Just the numbers

Started by Neobaron, March 27, 2011, 07:50:03 PM

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Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


1, 10, 100. Almost positive there are none on the 5's.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


There are definitely more than three, but my placement could be off. The important point is that they are all under 100m.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I'm curious -

Why is this tax in place?

Most players easily achieve nets in excess of 100 million within a few runs, and any penalties on lower players seem mostly irrelevant.

Wouldn't it make better sense for the limits to be substantially higher?

It seems this type of thing would have been originally implemented to punish success... there's no point in punishing the effort to get there.

Or is this something that can't be modified?
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.

The Lady Shael

Oh it can be modified....I think Retto put it there "to punish success", back when no one thought it was possible to get much farther than 100 million net. We've just never updated it.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


I'm sorry if the term isn't exactly a desirable thing to think about... I can honestly think of no other way to phrase it.

<3  :D
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


How exactly do leaders work?

I understand that 175 or bust is pretty much a given, but why?

How does the ratio play into success/fail chances for missions, or missions against other players?
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.

Ashyra Nightwing

Quote from: Neobaron on April 28, 2011, 05:16:52 PM

How does the ratio play into success/fail chances for missions, or missions against other players?

Just asked the same thing in the shoutbox. Someone please tell!


For offensive missions:

attack ratio: 2*(attacker leaders) / (attacker land + defender land)

defense ratio: defender leaders / defender land

if your attack ratio exceeds their defense ratio by the specified amount for that mission which I don't recall for any of the missions then the mission succeeds.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Is it land or huts that are considered? Because yesterday I tried to steal from lucy who was on 100k land, while I had a >200 ratio and about 2 million more leaders than she did... It didn't make a great deal of sense.

Using the numbers I have from espys and my own stats, my attack ratio came to ~133.3 and her defense ratio was ~60.

Or is the steal threshold just that high?


What about non-offensive missions like raise defenses and heal?

Do they also have a certain threshold that must be surpassed in order to be successful?
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


Steal threshold is 2.2. Your advantage was just on the line, so maybe your approximations are off by a few %. There might also be a 5% defense ratio bonus that I am forgetting about.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Yeah I didn't take into account the racial bonuses, and my numbers were all rounded. Where is the 5% coming from? Raised D?

That is good to know though for the future, thanks.
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


I think the defense ratio might actually me 1.05*leaders/land. Will have to verify in the code next change I get. When doing leader math, I always add 10% to the defender anyway to give a little margin for error.

Non offensive mission just require a certain leader/land ratio in the caster to succeed.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Resource consumption per troop type?

I know rats nom more of your food, and boats use a lot of your money, but what are the specifics?
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


please to be telling me, with a 0% multiplier, how many of each troop type is produced from 1 barracks so that I might do math