601 Cash
You managed to destroy:
233,363 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 324 Acres of Land and destroyed:
709,570 Rats
1,662,641 Food
1,494,164,932 Cash
You managed to destroy:
79,860 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 869 Acres of Land and destroyed:
666,588 Rats
1,091,869 Food
981,229,442 Cash
You managed to destroy:
438,006 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 911 Acres of Land and destroyed:
214,560 Rats
1,071,891 Food
963,275,559 Cash
You managed to destroy:
379,623 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 489 Acres of Land and destroyed:
77,332 Rats
1,516,058 Food
1,362,435,550 Cash
You managed to destroy:
259,501 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1003 Acres of Land and destroyed:
673,962 Rats
962,512 Food
864,980,775 Cash
You managed to destroy:
513,346 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
392,922 Rats
You managed to destroy:
32,465 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1076 Acres of Land and destroyed:
269,091 Rats
1,396,144 Food
1,254,672,738 Cash
You managed to destroy:
454,038 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1209 Acres of Land and destroyed:
261,238 Rats
You managed to destroy:
245,206 Rats
7.7 hours ago    Ulysses (#18) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 1554 Acres of Land and destroyed:
736,055 Rats
You managed to destroy:
Looking over the reports, Firetooth let out a brief chuckle.  He was being ganged up on by warlords who had onlu yesterday been enemies. Still, he realized now all this meant was that any truce with KM was off.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Arg Holby just onlined me, what an annoying conclusion to this all :\
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


That's a mail from Revelation, who is #17. In case anyone was wondering. Ulysses is in Marlfox and we do not speak to one another, (ask him!) and Holby lives in upside down world so I can't make out his incomprehensible jargon. That's the funniest part of this story.


Now I know where Ulysses got all his cash from.

Why can't I stay away from this game?

"You're kidding me. Did you just stuff that Aperture Science Thing-We-Don't-Know-What-It-Does into an Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator?" ~GLaDOS


Hmm, just made back 100bil cash, thanks to KM for onlining me to a great ratio to allow me to produce a bunch on loyalty that otherwise would not have supported me :)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


You are welcome sir, thank you for the cash.


Hmm, like 3bil? I suppose that was quite a lot back in your day  :P

I'm just joking before you see that as an insult, I'm (trying) to take this less seriously
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


legit lol'd even before I read the small text.

You and Sharpy both have eased up a lot. PM me if you want to get in on the next round at ground floor, good sirs.


Quote from: Firetooth on May 28, 2011, 04:20:10 AM
Looking over the reports, Firetooth let out a brief chuckle.  He was being ganged up on by warlords who had onlu yesterday been enemies. Still, he realized now all this meant was that any truce with KM was off.

Ok, get this. Firetooth makes the above post.

5 minutes later, I steal his cash. He then sends all his clan's net to KM, having just made a post saying their truce was off.

In fifteen minutes, he goes from War with KM, to giving everything to KM, without KM having to do a thing, other than antagonise him in the first place. (The same clan that killed him earlier in the round, btw.)

None of it makes any sense, and that's why it's so funny.

I will not deleted this


Huh, I was wondering how he was making all that cash too.


He never sent any net to KM. This did not happen. It was a bluff to make you upset. Hope this helps. He had no cash because it was sacked away.

The Purple Dragon

Backing away slowly...

Whatever happened between you guys, dont let it carry over into next round... IMO I think firetooth was picked on way too much this round.
I have a Purple Dragon. I shall love him and I shall cuddle him and I shall call him Squishy. And He Breathes Fire.

"After stealing the TV, washing the dishes doesn't make up for it" - Wolf Bite directed at Sevz :D

"I got one!" - Revelation when he killed that one clanned account that never played and had 250 land:P



i got sick of marlfox after they sat back and took it from KM even after they killed both me and sharp

they deserved to lose after that
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: The Purple Dragon on May 28, 2011, 09:47:05 PM
Backing away slowly...

Whatever happened between you guys, dont let it carry over into next round... IMO I think firetooth was picked on way too much this round.

Good tip. You are the voice of reason, despite being surrounded by screaming girls.
I will not deleted this


Quote from: Holby on May 28, 2011, 07:20:36 PM
Quote from: Firetooth on May 28, 2011, 04:20:10 AM
Looking over the reports, Firetooth let out a brief chuckle.  He was being ganged up on by warlords who had onlu yesterday been enemies. Still, he realized now all this meant was that any truce with KM was off.

Ok, get this. Firetooth makes the above post.

5 minutes later, I steal his cash. He then sends all his clan's net to KM, having just made a post saying their truce was off.

In fifteen minutes, he goes from War with KM, to giving everything to KM, without KM having to do a thing, other than antagonise him in the first place. (The same clan that killed him earlier in the round, btw.)

None of it makes any sense, and that's why it's so funny.

Relations changed very quickly. KM was orginally meant to be a third party clan co-ran by me and Kilk, but I don't know what happened lol, so I ended up just staying in to protect my net from them when it was clear they wouldn't aid me or actually let me have any say. Also, I didn't personally send the net, it wasn't really mine to send ;) I supported the notion because you, you know, stole 200bil cash from me, so I wouldn't exactly be keen to see you win. KM became the lesser of the two evils after that, because ordered sacks<200bil online (camping, if you are to be believed, for an hour!) stolen

And if people would've stopped trying to screw me over (both times I last ran people were camping waiting for me run) and stealing my money, and actually hit, you know, the guys in 1st, Km probably wouldn't have won.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.