Dispensation of Justice

Started by Neobaron, May 10, 2011, 01:35:55 AM

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Gen. Volkov

QuoteA) Volk, they didn't try to kill you. Already resolved

Hasn't been resolved to my satisfaction. You can't just say something has been resolved when it obviously hasn't.

QuoteB) How many skiffs did you use?

Over a million.

Volk, none of your members onlined me during the attack, it was actually before I even decided to sack you that they onlined me, therefore they were not trying to save you, but rather just be a prick.

That's not story as I know it. However, I do know that the of the last 100 attacks on me, 88 were from GLaDOS, including 33 sacks from you. So I'm not buying this story of yours.

Shael, its great that you and all your hardcore buddies want to have a chaotic round with absolutely no point to it, but I have been around for just as long as anyone here and I prefer the fact that there is an amount of diplomacy and respect for other players.

Unless you joined before your brother, I do not think this is correct. I remember when Shadow joined this game, and I'm fairly certain you didn't join until after he did. Shael has been here from the very beginning. So don't talk to her like you know something about what it was like in the old days.

It keeps things interesting and even provides more obstacles to overcome. You can go back to the pointless "Golden Age of RWL" and beat the hell out of each other round after round and have fun, but then you will just reach a point (again) where everyone will get bored of fighting, doing the same thing over and over, and come back to this "Platinum Age of RWL".

This is not the "Platinum Age of RWL". This is BORING. Used to be, there were several wars going on at the same time in reg and turbo. Now it's all "Yo dude, are you done running, what is your troop hole?" It's Redwall:Warlords, not Redwall:Peaceful netting.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: Genevieve on May 10, 2011, 08:48:11 PM

Firetooth, I understand that you'd be angry, considering you weren't as directly involved in the discretions as your colleagues. But you are the clan leader, and there is responsibility attached to that. And lying to justify their actions is not okay.

I wasn't directly involved at all. And I haven't lied.

I think more RP elements and such would be good, but I also think too many wars take away from the point. I have an idea I;ll post in development later on the matter.

Quote from: Shadow on May 10, 2011, 09:36:56 PM
I think the problem that GLaDOS is having is not that takedowns happened, it is with the claim that they were just and good.

Volk, if I wanted you dead, I would've gotten my hole clan and marlfox to do it. If purpy d wanted you dead, he would've used drive opposed to sack and hit you a lot lower the 2000 land...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Gen. Volkov

QuoteVolk, if I wanted you dead, I would've gotten my hole clan and marlfox to do it. If purpy d wanted you dead, he would've used drive opposed to sack and hit you a lot lower the 2000 land...

I never said you wanted me dead. All I've ever said is that you do not have full control of your clan.  As for sack vs drive, I have no idea what was going through his head, but either one takes land. As far as I am concerned, the only reason he didn't hit me lower than he did was because Ruddertail logged on and stopped him.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: Gen. Volkov on May 11, 2011, 02:08:19 AM
QuoteVolk, if I wanted you dead, I would've gotten my hole clan and marlfox to do it. If purpy d wanted you dead, he would've used drive opposed to sack and hit you a lot lower the 2000 land...

I never said you wanted me dead. All I've ever said is that you do not have full control of your clan.  As for sack vs drive, I have no idea what was going through his head, but either one takes land. As far as I am concerned, the only reason he didn't hit me lower than he did was because Ruddertail logged on and stopped him.
...which I would argue is not true. They would've had killed you if I hadn't ordered them not to. Purpy d was sacking because he was on low cash. You had the most cash, but you also (unfortunaetly for us!) had low land.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Gen. Volkov

Quote...which I would argue is not true. They would've had killed you if I hadn't ordered them not to. Purpy d was sacking because he was on low cash. You had the most cash, but you also (unfortunaetly for us!) had low land.

It's probably a good idea to retract kill threats before you attack someone to very low land. Like I said, 88 of the last 100 attacks have been from GLaDOS members. Due to the kill on TPD, it's no longer possible to check timestamps with regard to when exactly my clan mates onlined him vs when he sacked me. However, given that none of my clanmates have lied to me in the past and have no real reason to lie to me now, and the fact that TPD has been duplicitous in the past, I am more inclined to believe my clanmates than the story TPD has cooked up. Particularly since I can point to at least one exxageration/lie by him in this thread.

Quote8) I send a letter to Holby Alliance to tell him that I was not trying to kill him, but rather was trying to stay standing after an online attack.

That is not true. He sent a message to me apologizing for the sacks, but didn't say anything about a kill attempt in the initial message.

Quote1)Revelation got pissed because Blue Eyes captured some of his leaders (something like 200,000 of them).

There is also this, which omits the fact that TPD himself sacked Revelation. (Though I may be mistaken on this one, since it does not directly involve me.)
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Just to clear this up, as far as I could tell, TPD had finished his run by the time I started attacking him. I don't know about blue eyes, or whether they intended to kill Volk - BE might have had full turns for all I know.  Anything I did was purely unintentional. Kilk, as I understand, did attempt to mess up what he saw as a run against Volkov.

QuoteIt's probably a good idea to retract kill threats before you attack someone to very low land.

Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward


Quote from: The Lady Shael on May 10, 2011, 08:40:14 PM
You guys just don't get it.

We were also diplomatic. Even more so, all of our interactions were in-character and polite, there were no swearing messages or "dude lol i've got a 400 ratio ftw".

Declaring war then:

QuoteAt Sun, 20 Oct 2002 07:46:21 -0500, a messenger from Sons of Delor (#3) brought this to you...
Let it be known to all our forces that on this day, the 20th of October in the year of our Lord 2002, the acts of piracy performed by Dies Irae and Northlands Raiders, members of the Commander's Guild, against Truth in Reconciliation and the Aurelia Corps, members of the Delor Independent Forces, have reached a critical point.

So, with the authority vested in me by my troops and my allies, I thus declare war upon the Commander's Guild and all it's dominions; Crush them into the dust, and to dust with them!

So mote it be.


It is your responsibility to inform your troops of this, milord, and it is your task to raise, should you wish the war to cease, the sum of one hundred million dollars to be given to EACH of my lieutenants, Hyperion, Truth in Reconciliation, Aurelia Corps and Ratimics Tribe, in addition to the 25 million dollars reparation to Aurelia Corps.

Warlord Stormclaw

I can't even find any good examples of declaring war now, but it usually goes along the lines of: "That was uncalled for! I worked hard for that net =( This is war!" give or take some more whining. There was ALWAYS diplomacy and respect for players. DI, the very first clan ever in RWL, was proof of this, with their rule of never attacking a warlord more than three times each day (how is that bloodthirsty??). If attacks got excessive, they were returned in kind. You either surrendered, or conquered.

I was the first Empress of RWL, and I got there on 100% diplomacy. So don't you dare tell me there was no diplomacy or respect in the old days.

Obviously it is ridiculous to want things to be EXACTLY how they were. But things were NOT bloodthirsty back then...people just didn't whine as much. Everyone always posted in-character, and the moment someone broke out of character, you knew they were taking the game too seriously. Because that's all it is....a game.
The game has changed, and we can never go back to the old days. Sure, they were great, but they were great because we formed new friendships and we were kids. The ROC influence in behaviour and postings was there, too, and that was our common ground.

I'm prone to nostalgia, but I know some of my best memories of RWL happened throughout its history, not just in the early months. Winning Turbo rounds and starting Loren in 2003, ROME in 2004, League in 2007. They were all great, because of the interactions outside the game, and the thought and the planning that went into it.

Styles of communication have changed, and so have accepted game practices, but in essence, there's no huge difference in the friendships  and alliances players form, or the effort put in to the outcome of a Turbo round or a plan in reg.

The game has improved, and strategies have improved, and that takes out some of the magic, because we're all so much more savvy now. But the essence of what is fun about RWL hasn't changed, and for new players coming through, it won't, either.

Sure, we don't have any RPing, but I feel the culture now is as positive as it was five or six years ago.

We still have emps, we still have clans wars (despite the fact they don't hold the same fear/excitement as before), and everyone is still very competitive. There's a lot to like about our current game, and all it takes is a handful of players to cause a stir, or hatch a plan, and everyone gets involved again.

Maybe we're talking about different things, I'm not sure. But I don't feel it's anywhere near as bleak as you seem to think.

QuoteKilk, good job, you found my forum sign up date, I joined the actual RWL game 2 years after my move from Toronto, which was in 2000 I believe?

Purple Dragon,

If you were in any way an active player between the years 2002-2006, we would all know you, and know you very well. You weren't. Maybe you signed up in the first era, but you were never an active player.

The first time I heard of you was in 2007-8, when we were locking Ereptor. Kyle got you to do stuff for us. At one point, we asked you to leader suicide another player. You maxed that player with 21 FAILED Attack missions. You were completely oblivious to the fact your missions weren't actual attacks.  You were a newb 4 years ago, you're certainly no original vet of the game. That's not a reflection on your current skill, either, btw. I'm just saying you weren't there.
I will not deleted this

The Purple Dragon

Thanks Kilkenne :)

I don't know the exact date of my joining RWL but it was right around the time that Kyle joined along with Joseph Duchesne, who im sure some of you might know...

Holby you're absolutely right, I didn't seriously start playing the game until 2007ish, but I was there way before that so I know what the game was like.

Volkov, I did not sack Rev, he sacked me. Blue Eyes captured him and he got whiny, then decided to retal in a QMT fashion. It probably had to do with the fact that I had the most networth in the game at the time and he saw it as an excuse to get BA a step ahead.

Ruddertail, none of you onlined me DURING my sacks on Holby. I had finished my run before you even logged on.

Volk, I did apologize for the attacks.... I said something like "sorry for the attacks, normally I would not have sacked etc but I was onlined at the start of my run and needed to sack you for resources."

Lady Shael could explain it better, but sacks take a % less land than drive, and I know this.. for the 10000000th time, If I wanted a kill run on you I would have done a good job, not failed by 2000 acres and I definetely would not have started to try to kill you with 250 turns left... not only that, but the last 500 acres require standard attacks, and you had more army than me besides rats, making a kill run impossible.

calmness and logic will win and solve this debate, every post that you guys are putting up attacks me in some way or brings back an accusation that we already talked about in detail.


P.S. - Kilkenne, I just aced my AP European History exam  :o woot haha
I have a Purple Dragon. I shall love him and I shall cuddle him and I shall call him Squishy. And He Breathes Fire.

"After stealing the TV, washing the dishes doesn't make up for it" - Wolf Bite directed at Sevz :D

"I got one!" - Revelation when he killed that one clanned account that never played and had 250 land:P


I will not deleted this

Gen. Volkov

QuoteHolby you're absolutely right, I didn't seriously start playing the game until 2007ish, but I was there way before that so I know what the game was like.

Then you don't know what the game was like. Just dallying at the game doesn't give you a good understanding of the game environment.

QuoteVolkov, I did not sack Rev, he sacked me. Blue Eyes captured him and he got whiny, then decided to retal in a QMT fashion. It probably had to do with the fact that I had the most networth in the game at the time and he saw it as an excuse to get BA a step ahead.

TPD, why would a leader player sack an indy? While there is some dispute over the number of sacks, it is a fact that you did sack Rev. So you are lying, though I have no idea why.

QuoteVolk, I did apologize for the attacks.... I said something like "sorry for the attacks, normally I would not have sacked etc but I was onlined at the start of my run and needed to sack you for resources."

Yes, the relevant message is posted somewhere in this thread. But the point is, you did not say anything about kills at that time. Why I am saying this twice, I don't know.

QuoteLady Shael could explain it better, but sacks take a % less land than drive, and I know this..

They do, but they still take land. You hit me ridiculously low, and had previously threatened kills. The type of attack is irrelevant.

Quotefor the 10000000th time, If I wanted a kill run on you I would have done a good job, not failed by 2000 acres and I definetely would not have started to try to kill you with 250 turns left...

I have no idea of what you would or would not do. I just don't have enough experience of you as a stand alone player. I logged on to very low land, and apparently whatever you were doing, the other members of BA interrupted you in it. They watched my land total fall to under 2k, and then decided to intervene.

Quotenot only that, but the last 500 acres require standard attacks, and you had more army than me besides rats, making a kill run impossible.

There was more than enough net floating around GLaDOs at the time to do the standard attacks. This is a false argument.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Let me put this pointless tangent to rest: my brother joined at the same time I did, and he played the early game exactly as much as I did. I rejoined earlier than he did after taking a break, but we both experienced the same early gameplay.

Revelation is new to the game, and has no reason to know that indies aren't good sack targets, so it is perfectly reasonable that he sacked TPD. Stop jumping to the conclusion that all posts are lies, it is getting on my nerves.

I am hit to obscenely low land almost every day this round, and usually using sack. They are not kills, it is a product of the theme. Since they knew about standards under 500, they knew they could no kill you. This is perfectly reasonable. Why are you still arguing it? The fact that there was enough army around on offline players who could not use it at the time means nothing.

This entire thread is the product of misunderstandings all around and is doing nothing good for anyone. What's done is done, move on now.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on May 11, 2011, 07:02:52 AM
Let me put this pointless tangent to rest: my brother joined at the same time I did, and he played the early game exactly as much as I did. I rejoined earlier than he did after taking a break, but we both experienced the same early gameplay.
Which isn't really enough to weigh in on the debate about what the game was like.

It may seem pointless, but his "experiences" were in stark contrast to everyone else's stated here. So I feel it's a valid point, even if off topic.

I will not deleted this

Gen. Volkov

QuoteRevelation is new to the game, and has no reason to know that indies aren't good sack targets, so it is perfectly reasonable that he sacked TPD. Stop jumping to the conclusion that all posts are lies, it is getting on my nerves.

TPD sacked Rev. It's in the attack logs. Firetooth and Neo argued about the number of sacks, but they didn't argue about whether he had or not. So TPD is telling untruths. I don't know what else to call them but lies. I'm not jumping to conclusions here, there is no way TPD could be unaware of his own actions. Rev may have sacked TPD at some point, but that is beside the point.

I am hit to obscenely low land almost every day this round, and usually using sack. They are not kills, it is a product of the theme. Since they knew about standards under 500, they knew they could no kill you. This is perfectly reasonable. Why are you still arguing it? The fact that there was enough army around on offline players who could not use it at the time means nothing.

Really, you are hit to below 2k every day? Because I am usually hit to low land too, around 5k. Never that low though.

Maybe they forgot about the standards, maybe they thought they had enough army to break when they needed too. I don't know what was going through their heads, and given the gross distortions of the truth I've seen, I'm not inclined to believe protestations to the contrary. So why am I still arguing it? Because I've seen nothing that irrefutably contradicts what I know and what my clan has said. We've been saying the same thing since the thread started. The only story that has changed has been the one we are getting from GLaDOS.

QuoteThis entire thread is the product of misunderstandings all around and is doing nothing good for anyone. What's done is done, move on now.

It's possible its the product of misunderstandings. On the other hand, it's also possible that BA has the correct version of events. However, I'll be magnanimous here and let it drop, if the relevant members of GLaDOS are willing to do the same.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

The Purple Dragon

Volk, I do not remember me sacking Rev, I only remember his retals vs. blue eyes for capturing leaders. Windy pointed out that he is a QMT player and is slightly more prone to aggressive retaliation than anyone else in the game.

If you could show me the sacks I will change my tone on that topic, but I do not remember any so I'm going with the fact that I didn't sack him.

GLADOS is not an organized clan, 90% of the net was made by my indy runs while Firetooth made the resources to do so, as well as Surf and Etendue. THis means that even though we had enough to break you, it was not on my account at the time, because before running I sent it all away, so just drop the fact that you were at low land.. I realized that you were low but also got a nice espy on you saying that you had 35bil cash and 9bil food... I knew I wouldn't kill you because that would not be possible and decided that sacking you to make up for what I lost from a BA member onlining me BEFORE I ATTACKED YOU would be justified. I've been hit to low land before and I really just don't give a darn because I know they aren't kill runs.

I'm trying to be reasonable here, and I'm stating facts and using logic to back up my arguments, all you're doing is throwing personal bias at me. stop trying to stir the pot, I thought you would be the more level headed player in your clan but that turns out to be Windy. Forgive me if I choose to ignore your forum posts and speak directly to Windy and Neobarn to resolve this.

Purple Dragon
I have a Purple Dragon. I shall love him and I shall cuddle him and I shall call him Squishy. And He Breathes Fire.

"After stealing the TV, washing the dishes doesn't make up for it" - Wolf Bite directed at Sevz :D

"I got one!" - Revelation when he killed that one clanned account that never played and had 250 land:P

The Purple Dragon

1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    3% of your forces were eliminated by Revelation (#17)!
1 hours ago    You find another warlord viewing your stats!

This just happened today, I noticed that you guys kicked him from your clan, but I want reparations. 39million rats 21million stoats, 6million weasels. Honestly this is the last straw. I expect those troops back on my account by tomorrow or all this diplomacy can go to hell.

Purple Dragon
I have a Purple Dragon. I shall love him and I shall cuddle him and I shall call him Squishy. And He Breathes Fire.

"After stealing the TV, washing the dishes doesn't make up for it" - Wolf Bite directed at Sevz :D

"I got one!" - Revelation when he killed that one clanned account that never played and had 250 land:P