Squire & Knight negotiations

Started by wolf bite, April 24, 2011, 12:34:21 PM

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Lol what war, you mean you murdering me every run you had like a child who just learned how lol this may not be my clan vs you. Its just me vs your nonstop murders and poisons. We have a few of your type over at my server lol we call them noobs. You may have been here awhile but im sure that your better at the forum spamming than this game. Oh and I did hit you today because you had 100k acres when I logged on ;) the type of attack I used was sack which was because you have been a pain in my side ever since I joined this game at the start of the month.


Welcome to the forums, Revelation. Glad you made the move over to RWL!

If I may ask, what brought you to our fair server?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Thanks shadow ;) we all missed you in turbo. Lady Shael posted your promisance link awhile back and I thought id give it a shot I like it so far besides server politics. On our server QMT promisance if we steal,storm or fireball which is just our name for murder and poison its all out war. Plus the sack option in attacks is way to powerful but it does even out mages and indies.well thx for having me. Heres to peace with Squire ;) I was invited by sevz a few days after I joined, he just started over at our server maybe few months back. Hes okay if your on his side but im sure if your not then ive got to hate him. ;) this is my first set in Regular which at first I didnt know politics since it seemed like everyone was murdering and sacking one another. But not I know and wont do it until its a retal.


I must admit, RWL has become rather weak with the politics. Here's to all-out promisance war as it was originally intended.

I look forward both to working with you and fighting against you!

(by the way, we are in the middle of a major game re-balancing, so if you encounter problems please tell us, it is a good time for development)
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


dear shadow

please balance the game so that leaders suck thanks in advance

love kilkenne


They already suck to a degree, sacked kill leader players since most are almost troopless ;) = free money and foos while u grab land. I produce about 500 million networth a run with my indy which is given to a leader player so I dont get my troops murdered by a leader player. ;) 


Translation: Only way to hold net is with leaders. Dear Kilk: Point taken.
Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward


I read part of revelations last post as "topless" any decided to read this thread thinking it was going somewhere. Alas not.
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


Quote from: RevelationX on April 29, 2011, 08:09:25 PM
Lol what war, you mean you murdering me every run you had like a child who just learned how lol this may not be my clan vs you. Its just me vs your nonstop murders and poisons. We have a few of your type over at my server lol we call them noobs. You may have been here awhile but im sure that your better at the forum spamming than this game. Oh and I did hit you today because you had 100k acres when I logged on ;) the type of attack I used was sack which was because you have been a pain in my side ever since I joined this game at the start of the month.
A) No, I onlined you and stole your money and standared your army to zilch whilst you were on 0 turns and 10% health, which was retal for your failed kill run.

And actually, you uesd capture lol, you only sacked for the last few. :D

Also, don't insult my ability. I took down your main net store, white fang, a whilst back. I also have worked with some of the better players in the site and have several top 3 and 2 wins in turbo. You're just butthurt and assume all I can do is wreck an indy.

Also, the war you seem unfamilar with was Knight vs Squire, with me on squire's side.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Twilight Shadow

Quote from: Firetooth on April 30, 2011, 02:46:49 AM
Quote from: RevelationX on April 29, 2011, 08:09:25 PM
Lol what war, you mean you murdering me every run you had like a child who just learned how lol this may not be my clan vs you. Its just me vs your nonstop murders and poisons. We have a few of your type over at my server lol we call them noobs. You may have been here awhile but im sure that your better at the forum spamming than this game. Oh and I did hit you today because you had 100k acres when I logged on ;) the type of attack I used was sack which was because you have been a pain in my side ever since I joined this game at the start of the month.
A) No, I onlined you and stole your money and standared your army to zilch whilst you were on 0 turns and 10% health, which was retal for your failed kill run.

And actually, you uesd capture lol, you only sacked for the last few. :D

Also, don't insult my ability. I took down your main net store, white fang, a whilst back. I also have worked with some of the better players in the site and have several top 3 and 2 wins in turbo. You're just butthurt and assume all I can do is wreck an indy.

You only broke me due to my weak defenses no skill there bub. If a newb wanted to and had enough net they could have murdered and posioned me too but too bad you didn't destroy me.

Hey revelation where you play at I would like to join just to check it out. I have played many of the prom games already just curious where you are from. I have an idea but just want to clarify


Quote from: Twilight Shadow on April 30, 2011, 02:53:56 AM
Quote from: Firetooth on April 30, 2011, 02:46:49 AM
Quote from: RevelationX on April 29, 2011, 08:09:25 PM
Lol what war, you mean you murdering me every run you had like a child who just learned how lol this may not be my clan vs you. Its just me vs your nonstop murders and poisons. We have a few of your type over at my server lol we call them noobs. You may have been here awhile but im sure that your better at the forum spamming than this game. Oh and I did hit you today because you had 100k acres when I logged on ;) the type of attack I used was sack which was because you have been a pain in my side ever since I joined this game at the start of the month.
A) No, I onlined you and stole your money and standared your army to zilch whilst you were on 0 turns and 10% health, which was retal for your failed kill run.

And actually, you uesd capture lol, you only sacked for the last few. :D

Also, don't insult my ability. I took down your main net store, white fang, a whilst back. I also have worked with some of the better players in the site and have several top 3 and 2 wins in turbo. You're just butthurt and assume all I can do is wreck an indy.

You only broke me due to my weak defenses no skill there bub. If a newb wanted to and had enough net they could have murdered and posioned me too but too bad you didn't destroy me.

Hey revelation where you play at I would like to join just to check it out. I have played many of the prom games already just curious where you are from. I have an idea but just want to clarify
I suicided your leaders away first (what do you mean by did not destroy? ???), and as I recall TS, after your rage on the forums you deleted in reg after I threatened to pay you back. ::)
Also you had 5mil leaders. That's no impregnable defence, but I doubt a noob could've taken that down.

Finally, I see no rebuttal for my turbo performances, including my solo wins and top3 performances. Oh, and the time I was part of a clan that made 30bil. ;)

He plays at QMT. You know. The site this game is based off.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Twilight Shadow

No offense I was part of that storehouse clan too. :P Second I had 5million leaders but a ratio of like 68 ratio when I left because I ran out of turns then got aided like in half hour and it was gone by the time I logged in next. And I said newb not a noob like some theres a difference there. But yes I did rage quit...stupid mistake but I can come back as whomever I want to when I feel like its the right time


Quote from: Twilight Shadow on April 30, 2011, 03:05:52 AM
No offense I was part of that storehouse clan too. :P Second I had 5million leaders but a ratio of like 68 ratio when I left because I ran out of turns then got aided like in half hour and it was gone by the time I logged in next. And I said newb not a noob like some theres a difference there. But yes I did rage quit...stupid mistake but I can come back as whomever I want to when I feel like its the right time
No, you weren't even playing back then, and it wasn't a storehouse round.

Still, my point was a newb couldn't have murdered you done. Sorry if I was too agressive, but I don't see why people are attacking my ability. In my experience, destroying an indy's supplies is actually the smart thing to do in war. Of course, some people think war should be "honorable," but bah.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Twilight Shadow

Bah is right its just my first time losing over 600 million in net in 6 hours lol too bad. Honor its bloody war haha no honor when your a pirate...the codes are just guidelines  >:D


Quote from: Twilight Shadow on April 30, 2011, 03:14:16 AM
Bah is right its just my first time losing over 600 million in net in 6 hours lol too bad. Honor its bloody war haha no honor when your a pirate...the codes are just guidelines  >:D
I think we agree on 2 things:

A) No honour in war
B) Pirates are awesome!
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.