Dispensation of Justice

Started by Neobaron, May 10, 2011, 01:35:55 AM

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In accordance with the high ideals that the BlackAdders clan sets for itself and all other warlords in regard to civility and rationality, BAº has observed the actions and words of the leadership of the GLaDOS clan and found it wanting.

As such, BAº has dispensed the necessary justice upon three individuals named hereafter;

The Weighted Companion cube
Operation Overlord (formerly known as The Purple Dragon)
The Arbiter (formerly known as Blue Eyes)

These individuals have taunted and prodded the BAº leadership and membership since the very announcement of the formation of the clan, and in response, the BAº leadership has been nothing short of generous in it's allowance of a continuation of talks despite the obvious impossibility of a fair and peaceful resolution.

The BAº leadership and membership would have been content to continue on the rocky road to diplomatic resolution - however far off it was - but GLaDOS was not so patient, and tonight attempted to kill our strongest warlord, Holby Alliance - taking him down below 2,000 acres of land. Fortunately, they were upset in their plans by the quick thinking of 2 of our members; King Cobra, a veteran of RWL, and Revelation, a recent comer from QMT Promisance, and forced to retreat.

After hours of deliberation over the feasibility of a peaceful resolution, and with frustration at its peak, the BAº clan as a whole decided that the best course of action - not just for BAº but indeed the whole of RWL - was to end these individuals before they couild grow any stronger and threaten the overall stability of RWL.

As usual, and as expected, BAº was not alone in this endeavour. Allies from REG, Marlfox, several outsiders, and even individuals within the organization who were displeased with the direction of GLaDOS, stepped in to assist us in delivering justice to these individuals, and their contributions are appreciated, and will not soon be forgotten. It is good to know that the BAº are not alone in it's mission to see injustice and malcontents terminated where they are found.

BAº is a clan of peace, but we will always stand up to bullies and malcontents. This is an example of that resolve, and the resolve of the community around us.


And now, I would like to reach out to the remnants of GLaDOS;

You were spared because the BAº leadership and membership came to the concensus that you were not involved, and were therefore worthy to be spared.

It is our hope that you will rebuild the image of your clan, and finish strong. BAº will be there every step of the way to aid and assist your clan if at all possible.

Now that the disease of injustice and discontent has been purged from your clan, you can start anew, and net peacefully, as all in RWL desire.


As a personal aside - from a RWL veteran.

We come from a different RWL. The RWL we inherited was lawless, cruel... vicious. The ridiculous number of attacks you get away with today would have gotten you killed a lot sooner in our time, and your petty insistence that an entire facet of the game be addled because you don't want to lose food or money would have been laughed off. We chose to accept both for the sake of finding common ground and preventing this.  

So please believe me when I say that you have no idea what you are doing when you prod us. We do not step lightly when we must take a step towards action. All you had to do was stand down and net without extreme aggression, as you so requested, but you chose to die.

You chose this.

And I hope that before you begin to rebuild your empires, you will think long and hard on the severity and speed with which we have acted.

As long as BAº stands, injustice and irrationality will not be tolerated.

You will be defeated every time so long as you default to warhawking and contributing to the spread of discontent.
butts lol
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


Well done lying to the entire server!

I've done everything to try to prevent this-at nearly 12 o'clock last night I was on msn trying to salvage our relationship, and the first thing I did when I logged on was cease all agressive actions towards you, which to be fair, were just.

You aren't judges, your thugs. I'm not done, you guys have resorted to kills. I have no interest wasting my times on a bunch of morons who won't simply let me and my clan net in peace. We've done nothing to threaten turbo but net, and some of my indies sacked you. You destroyed over 200mil of our net unprovoked. You went back on what we spoke about just for the sake of this. You're responsible for this.

I haven't done anything beyond an espionage or capture on you or your clan. I'e netted over 100bil cash peacefully, thanks for wasting a third of my round. Kills are for those who lack the ability to play. Be warned, don't expect me wasting my time trying to stop my clanmates when it turns out they were in the right. And I'm sorry to Purpy D and Blue Eyes. I shouldn't have bothered with diplomacy at all.

As soon as my account is back up and not plauged with a weird bug, I'll post the msg convos to prove what a bunch of liars and hypocrites you are. I'm also dissapointed vets like Volk and windy approved of this injustice.

Finally, Marlfox are with us, Neo. After this unprovoked attack, why would they want to stay with you?
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Gen. Volkov

QuoteAs soon as my account is back up and not plauged with a weird bug, I'll post the msg convos to prove what a bunch of liars and hypocrites you are. I'm also dissapointed vets like Volk and windy approved of this injustice.

Maybe, if your clan hadn't tried to kill me, I would have had motivation to try and stop them from killing you and yours. Now, perhaps you did not participate in the kill attempt, but as clan leader, you are responsible for the actions of your clan, and so you share the consequences for their actions. I logged in to very low land, as it says in the initial post. They likely would have managed the kill if my clanmates had not logged on. If you cannot control your clan, we will do it for you.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Twilight Shadow

Oh poor firetooth knows what it feels like to lose net now... :'( Oh poor thing... so who exactly is marlfox lol not much there to represent haha

Pay rough...deal with it...you were just netting so was knight so this is a little present from me to you. Even though I did not initiate it but I participate half way threw for my own personal pleasure to see your clans work destroyed haha


If you would like to post conversations, I have everything logged.

That the veterans in play stand with BAº should be a clear indication that our actions were just and necessary. I think all of RWL is fully aware that the veterans remaining in this game have taken a step back into mentoring and having fun rather than competing to win.

As to Marlfox; nearly half of their membership contributed resources and gave approval to this action. All total, 7 warlords participated in this application of justice, and 8 other warlords from various clans as well as independents contributed their time through resources or intelligence gathering, including members of your own clan not satisfied with whatever was going on behind the scenes.

In other words, nearly half of the warlords in RWL contributed to this action.

Surely you can't claim that this was a unilateral action carried out by cowards.

Our objectives were made clear, and I spent a lot of time gathering information and conversing with you trying to work this out.

In response, you tried to kill Holby Alliance. This kind of backstabbing will never be tolerated.
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


Hurrah for BA°, and hurrah for RWL!

Please post conversations so the rest of us can have a clearer picture of the goings on :)
I will not deleted this


But only after BA started spamming suicides on us. Taking out 200 mil networth in suicides justified any response we gave. We would very easily have had blue eyes set up as emperor if you didn't violently take him out.

I'm thinking that the others sided with you because they couldn't afford not too, you have too many veterans. Well done, you terrorists.

Why can't I stay away from this game?

"You're kidding me. Did you just stuff that Aperture Science Thing-We-Don't-Know-What-It-Does into an Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator?" ~GLaDOS


I didn't order a kill on you, Volk. I went offline seeing as, you know, I'd be out all day at it was midnight. Anything my clan did was without my consent, I gave the order not to attack. I can't believe you think I'd go back on my word, Neo. The only backstabber here is you.

(That said, there will be repercussions within GLaDOS for this as well. I did not give the order to kill, I said nothing beyond attacks and captures)

TS, but out. Knight were locking, we were not. Knight were also giving warnings, we we not, infact BA were the aggressors here.

This is complete and utter thuggery. As Etendue said, we could have set up Blue Eyes in a very good position to lock if we had wished, but we did not. You threw my hard work out the window. TBH, I'm not sure if I want to play the rest of this round. I have revision for upcoming GSCE's, and I have no tolerance for 3 things:

1) Backstabbing
2) Kills
3) Being a butt

I thought you were alright Neo, but you obviously were fine leading me on with a string of lies whilst you prepared to stab me in the back. Think rationally for a second:

Why would I aid away a stockload of troops whilst I was on a great leader ratio if I was planning to order a kill on someone? You obviously wanted an excuse to take me out, I just can't believe you could think I'd leave myself exposed if I was ordering aggressive actions. You already knew certain members of GLaDOS had taken action without my consent before, yet you still killed me. This shows 2 things:

1) You lack the skill to fight properly and have to resort to lame kill runs
2) You ignored clear evidence showing I did not order aggressive actions.

Finally, Volk you are a real hypocrite. You had troubles controlling Sevah last round, but now you turn around and blame me. I have a different time scale to people here. I'd been out all day. I had to gather both sides of the stories when the time was 9PM. My life isn't this game, I do actually need to sleep. Honestly, you're a bunch of hypocrites. You condemn kills in war, but kills on an innocent warlord are 100% fine. Where is the outcry on how this is unjust? If I was Holby, or Winfy or somebody there would be an outcry on how I had been wronged, but none of you care simply because I had a clan that's only goal was to net.

Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Here are some relevant messages

Mon, 09 May 2011 15:38:33 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
You realize that we lose about as much net hitting with stoats after running the numbers, right? My indys are just generating at the same time as they're grabbing, so the aggregate net doesn't change. That is to say, if we had some kind of strategy to take you down, don't you expect that our average/total would go up? It hasn't.

Mutual destruction is a foolish policy. If my guys have stoats, they will use stoats. Indy's don't have the luxury of choice, and I'm sure you can't expect us to change our strat just for the sake of making sure we don't hurt you, as I know I don't expect that of you.

And check Gen's success rate in her attack. She failed I think 3 times, and scraped a little less than 6k land, which is an impressive number in this format. It was a land grab. A suicide looks very different, or is that not something you guys do these days? (Serious question. The game was played much differently - much more savagely when I was here last.)

Mon, 09 May 2011 15:21:44 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
Help me out here Neo, my clan is -200mil net and I see this-it's not just genevevie purposeffuly destroying our stoats (this is from Blue Eyes):

1.9 hours ago King Cobra (#9) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
220,719 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
542,255 Stoats
1.9 hours ago King Cobra (#9) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
856,024 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
252,464 Stoats
1.9 hours ago King Cobra (#9) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
222,178 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
65,110 Stoats
1.9 hours ago King Cobra (#9) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
220,894 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
335,627 Stoats

We hardly havce any skiffs. We are not locking. This is not just land grabs, you have to understand that.

Mon, 09 May 2011 15:09:00 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
Can you get on msn?

Mon, 09 May 2011 14:16:01 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
6k land, and that is no small number this round...

Again, when you have time.

Mon, 09 May 2011 14:13:06 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
I've made it clear anybody who continues with this will pe punished. I might just boot Blue Eyes anyway, he instigated this and went behind my back.

That said, you did detsroy 17mil stoats and only gained 2k land, I can understand his anger.

Anyway, I gtg. Good day to you as well

Mon, 09 May 2011 14:12:00 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
Fair enough. We do need to have a more in depth conversation about this in the near future though.

Have a good day bud. Take care.

Mon, 09 May 2011 14:10:58 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
listen, I can't deal with this now, but keep your clan back. I sent this mass-message, so the attacks should stop:



Thank you

Mon, 09 May 2011 14:09:34 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
Oh darn sorry I've been out all day, let me deal with this.

Mon, 09 May 2011 10:22:54 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
Now Vargarth is sacking to his hearts content, and blue eyes is claiming that 4 failed attacks is tantamount to war.

What is going on?

Sun, 08 May 2011 20:47:35 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
TPD is now threatening to kill one of my members.

Are you aware of this?

Sun, 08 May 2011 20:30:47 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
Apparently one of my indys used stoats to get land off TPD, and this has upset him.

Conventional attacks are not the same as sacks/caps/murders/steals, and it's not like she was failing every time.

This was land grab.

Sun, 08 May 2011 19:57:06 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
Not sure if you're aware, but Blue Eyes has stolen 5 billion from one of my indys.

How do you want us to handle it to avoid problems?

Finally-get this:

QuoteMon, 09 May 2011 14:10:30 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)


Thank you

Dunno why I bothered.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Fri, 06 May 2011 12:13:03 -0600
From: The Weighted Companion cube (#24)
No idea if we'll manage an msn convo due to time differences, but we need to discuss revelation.

Our clan has been peaceful, but he murdered down our net. The story I got from Purpy D is that revelation claimed he hit him to 2 k (which is untrue and can be seen just by looking at revelations recent attacks) and that is why revelation murdered him.

I'm not sure how exactly to handle this, but you said we were fine to net peacefully. I'm hoping that this is just the action of a member, and that you're clan doesn't support this, right?


Fri, 06 May 2011 12:46:49 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
What he didn't tell you is that TPD sacked my guy 37 times.

My guy responded by destroying the net TPD made with those gains.

I don't see justification for complaint here. An indy used his tool, and a leader used his tool.

And you are correct that TPD did not get knocked down to 2k land, but Rev has.


Fri, 06 May 2011 12:53:51 -0600
From: The Weighted Companion cube (#24)
Well, the net wasn't just TPD's, that net belong to GLaDOS. Rev is a jerk imo. He also hit Blue eyes down to 3k just now. You guys are meant to stand for peace and prosperity, but your member needlessly detroyed our net.

No, TPD didn't knock rev to 2k is my point. So rev lied.

Finally, I will tell him to ease up on the sacking, but if rev does this again, we will respond, and Marlfox will be at our side.

Not making threats, just pointing out my stance. If revelation continues to hit my clan in such a manner, he will be smashed.


Fri, 06 May 2011 13:04:02 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
I could just as easily say the net that was sacked was the property of BA as a whole.

That argument is invalid.

Further, calling Rev a jerk seems a bit silly considering the originator of the comaplint here. TPD is a known malcontent, who has recruited a liar that posed as orcrist, as well as been warned this round once already for sending one of my guys a profanity laced in-game message.

So given the circumstances, Rev was playing defense and as far as I'm concerned, TPD is the 'jerk' here.


Rev was knocked down to 2k by TPD, Blue Eyes, and Etendue. So no, TPD did not engage in a unilateral rage run, but if I had to guess, there is a message on your forum detailing the injured puppy's righteous crusade against Rev.

It is a one-sided story, and I would invite you to keep an open mind with regard to the attitudes and tendencies of your own players. They are not without guilt and, honestly, TPD got what he deserved. He dished it out but apparently isn't mentally capable of handling the circumstances.


As to marlfox - while Shadow and Sharptooth might have vested interest and apparent control, how confident are you in the motives and loyalties of the other members of the clan?

Do you really think I didn't anticipate that your clans would gang up on any possible challengers?


Fri, 06 May 2011 13:10:02 -0600
From: The Weighted Companion cube (#24)
Is that blue eyes guy actually Orcrist? I have no idea, but I'd invite you to enlighten me (not meant to be sarcastic or anything, just to clarify, I'm intrigued). I know TPD is quick to fly off the handle, but I think you give the guy a hard time. I know him from way back, and he's not a bad guy, just easily angered.

Rev seems to be hostile unecessarily in reg as well as turbo. The fact sevah brought him here supports that idea.

I know TPD obviously has a bias view. I invite you to mail me rev's story, I've asked TPD about the sacks and said to the whole clan no more sacks.

It's not about "ganging up," it's about defending our net. I don't care what you do as long as it doesn't effect my clan, and as a bi-product, Marlfox. I just want a peaceful round, and having half the clans net destroyed (much of which was troops I had brought) by a known troublemaker very soon after the whole "you're fine to net in peace" speech is not encouraging. I really do not want a fight, but can you see things from my perspective?

Finally, 20-30mil net in food=/=100mil+ net in troops.


Sat, 07 May 2011 11:55:28 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
Based on reposrts from several people, some close to the situation, Blue Eyes is not Orcrist. I never believed it last round when he said it, and his attitude in general does not match the Orcrist we all love and remember. Couple that with his IP being from a different region and the fact that he hasn't posted on another forum, and you have a legitimate case for him being a questionable individual. Needless to say, based on his PMs and other interactions, he is not.

But that is (mostly) beside the point.


I don't think I give TPD any harder of a time than I give anyone else. You should ask TS what we recently did to him.

This is the internet, and further an internet video game. Still further, I still consider turbo a side-show to the main even, which is reg. Granted the reality hasn't matched the view in several years, but I hope that gives you an idea of how serious I will ever take turbo.


The following is Rev's expanded explanation on an inquiry I made on the clan forum;

"Heres what happened. Blue eyes and purple dragon have been sacking me and capturing all my made leaders. When I logged on I had 2000 land and saw all my leaders were gone and so were alot my networth. Out of rage I murdered and poisoned alot of the networth they stockpiled on a person with 50 leaders. Which was my Retal towards purple dragons. Then Edudue or watever hes name is hit me 5 times. Then I stole about 10 billion from purple dragon and used it to buy 5 million rats then I hit him to 3000 land. I didnt start this I stand for peace. I had been peaceful the wholw set and massed 6 billion food. Which put me high in rank about 3rd place ;) then this happened to me. For the remark about sevz bringing me here, that is false. I came here on my own and he asked me to clan with him after I joined REGular. Im not a bad guy I just like ti stand up for myself."

It's an abomination to read, but you asked for it. :P

Based on my interactions with the guy here and in reg, I think he deserves a chance. He isn't like the other QMT guys. Yes he's cocky, but hes not self-absorbed and combative.


You are fine to net in peace. But just make sure your guys don't do it at the expense of others. We must both concede that the facts are a little hazy, and so I would like to terminate this here with the agreement that we will look to the future all positive.

As to Volkov being unbreakable on rats - you can't really call our entire mission into question based on a couple failed attacks. Even so, Sevah just broke him a while ago on rats 6 or 7 times. If Volkov chooses to stockpile rats as an execution of his strategy, what can I do? That would be like me telling you to get one of your guys to stop holding a large amount of stoats.


Also thanks for responding to that strat thread on the forum. I think if it gets enough of a conversation going (serious theorycraft) I am going to lobby for it to be stickied. Wouild certainly help the newbies and banish the idea that one strat or another takes no skill. I hope anyways.


Sat, 07 May 2011 12:02:57 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
Woah woah woah huge wall of text my mind is blown, I'll reply in a few minutes.


Sat, 07 May 2011 12:08:55 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
Hmm. Either way, I can't eject him from the clan or not, Marlfox has already snapped up many of the members and the rest of the vets have gone to your team. I'll keep an eye on him, though.

"Heres what happened. Blue eyes and purple dragon have been sacking me and capturing all my made leaders. When I logged on I had 2000 land and saw all my leaders were gone and so were alot my networth. Out of rage I murdered and poisoned alot of the networth they stockpiled on a person with 50 leaders. Which was my Retal towards purple dragons. Then Edudue or watever hes name is hit me 5 times. Then I stole about 10 billion from purple dragon and used it to buy 5 million rats then I hit him to 3000 land. I didnt start this I stand for peace. I had been peaceful the wholw set and massed 6 billion food. Which put me high in rank about 3rd place ;) then this happened to me. For the remark about sevz bringing me here, that is false. I came here on my own and he asked me to clan with him after I joined REGular. Im not a bad guy I just like ti stand up for myself."

As you said, an abomination to read. ^^ HE reacted without taking all the facts to account. It wasn't TPD who hit that low, and sharptooth said that on recent attacks Purpy D only hit rev 11 times, not 34 (can't check now, it's no longer recent) so he obviously lied/exaggerated that part. I have said no more sacks though, so hopefully we can live and let live.

Finally, I saw Sevz broke, but he usually has stockpiles of troops. I just think it's not good sport to make land difficult to obtain in a round such as this, especially when you stand for making the playing ground level.

But I agree, we will try to keep things peaceful fom here on out :)

And no worries about replying to your strat topic, I only really ctrl+c and ctrl+v from a document I had saved in word and added an intro sentence ;)


Sun, 08 May 2011 19:57:06 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
Not sure if you're aware, but Blue Eyes has stolen 5 billion from one of my indys.

How do you want us to handle it to avoid problems?


Sun, 08 May 2011 20:30:47 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
Apparently one of my indys used stoats to get land off TPD, and this has upset him.

Conventional attacks are not the same as sacks/caps/murders/steals, and it's not like she was failing every time.

This was land grab.


Sun, 08 May 2011 20:47:35 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
TPD is now threatening to kill one of my members.

Are you aware of this?


Mon, 09 May 2011 10:22:54 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
Now Vargarth is sacking to his hearts content, and blue eyes is claiming that 4 failed attacks is tantamount to war.

What is going on?


Mon, 09 May 2011 14:09:34 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
Oh god sorry I've been out all day, let me deal with this.


Mon, 09 May 2011 14:10:58 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
listen, I can't deal with this now, but keep your clan back. I sent this mass-message, so the attacks should stop:



Thank you


Mon, 09 May 2011 14:12:00 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
Fair enough. We do need to have a more in depth conversation about this in the near future though.

Have a good day bud. Take care.


Mon, 09 May 2011 14:13:06 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
I've made it clear anybody who continues with this will pe punished. I might just boot Blue Eyes anyway, he instigated this and went behind my back.

That said, you did detsroy 17mil stoats and only gained 2k land, I can understand his anger.

Anyway, I gtg. Good day to you as well


Mon, 09 May 2011 14:16:01 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
6k land, and that is no small number this round...

Again, when you have time.


Mon, 09 May 2011 15:21:44 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
Help me out here Neo, my clan is -200mil net and I see this-it's not just genevevie purposeffuly destroying our stoats (this is from Blue Eyes):

1.9 hours ago King Cobra (#9) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
220,719 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
542,255 Stoats
1.9 hours ago King Cobra (#9) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
856,024 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
252,464 Stoats
1.9 hours ago King Cobra (#9) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
222,178 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
65,110 Stoats
1.9 hours ago King Cobra (#9) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
220,894 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
335,627 Stoats

We hardly havce any skiffs. We are not locking. This is not just land grabs, you have to understand that.


Mon, 09 May 2011 15:38:33 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
You realize that we lose about as much net hitting with stoats after running the numbers, right? My indys are just generating at the same time as they're grabbing, so the aggregate net doesn't change. That is to say, if we had some kind of strategy to take you down, don't you expect that our average/total would go up? It hasn't.

Mutual destruction is a foolish policy. If my guys have stoats, they will use stoats. Indy's don't have the luxury of choice, and I'm sure you can't expect us to change our strat just for the sake of making sure we don't hurt you, as I know I don't expect that of you.

And check Gen's success rate in her attack. She failed I think 3 times, and scraped a little less than 6k land, which is an impressive number in this format. It was a land grab. A suicide looks very different, or is that not something you guys do these days? (Serious question. The game was played much differently - much more savagely when I was here last.)


Mon, 09 May 2011 15:39:58 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
can you get on msn? Just would rather discuss this there


Mon, 09 May 2011 15:42:06 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
I'm always on MSN bud. I think you just can't see me


Mon, 09 May 2011 15:43:18 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
...yeah, probably. Can you try starting a convo? my msn is messed up


Mon, 09 May 2011 15:43:38 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
also try adding me again


Mon, 09 May 2011 15:59:43 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
I think your msn is broken...


This is everything that transpired between BA and The Weighted Companion Cube (Now Known as GLaDOS.)
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


Sun, 08 May 2011 20:20:30 -0600
From: Art of War (#25)
this is the second time that one of your clan members has destroyed 100mil+ network. There will be retaliations. If you want to make amends, keep your lackeys on a short leash.


Sun, 08 May 2011 20:25:07 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)

And generate proof if you can (S.O.P.)


Sun, 08 May 2011 20:27:12 -0600
From: Art of War (#25)
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
184,653 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
505,126 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 44 Acres of Land and destroyed:
567,642 Stoats
3,659,335 Food
29,785,169 Cash
You managed to destroy:
295,459 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 719 Acres of Land and destroyed:
717,403 Stoats
4,368,006 Food
35,553,404 Cash
You managed to destroy:
223,450 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
453,356 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
420,472 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 140 Acres of Land and destroyed:
597,285 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
125,044 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 145 Acres of Land and destroyed:
827,933 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
491,786 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 553 Acres of Land and destroyed:
802,659 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
14,552 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 974 Acres of Land and destroyed:
693,927 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
444,462 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 214 Acres of Land and destroyed:
899,568 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
742,248 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 929 Acres of Land and destroyed:
712,667 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
340,021 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
438,754 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
48,707 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
520,152 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
806,507 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 766 Acres of Land and destroyed:
70,616 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
113,618 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 762 Acres of Land and destroyed:
310,032 Stoats
2,575,786 Food
20,965,621 Cash
You managed to destroy:
645,231 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! Your enemy captured 200 Acres of Land and destroyed:
1,012,347 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
210,444 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
367,974 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
359,740 Stoats
2.2 hours ago Dead Cat Bounce (#16) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
679,657 Stoats
You managed to destroy:
201,350 Stoats


Sun, 08 May 2011 20:29:35 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)

Overzealous sacks and caps and steal/murders are one thing, but conventional attacks are another... DCB is massing stoats, and I am assuming you had land.

I'll shoot a message to firetooth.


Sun, 08 May 2011 20:31:44 -0600
From: Art of War (#25)
Blue Eyes had 7,000 land when DCB attacked him. It was not a land grab, and Blue Eyes posted on his warlord info to use skiffs and deliberately left a hole open for skiffs to break him.

If you wake up and find your more useless annoying clan mates dead, dont take it personally, they are just idiots.


Sun, 08 May 2011 20:36:18 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
Considering Blue Eyes now has 13,000 land, and hasn't done anything since DCB attacked him, it is impossible that he was only on 7k land at the start of the attack.

He lost 6k land... to 11 attacks, and if you check the recent attacks page, you'll find DCB was grabbing off of multiple people.



Sun, 08 May 2011 20:45:36 -0600
From: Art of War (#25)
was a typo, meant to say 17,000 lol.

suiciding a stoat army for 6k land is ridiculous, this is the 2nd time one of your team mates killed 100mil net unprovoked, so we are going to return the favor.


Sun, 08 May 2011 20:49:23 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
6k land in this round isn't a small number, and I must reinterate that it was not targetted or intended to destroy net, but to grab land.

I must advise you to wait on a decision from Firetooth before you choose to act.


This is everything that transpired between BA and TPD/Overlord/Art of War.
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


When I get back home, I will post more, but what is here was enough to motivate most people.

The MSN conversation should be of particular interest to everyone.
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


^The extra stuff isn't really related to yesterday, and a lot of it isn't true. According to Sharp, Purpy D only hit rev 11 times according to recent attacks.

Finally, Marlfox will probably stand with us. TS can do what he likes, he's just bitter and lacks the skill to do a takedown, thus resorted to aiding in kills. If he does any more aggressive missions, he'll suffer the same fate as you.

I'm still awaiting full details, but Blue eyes and TPD hadn't done anything aggressive when I logged of without my consent. They had been doing sacks behind my back, but that isn't that severe. By Neo's own reasoning, sacks are good for indies.

The MSN convo should also agree with my story. The only additional info is I asked for punishments/compensation, which is far. He destroyed 200milof my net, and I'd already given out raps on the knuckles and forbidden sacking within my clan. I expected B.A had the same level of professionalism. Also, if you want the msn convo posted, I'll post the msg's that I tried sending and didn't get through afterwards:

Mon, 09 May 2011 16:38:10 -0600
From: Droning Bureaucrat (#19)
We'll see. I have a busy schedule coming up.

Mon, 09 May 2011 16:32:30 -0600
From: GLaDOS (#24)
im disconnected and I GTG, continue this tommorow? I think my last 3 messages didnd't go through:

(11:29:44 PM) Neobaron: Volkov lost ~50 million to sacks on saturday and gen had 5 billion stolen from her at the peak of a run.
(11:30:02 PM) Neobaron: If anything, we should be asking you for recompense.
(11:31:05 PM) APrettyCoolGuy: I forbade sacks, but that is despite the point
(11:31:30 PM) APrettyCoolGuy: 50mil net5bil cash=/=200mil in stoats
(11:31:39 PM) APrettyCoolGuy: are you still there, my msn disconnected?
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


So if you have a problem with your guys getting "land run" on when they only have 7,000 land, how cool is it when we literally catch two of yours in the act of knocking Holby Alliance from exactly 3k to under 2k? What are we supposed to think? That's utterly ridiculous. It was not done for land, and you know it. From those logs, plus what's on MSN, you have literally been contorting everything that's been said to try to make it look like you and yours have been the victim of horrible things that never happened. 200m of phantom stoats, making up arbitrary land numbers, and failing to do anything to control TPD and Blue Eyes. Going to bat for them ran you into the ground. You let them lie to you, and fought for them, and look where it got. Basically made a fool of when facts come up, and you're arguing because you're mad that you got drawn into it.

The best you can say is IT'S ALL NOT TRUE. Look at what you've been sent, it's true, you were lied to by your own clan-mates. Sorry that they had to be the way they are. Personally, I like the extra-classy PMs they send when they don't like something that you've done. It's a mark of their character.


Don't insult me, I want to talk with TPD, and I was going to even if this hadn't happened. You may be trying to paint me out as the feeble, stupid leader who had no control and just said what people wanted to hear. Not true. Today I was going to have talked things through, talked about the issues with TPD and Neo individually and resolve them.  I'd planned for this outcome but I just didn't expect it so soon. Don't expect me to stay down for long.

That said, who should I believe? Me and TPD go way back and I like the guy, and (no offence intended) you and Neo haven't played for years, shown by your completely skill-free kill run. Also, let me relay the facts;

1) TPD sacked. True
2) Rev responded by murdering 100mil net
3) Me and Neo sorted it out, problem solved.

Next set

1) 17mil stoats were killed when we left a troop hole
2) My clan started talking about war
3) I received 100messages from Neo and got back at 9pm. I told my clan to stop and msn'd Neo when he got bac on.
4) I stayed up till gone 11 negotiating with Neo. I got disconnected, and agreed to continue this discussion tommorow.
5) I can't tell what happened exactly but from what I can see, TPD and Blue Eyes disregarded what I said and tried killing you anyway. Even though I've been the victim here, having my net destroyed and being ignored by both sides, you decided it was a great idea to kill me. As I said, I've done nothing beyond captures, attacks and espies on B.A, and haven't ordered anything other then that.

I was lied to by both sides, which I why I'm contemplating just quitting turbo. I just wanted to net for a round without having to worry about wars and such as they are dull and boring and more annoying then exciting to me atm, but your clan had to go mess it up. I'm not denying my clan made mistakes, but you made the decision to turn this into nothing more but a kill-fest.

That said, you guys seem all for "TPD IS A TERRIBLE LIAR THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT BLAME HIM." I'm going to let him give his view before I raze the guy.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.