Account deletion

Started by Shadow, April 10, 2011, 04:49:35 PM

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I didn't ask him to. Ask my brother about it if you want details there. Far as I know, he asked a friend to sign up to pass information along, then deleted when he realized what I said in the first post, but I am assuming, as I have not had a chance to speak to him since I deleted.

EDIT: just realized that Neo compared me to a Republican. Bite me, Neo  :-*
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Purple Dragon

Allow me to end any further speculation in the matter...

The person that joined was my friend, he asked me what I was playing when I didn't respond one day and I introduced him to RWL. Our intention was to get him into the game to actually play the game, not necessarily as an ally.. Kyle and I are brothers but sometimes we find ourselves on different sides and we will play against each other without giving the other an unnecessary advantage.

It was simple chance that he happened to be put into the Corsair clan, so it is impossible to say that he joined solely for the purpose of spying on the Corsairs.. It is common knowledge that we Briggs' don't like Sevz, but it is also evident that we won't resort to under-handed methods to beat him, even if they aren't technically against the rules.

It is not like I asked a friend to join just so that he can send me info of other clans, in fact he sent me the info of his own accord. At first I was tempted to use it to gain an advantage, but a message from Shael told me that such a course of action would be frowned upon, but not against the rules. Kyle and I did not have to delete our accounts due to the fact that everything done was perfectly legal, and I honestly thing that espionage is an important key to successful warfare. Getting unfair advantages is part of real warfare, but Kyle and I both chose the high road and deleted so that we wouldn't be "Frowned upon".

I also know that Sevz and a few others feel that we deleted because we didn't want to face losing to Rapscallion. Think what you want, but honestly that's just ignorantly cocky.

The "spy" is a good friend, and will be hear to learn the game and actually play... he is legitimately interested in the game so the accusation of "multi-accounting" just doesn't stick.

On a lighter note, I saw that there is a player named Blue Eyes playing... any relation to Orcrist? He was probably one of the funnest players to work with besides Firetooth and Wolf.

Shael thanks for the offer to be back in Corsair, but I don't think I will rejoin this round.

Have a good round guys, best of luck to everyone.

-Purple Dragons
I have a Purple Dragon. I shall love him and I shall cuddle him and I shall call him Squishy. And He Breathes Fire.

"After stealing the TV, washing the dishes doesn't make up for it" - Wolf Bite directed at Sevz :D

"I got one!" - Revelation when he killed that one clanned account that never played and had 250 land:P


Ah, guess I misunderstood as well, then. I thought he joined to spy, but if he didn't, then there was not even reason for me to delete. ^_^

Meh. Best to just end it lol.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Lady Shael

The red flag was when not 10 minutes after the player joined, they started copying and pasting the enemy's clan forum posts and storehouse stats and sending them out. I don't have a problem with espionage and moles, but what I just mentioned is exploiting the theme of forced clans and just isn't right.

Either way, what's done is done. No one's getting in trouble and we're moving on.

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Quote from: Shadow on April 12, 2011, 02:16:45 PM
Ah, guess I misunderstood as well, then. I thought he joined to spy, but if he didn't, then there was not even reason for me to delete. ^_^

Meh. Best to just end it lol.
lol. You're silly.

To an outsider, it seems like an incredibly melodramatic response.

You had no control over this person, they weren't breaking the rules... So why feel guilty about it?

Taking out any spying element kinda makes the game less fun. Clans are supposed to have "bad eggs", and difficult situations to work through. Not clan leaders that delete at the first sign of trouble.

It is no less an unfair advantage than you and your brother working together from different clans, in positions where you can manipulate clan relations and tactics.

It is all a bit sanitised for my liking.

I will not deleted this


There's a difference between information gathering and having your bro at school make an account intended for nothing more than lifting information though Holby.

In other words, get your information through 'legitimate' illegitimate channels. :P
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


Again Neo, I didn't ask for it to happen. I logged in to find the info in my inbox. The reason I feel guilty is because I asked for more before thinking it through.

My brother and I live more than 1200km apart. I don't see how our relation is any different than my relation with anyone else in this game - our methods of communication are the same.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I was speaking in hypothetical terms. When I say "bro" it's used as is the vernacular.

Like when the idiots who wear plaid shorts and shirts that are one size too small walk up to one another and say "whats UP bro?"

Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.

Gen. Volkov

QuoteI didn't ask him to. Ask my brother about it if you want details there. Far as I know, he asked a friend to sign up to pass information along, then deleted when he realized what I said in the first post, but I am assuming, as I have not had a chance to speak to him since I deleted.

Alright then.

QuoteIt was simple chance that he happened to be put into the Corsair clan, so it is impossible to say that he joined solely for the purpose of spying on the Corsairs.. It is common knowledge that we Briggs' don't like Sevz, but it is also evident that we won't resort to under-handed methods to beat him, even if they aren't technically against the rules.

I think you mean Rapscallion...

It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Why does it matter if we know what everyone else has in the storehouse?

I'll post it proudly on the forums
Empire Status Networth Contributed % of Storehouse
7 Nation Army (#5) Active  $735,310,801 6%
Land farm KILLER (#10) Active  $186,274,300 1.5%
The Hounds of Ulster (#18) Active  $1,553,971,397 12.7%
Castle (#20) Active  $3,089,444,502 25.3%
TheAuthor (#59) Active  $10,426,725 0.1%
Bandannas (#21) Active  $4,159,333 0%
Sinking Shark (#28) Vacation  $1,331,534,674 10.9%
Yellow Eyes (#31) Active  $132,954,030 1.1%
Simplicity (#38) Active  $286,155,136 2.3%
Darhris Dasri (#34) Vacation  $9,219,103 0.1%
wolf bite (bata) (#43) Active  $270,697,218 2.2%
Etendue (#46) Active  $260,656,429 2.1%
Kyle! (#51) Active  $862,028,485 7%
blue eyes (#60) Active  $125,707 0%
Steelclaw (#62) Protection  $14,400 0%

This cuddlefriendy suggestion was brought to you by Sevz.


I never said nothing o.O didn't even notice you both delete til someone said something in a private message. I had respect for PD. Sorry to see you both leave.
This cuddlefriendy suggestion was brought to you by Sevz.


Hmmm Pretty good numbers Sevah...
Collapsing and Expanding Dem Categories with no help from Kilk!

Gen. Volkov

Can I please kick Sevah out of my clan? Pretty please, with a cherry on top?
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


I was going to ignore this, but I got bored...

Quote from: The Purple Dragon on April 12, 2011, 01:59:49 PM
Allow me to end any further speculation in the matter...

The person that joined was my friend, he asked me what I was playing when I didn't respond one day and I introduced him to RWL. Our intention was to get him into the game to actually play the game, not necessarily as an ally.. Kyle and I are brothers but sometimes we find ourselves on different sides and we will play against each other without giving the other an unnecessary advantage.

It was simple chance that he happened to be put into the Corsair clan, so it is impossible to say that he joined solely for the purpose of spying on the Corsairs.. It is common knowledge that we Briggs' don't like Sevz, but it is also evident that we won't resort to under-handed methods to beat him, even if they aren't technically against the rules.

It is not like I asked a friend to join just so that he can send me info of other clans, in fact he sent me the info of his own accord. At first I was tempted to use it to gain an advantage, but a message from Shael told me that such a course of action would be frowned upon, but not against the rules. Kyle and I did not have to delete our accounts due to the fact that everything done was perfectly legal, and I honestly thing that espionage is an important key to successful warfare. Getting unfair advantages is part of real warfare, but Kyle and I both chose the high road and deleted so that we wouldn't be "Frowned upon".

I also know that Sevz and a few others feel that we deleted because we didn't want to face losing to Rapscallion. Think what you want, but honestly that's just ignorantly cocky.

The "spy" is a good friend, and will be hear to learn the game and actually play... he is legitimately interested in the game so the accusation of "multi-accounting" just doesn't stick.

-Purple Dragons
I'm pretty sure most of this isn't true.

QuoteKyle and I are brothers but sometimes we find ourselves on different sides and we will play against each other without giving the other an unnecessary advantage.

Pleeease, I know you and Kyle were working together.

It is not like I asked a friend to join just so that he can send me info of other clans, in fact he sent me the info of his own accord. At first I was tempted to use it to gain an advantage, but a message from Shael told me that such a course of action would be frowned upon, but not against the rules. Kyle and I did not have to delete our accounts due to the fact that everything done was perfectly legal, and I honestly thing that espionage is an important key to successful warfare. Getting unfair advantages is part of real warfare, but Kyle and I both chose the high road and deleted so that we wouldn't be "Frowned upon".

You're saying he sent you information without you even suggesting it? He's a completely new player, who isn't interested in using turns or understanding the game, but gaining information? What nonsense.

Even if it were true, all you had to do was ignore it. At worst, ask him not to distribute the info, because it might make you look bad. But you didn't- because you asked him for it in the first place.

And you deleted, because you felt guilty.

This is all bunkum, and Kyle knows it:

Quote from: Shadow on April 12, 2011, 02:16:45 PMAh, guess I misunderstood as well, then. I thought he joined to spy, but if he didn't, then there was not even reason for me to delete. ^_^

I don't have a problem at all with your methods, PD, but with the fact you're lying about it now.

I will not deleted this


Holby, you are asking:

"If you weren't a mod, would you have deleted? Is this not all just to preserve your (self-)image?"

The answer now is yes, I would have deleted. The topic is here mostly to preserve my image, but the deletion would have happened regardless. The answer a year ago would have been no, I would not have deleted, I would just have defended myself by saying that no rules were broken.

Reading back this topic though, I realize that it is rather silly that I even cared this much. RWL is far too ingrained in my life now.

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..