I realized it was final

Started by Trident, April 06, 2003, 12:01:55 AM

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 For less than half a year I've liked this really hot person- Kasey.  One of his friends got in trouble for having possesion of marijuana at our school.  I asked him if it was true (some people think he was frammed) and he said it was true.  I asked him if he did that stuff, and he said yes.  I half believed him, and some very nice people (Ad, Deadeye, Baska, Holby, etc) have tried to talk to him and they've been so helpful and caring.  Today I was talking to him, and I realized that it was true, he was on drugs.  I asekd this other girl why he was on them.  Appearently the jerk who was in trouble for drug posseion, alogn with this other idiot, got him hooked.  He was a really sweet person, but now he hardly ever talks.  His parents have done a lot of things, but somehow they're unable to protect him from his friends who keep giving him the junk.  Here's part of our conversation (has deleted the sick stuff)  

KavikWlf: hello
kcis2good4u: hi
KavikWlf: how are you?
kcis2good4u: fine you
KavikWlf: rather sad
KavikWlf: are you having a good spring break so far?
kcis2good4u: why sad
kcis2good4u: yah sure
KavikWlf: that's good :-)
kcis2good4u: sure
KavikWlf: kayla says you're stoned right now...
kcis2good4u: yah
kcis2good4u: hahaha
KavikWlf: you think it's funny?
kcis2good4u: hahahahahha
kcis2good4u: maybe
KavikWlf: lol
KavikWlf: you're so cute
kcis2good4u: no im gruesome
kcis2good4u: ahahha
kcis2good4u: a gruesome beast
KavikWlf: no you're hot
kcis2good4u: i eat little children
KavikWlf: lol
kcis2good4u: im hungry
KavikWlf: ok
kcis2good4u: i have the munchies
KavikWlf: lol
kcis2good4u: i want subway and pizza
kcis2good4u: and burgers
KavikWlf: lol
kcis2good4u: is your name bill
KavikWlf: no
KavikWlf: I'm a girl
kcis2good4u: oh
kcis2good4u: my uncle's name is bill
kcis2good4u: and my grandpa
KavikWlf: so is My dad's
kcis2good4u: ahahhahhahaha
kcis2good4u: jgiahtoirparjgpea
kcis2good4u: whoa
kcis2good4u: whugahoirhjnogjfdibghjifdsnhpifds
kcis2good4u: blah!
kcis2good4u: blaaaaaaaahhhhh!
kcis2good4u: hhahahahhaha
KavikWlf: are you ok?
kcis2good4u: BLAH!!!!
KavikWlf: you're muscular
kcis2good4u: im sevy
KavikWlf: yea
kcis2good4u: sevy oh thats cool
KavikWlf: lol
kcis2good4u: whats sevy
kcis2good4u: is it smelly
kcis2good4u: hahahahha
KavikWlf: a mispelling of sexy perhaps
kcis2good4u: oh
kcis2good4u: (((BEEP))) me
kcis2good4u: im floating to the moon!!!!!!!!
KavikWlf: why??
kcis2good4u: cause i can fly
kcis2good4u: whheeeeeeeee
KavikWlf: oh
KavikWlf: what would you say if I told you I loved you?
KavikWlf: kasey?
KavikWlf: hello?
kcis2good4u: i love my doggies
KavikWlf: that's good
KavikWlf: do you love any people?
kcis2good4u: my mommy and daddy

That's how it ended (I'd rather not put anymore in).  I still love this person, but it's not the love I once felt.  Sure he told some friends of mine it was a joke, but it really doesn't seem like one at all.  With his best friend in trouble for it and everything.   :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  


 Trident, that's real personal stuff.
If you have to talk to someone about it parents, teachers, and close friends may be better than a very public forum community.
I really hope things work out for you, though.

--EDIT-- I talked to him. Seemed alright to me. Just pretending, I gather. He was quite normal, then I mentioned this drug business and he put on this pathetic act.
That's my interpretation, but it probably goes deeper than that.
I will not deleted this

Badrang the Tyrant

 I agree with Holby.  Go to a teacher, guidance counselor, or just some parent.    

Dead Eye

 When I talked to him, he made fun of Black people, called me white trash or something, made fun of Jesus and God, and asked me "Who are you to f****** help me out you stupid *****" He isn't a very good person(sorry Trident, I know he is your friend) I tried helping my buddy Trident out, but the guy got me angry, and I blocked him.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov



I know how that feels. It's horrible when things like that happen to people you care about. Keep trying to help him, though... and remember that we're here for you.

Power of Mordor

What is huggle grammar queen?


 Why, my dear, *huggle* is my own personal trademark Internet action. It is a cross between a *hug* and a *cuddle.* If you'd like to see the copyright information, I'm sure it can be arranged.

Power of Mordor

#1. Yes I would love to see it.

#2. I don't see it in that dictionary or grammar book your so fond of.


 #1. In that particular usage, it's "you're" and not "your."

#2. No, it's not. I made it up. You will note that I have, in general, never taken up against made-up words. I merely have problems with misspellings of "real" words, and the usage of "cutesy" word-substitutions.

#3. Palindromes are fun. Example: Rats live on no evil star.


 Have you ever gone to Spinchat.com? They say huggle quite often.
Leader of Vermin Raiders

Also has been called a insane chipmunk.

 Go to Homestarrunner Its a cool site.
StrongBad rules!


 who, huggle........I like stardom as....hey wait! *beams* My sites name should be


Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 You know, I really hope he was joking.

Abby The Rat

 ~Hugs her~ I do too, I really do hate to see a broken heart but I'm here for you if you need some love and comfort.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]


 He honestly seemed alright to me when I talked to him a couple of ours ago. We had a good ole chat! I hope he is alright, though, for your sake, Trident.
I will not deleted this


 Aw....thanks Ad and Holby!