Lords and Warlords

Started by Ereptor, April 07, 2003, 12:24:54 PM

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 I am sitting on top of RWL right now.  I have almost ten time the networth of the guy below me.  The reason for this is because i am ruthless.  To be an Emperor you have to be this way.  If i wasn't someone could easily dethrone me.  Ad the Rat told me he wishes to reign under a peaceful throne.  I wouldn't mind that, but for one i am Emperor and two he would not be one for long.  Because of this I am proposing a new expansion idea.  

In the past I have proposed different locations.  Now we do have Mossflower and Northlands, ect.  I am not sure if i had anything to do with them, but i proposed them long ago.  Only thing that didn't happen is the different screens.  I proposed that when you move to northlands, ect.  That it gives you a different screen.  This would solve endless scrolling to find certain warlords.  It would also even up things a bit.  If you stayed focus on your northland screen and who was there it would be harder for one warlord to rule the entire game.  Nothing would change.  You could still prepare warriors and attack everyone.  But to get that person's warlord number you would have to look at the southland or northland screen.  It shouldn't be that hard to do.  I hope everyone is following me so far.  So now that i rehashed my last point i will go to the topic on my mind.

Peaceful growing.  Only way this is possible is by "raising ponies."  As much as i hate that word.  sigh.  Anyway if you don't know how that goes, basically you rely on your food to bring your networth up.  You gain rank but you can easily be thrown down by leader attacks if you are not carefull.  This is a poor excuse for peaceful growth.  I mean this is a positive way.  The game allows no room for growth without war.  In previous games that i have played there was always a way to grow peacefully.  Always.  There are many ideas that can be thrown in if you want a peaceful way to grow.  A lot of people complaign and moan about me being in power.  I want a peaceful way to grow just as much as you, but i get bitched at for playing the game (excuse my french).  I was disscussing this with Nightwing earlier.  I am proposing a lord and a warlord.

Warlord.  Pick between races that are evil.  Rat, stoat, ect.  Basically what we have allready.  Except Evil warlords start in a specific location of admins choosing.  Like Northlands, ect.

Lord.  Pick between peaceful races.  Mouse(similiar to Rat), Badger (for defense), Otter(offense).  These races start at Mossflower (keeping my idea from the above paragraphs).  These races rely on econmy more than the races that are evil.  Meaning they are the same except with a twist.  Saying you are a mouse, just for being a Lord ( peaceful )  you get extra defensive points.  Evil get a little extra offensive.  But now to the good stuff.  Speaking to those of you who are redwall fans, i assume most of you are.  I shall ask you one question.  What made Redwall abby so popular?  Answer:  They brought anyone into their home and helped them.   In return they asked for help with chores, ect.  Redwall farmed, and generated good ale and the like.  From this i suggest that if you are a good Lord, your networth depends on different things.  Your food, your population and your cash.  Therefor making it easier for peacefull warlords to gain rank.  

Saying that this idea went through.  And peacefull warlords started in mossflower and evil started in northlands.  Can you imagine the fuss that would happen if a evil warlord moved to mossflower.  He would be murdered.  Also i think there would be a lot of respect for the peaceful warlords and evil might just fight between itself.  I know this is a lot to think about, but you can imagine all the different senarios that would come of these changes.  We could even have a good lord ruling rwl.  We would still have one screen that you could look at that had everyone.  But your default screen would be where you are actually located.  So when you logged on you would see your northland screen.  To see others you would select the southland screen or the main screen to see who has the highest networth.

In closing i ask that everyone look at my ideas with skeptisism (didn't spell that one right)  and reply with kindness.  I am not trying to say anyone did anything wrong with this game.  But this might be a welcome improvement.  I praise retto, boze, and everyone for making such an enjoyable game.  So please reply with comments to the ideas above.  I have tried to make them practical and for everyones enjoyment.  I know there are some ideas that are really hairbrained and come out of nowhere that are jsut not practical.  These ideas are hopefully to make rwl a better place.  Cheers, Ereptor
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


The noises of the world cannot hurt the clouds
The only certainly in life is death
Remember where ever you go there you are
There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not

Abby The Rat

 Fringo, as much as that was for the topic, you could of expand on that post.

I like the idea of the Peaceful and Evil side of warlords. I think it may mean alot of head work for Retto, but the idea it self is a good idea. Then maybe my life of a peaceful warlord is a little easier..
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]


Fingo not Fringo
The noises of the world cannot hurt the clouds
The only certainly in life is death
Remember where ever you go there you are
There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not


 It's a good idea... Did Bloodwake try something like that with the sword-of-redwall?  

Badrang the Tyrant

 I really like this idea.  I actually thought of something like this and put it in a poll a while back.  It's under Should there be a Redwall...  Retto is not the only that can make a Redwall website.  Anyone who downloaded the code for RWL could make this site, or anyone else could just start from scratch.

Sword-of-Redwall was just a Good Beast site.


 Ereptor, this is a really good idea. It is wellt though out and I like your reasoning on this. I think this could work out and it would add a new kind of twist to the game. I hope one of the admins looks into this idea really closely.


 These are greta ideas. The only problem i could see happening is everyone would be either Good or Evil or I might be wrong and there could be a good balance between the two.
Leader of Vermin Raiders

Also has been called a insane chipmunk.

 Go to Homestarrunner Its a cool site.
StrongBad rules!


 *Shrug* Wouldn't that make the game a little boring being a goodbeast with no attacking, except for the odd vermin who crossed the border?
As Evil you would squabble among the other Evil Warlords, right? Hmm, fewer players in the game either way.

I'm not all for it, but I like the idea of different locations with their own ranks, so someone could reach the top in their location. :)
I will not deleted this


 This is a cool idea!  It's  awesome!    *is thinking of joining it if it is free*
"Patience is a virtue."

"Perfect practice makes perfect."



 Holby i am glad you brought up those points.  
You are reading it wrong.  Being a goodbeast nothing changes.  EXCEPT...the following
A.  You start at a different location.
B.  You get extra Defensive points.
C.  You economy is a little tweaked.  Meaning your food and population are worth more points towards your networth.  And a lot more chances to scout.  Evil would stay the same as they are now.  We are just adding good beast with a tweak.

Your always going to have bullies and people that want adventure.  Nothing changes.  Same clans, still have one major screen to show where everyone is.   Of course clans might exclude members that are evil, or not.  Who knows.  That is the grand idea.  In a game like this you can make the rules.  Just because you start in a location doesn't mean you can't move.  See what your saying about there being no attacking is wrong.  Good beast could attack, but they are better at defending.  Ad would proboly not attack.  He would be having so much fun scouting and making food and shooting his networth up.    

I have talked to Retto about this idea.  His words were.  Good idea.  But he is not sure if he would have enough time.  Ragefur said the same thing.  Heh.  So i am asking for those of you who have any experience to PM me.  We could put together a team to design this.  If anyone has beatles msn or aim could they send it to me also.  

I would also like to start making some screen shots of my ideas so i can post what things would look like.  Vote in the poll about this, and let us not let this idea die.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 OK, so it's good and evil.
Evil better o.
Good better d.
Evil attack lots, 'cos they wanna be all powerful.
Good defend, scout, and make food 'cos they're peaceful.
Good can still attack, but it's uncharacteristic of them to do so. Yet, they can still be great fighters, just their food and cash contribute more to their Net than troops. Good just want to keep their homes, after all.
Evil struggle to create massive hordes against Good,when their fellow vermin run out of resources due to excessive attacking.

It turns into a battle of good vs bad, where good wins, because they have too many advantages.
I will not deleted this


 Who said anything about good verses evil?  This is not T v R or whatever that was.  There is not two clans.  If my friend is good and i am evil does that mean i attack him?  No.  You are saying that everyone that is evil will attack everyone that is good.  Bah.  Clan wars could be fought with good and evil beasts on the same side.  

here are some points.
Goodbeasts generate land and food better.
Evilbeasts generate troops more.

As for evil verse good.  It would be confusing almost to know who is who unless you looked at their race.  Northlands might be filled with a lot of evil (because thats where they start on default).  But Southlands would be a meeting ground also.  There is not just two places, still three.  But no one starts in Southlands.

I am trying to make it even.  Keeping bringing your points up.  Helps me think of ways to fix a uneven balance.  This is called brainstorming/troublshooting...
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Badrang the Tyrant

 This is getting me excited!  We have some great points here.  If this site does come up, then I am all game for it.


 This sounds quite interesting and exhilirating.  I have the rwl codes, and I've been trying to get a new game up the only problem is....xepher isn't accepting applications yet, and I'm not all quite sure on how to upload using FTP.  I need a bit more experience with PHP coding, but I'm good with html I could help with like a web site design and so forth...A little with the actuall game, but only if I could find something to help me better understand php coding.
My AIM and MSN names can be found on my profile thingy, but I'll post them anyways incase anybody wants to talk to me about whatever....

AIM: Boggs88
MSN: Fireball_2006@msn.com
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of

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