Replace the mail link

Started by Sharptooh, February 16, 2011, 12:11:19 PM

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This is one of two ideas that I had recently, I've only just got around to actually writing things down

I know I doubt this will get implemented (it would probably require a fair bit of work) but I thought it was cool none the less and had some free time to make some mock-ups (although admittedly they are quite bad . . . )

Well here goes

My idea was to replace the mail link near the top left of the screen with something like this:

Each little image represents something (I think most are quite obvious)

Mail shaped icon leads to mail when clicked on
Sword shaped icon leads to warlords hut when clicked on
Dollar shaped icon leads to cluny's hut (possibly . . .) or to loot (might make more sense)
Apple (I know it's a bad apple) shaped icon leads to forage

The icons can also denote things happening e.g. when you have new mail the mail icon is green:

Another example when you're being attacked the sword could turn red (or maybe even flash red):

And dependant on whether your food and cash income are positive or negative the dollar and apple icon will be green or red, here the player has a positive food and cash output per turn:

I also had the idea that on hovering over the icons, a small 'pop-up notification tyoe thing' could appear below it, I've done one mock-up for the mail icon:

New messages could have a different background, and, each description should link to said message, obviously clicking on the mail icon will also bring you to your mail-in-box

others could work in a similar way, for example, if your being attacked and hover over the sword, information about the warlord attacking you (or maybe even just their name) could appear in the pop-up-box or, maybe the status of your army, e.g. no. of each unit that you have, you could display a variety of different things in each notification box but I won't rabbit on about it.

This is also heavily inspired by the Gnome shell message tray (I doubt anyone here but me will be familiar with it) so I'll try and find a video of that to try and show where I got the idea from (and how the pop-up notifications could display)


Those are really neat ideas! I really like the color code on cash and food so that you can watch your resource flow.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on February 16, 2011, 12:14:17 PM
Those are really neat ideas! I really like the color code on cash and food so that you can watch your resource flow.

Thanks Shadow  :)

Also found a video (ish)

if you go to 5:10 then watch the top left hand corner whilst it's playing you should see what i mean:

The Lady Shael

That's awesome Sharptooth! Peace is mostly in charge of layout stuff, but it'd be cool to incorporate that somehow. Keep these ideas coming though, anything fresh and new is good.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Quote from: The Lady Shael on February 16, 2011, 01:16:26 PM
That's awesome Sharptooth! Peace is mostly in charge of layout stuff, but it'd be cool to incorporate that somehow. Keep these ideas coming though, anything fresh and new is good.

Thanks Shael, I'll keep the ideas coming (I have another one that isn't theme related, hopefully I'll get around to posting it soon)


really good idea, would be great if it was implemented.
1. Mike Oxlong (#14)
$16,999,999,999 with 275,000 Acres
3. AL CAPONE (#23)
$887,873,381 with 14,939 Acres
3. wrecking balls (#9)
$801,398,171 with 32,301 Acres
1. Nazgul (#5)
$1,503,190,327 with 201,952 Acres

The Obliterator

the colours for cash and food flow might become a bother
its a good idea but most leaderers and indys always have negative income
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better