
Started by fexfighter, July 25, 2008, 02:09:04 PM

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sorry about the hurrricane part i dont get too see the news verey often and i meant structure as in goverment and its people also if you stil dont understand this the war is actually not an organized group against us thats just a name we give any one who trys and destroy us and like i said the only reason we call them nattions is becuase to a kid a city like T.E.O.P is a nation
My Warrior Cats guild on the website called gaia


That makes it worse Fex
You're claiming high winds and flooding destabilize your nations
Dont get me wrong, hurricanes are destructive, but the loss of life is usually rather low.  As long as people live they move on. 
New Orleans was destabilized for various reasons, but again they were the exception not the norm.  Florida gets hit with many hurricanes every year and none of the community, local, or state governments are in any sort of disorder

If its true that wind and rain are enough to disrupt your society, then its seems true that, despite your arguments, kids cannot run a nation 

You ignored my food query.  Its relevant if you're claiming full economic independence. 
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


no we do not farm we are given food by are parents dugh :D :D :D :D    also if the hurricanes arnt going north than i dont know why theres been a lack of communication from the cities but back to the fact im sorry i used econemy it wasent the right word to explain it, we have money, job specializations, social classes, a religion, a slightley defunctional goverment a writting system and everything that qualifies us as a civilization and no we could not take a us city becuase guess what were kids armed with gadras, solar moon cresents and so on now none of youre aguments against me seem relevent or even what you need to be arguing about becuase there all for modern adult civilizations  and now i wanted to tell you all that io created this topic for one reasons and that was to get a good debate  also what do you call it when a large number of kids decides to pick a leader (the emporor)  and then let them make the desiscions it is that simple it even happens at school  also we cant rebuild well exept on the odd acasion we spend a lot of time building up lets say on the tip of the pyramid and along comes an arguement that rips a city apart or destroys it and the city on the point of that pyrimad comes toppling down and with it evry one in it two we just cant rebuild thats why i called it a crisis
My Warrior Cats guild on the website called gaia

Big Boss

Quote from: fexfighter on September 22, 2008, 04:02:12 PM
no we do not farm we are given food by are parents dugh :D :D :D :D    also if the hurricanes arnt going north than i dont know why theres been a lack of communication from the cities but back to the fact im sorry i used econemy it wasent the right word to explain it, we have money, job specializations, social classes, a religion, a slightley defunctional goverment a writting system and everything that qualifies us as a civilization and no we could not take a us city becuase guess what were kids armed with gadras, solar moon cresents and so on now none of youre aguments against me seem relevent or even what you need to be arguing about becuase there all for modern adult civilizations  and now i wanted to tell you all that io created this topic for one reasons and that was to get a good debate  also what do you call it when a large number of kids decides to pick a leader (the emporor)  and then let them make the desiscions it is that simple it even happens at school  also we cant rebuild well exept on the odd acasion we spend a lot of time building up lets say on the tip of the pyramid and along comes an arguement that rips a city apart or destroys it and the city on the point of that pyrimad comes toppling down and with it evry one in it two we just cant rebuild thats why i called it a crisis

Say I went through one of these imaginary cities with a nutter's arsenal? Do any of these cities have defenses? Of course, I doubt any group of kids would last against a minigun, no matter how well armed.

You do seem SOOO independent, yet you still need food from mommy and daddy.
The Big Boss.


Its called Role Playing Fex.  RPing.  Its what the vast majority of people have been telling you from the start

And when students form a group its called a club, or perhaps a team.  It doesnt sound as impressive as what you've been calling it, but that's because it isnt.
You cant go around saying your nation's economy is independent without people thinking you're a loon.  If you're unsure of the meaning of a word, just use google. 

Also, please note how I structure my posts.  It takes an extra keystroke here and there, but it makes things readable.  Your massive runon sentences with no capitalization are harder to read.

Edit - Also, I singled out your hurricanes comment because it made less sense than everything else.  Groups in civilized countries do not disband because of a storm system or two.  I would suspect they simply got bored and moved on to something else, like Halo 3, WoW, Spore, girls, homework, etc.
And the Food thing was to flush out a better answer than what I was getting.  And it did.  Thanks much.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


fine if you want a complete truth than here you go  youre forcing me to tell you that were nothing more than 1 citie made up out of countless groups we call clans or tribes we do elect leaders through meeting and voting who should be our leader we also have no econemy exept for bartering for things we dont have or cant make in our own cities also the war part is a lie we have a number of clans and groups who want to destroy us       if you want the truth to anything more ive said just ask sighs deepley the onley thing i dident exxagerate was my reliogion which was founded onley 4 years ago
My Warrior Cats guild on the website called gaia

wolf bite


I was pointed here, not really sure why. Something to do with whether I have proof for or against somethings that are being said.  My powers are only on on this forum. Sadly I can not see the meaning of life or how tall someone is by their keystrokes.

I know there are many ways of living life and people would be surprised about even some sub cultures that maybe even the seeming normal family down the street is living. As long as it does not hurt others, then let it go on. Someone can believe in Christ, Mohammad, or even that the world was created by ants for all it really matters. Let people have their lives and feel at ease with how they feel. There is no reason to attack a person on their believes or to try to force a believe on others. There is also no reason to care if people agree with you as long as you have your own peace.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


thanks also i wasent asking them to join my religion is was asking them to see if there was cubey pop near them and if they could try and help them
My Warrior Cats guild on the website called gaia


Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


Nah, a better one is: Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.


My Warrior Cats guild on the website called gaia

Big Boss

Quote from: fexfighter on October 05, 2008, 01:39:38 AM
what ? -.-

They just said you are a foolish idiot, if you put both together that is.
The Big Boss.

wolf bite

Tis Tis.

In a recent other topic I asked Fex not to attack or make personal attacks on others. This goes both ways. Please don't make personal attacks on him either.

Sure, you can tell him you think his opinion is wrong, that is what a debate is. But attacking the speaker is bad form.

If people have thoughts and information for or against a topic, please post. If people simply want to attack a speaker, it is no better than spam.

And Fexfighter, there is now no reason to defend or to counter attack, doing so will just turn this into a flame war.

Thanks all for cooperating,

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)

Edit: typo
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


I have never felt it to be bad form to call a spade a spade.  He has obviously come here to cause commotion and stir up trouble.  Wolf you are by far one of the fairest people I know.  But when someone comes into a court room with intent to disrupt it, while playing within the rules of the court room, its still disruption.  As a member of this community I do not wish to start a flame war, nor will I be a part of one.  But I will point out ridiculousness and this is quite absurd.  But I respect your judgment and I will refrain from making personal attacks in the future.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

wolf bite

Yes, if someone walks into a courtroom and causes a commotion, then they have done wrong. However in this case it is Fex’s topic and others have the choice to enter his courtroom or not.

But my comment (with authority) was not concerning yours or Shade’s humorous non directed statements. It was directed to Big Boss who directly made an insult by paraphrasing the intent of other comments.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles