Ereptor's good side

Started by Trident, April 02, 2003, 06:26:36 PM

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 Don't call me stuck up for this, but I must say this: The entire hate-Ereptor motto has gotten ANNOYING.

Ereptor was a very good friend, awhile back.  He was a good leader, and above all, very loyal to his friends.  He looked out after you, just as he continues to do.  I have no idea where he "turned evil" at, and I would like him to explain.  Yes, I was Skull Riders ont he first regular, just as I'm Shasta on the new one, and Lady Ireth's Vixens on the turbo.  

Dead Eye

 I believe he became evil when he made LL disband, and Imperial also I think. I wans't in this "against Ereptor" effort from the beginning, so I wouldn't know when he was labled evil
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 Probaly when he was deemed Emperor and everyone got jealous and got really mad at him.
Leader of Vermin Raiders

Also has been called a insane chipmunk.

 Go to Homestarrunner Its a cool site.
StrongBad rules!


 This is one of the only post's i have seen tonight that i would even consider reading or replying to.  I remember you skull raiders.   We were in TBV together.  To be honest with everyone a couple things have happened.  

I raised myself threw strategies from nick aka germania and josh aka fenix.  both are great players and had a lot of advice.  

Also "someone" made "had" a account, then got frustrated, made a point and then asked me to attack him so no one would get his land, this gave me the extra push i needed to gain a major lead over other players.  After gaining this lead i broke away from deathclaws clan and drilled them into the ground then jumped into another clan, drilled them,  and then took my control.  This "someone" also came back with another account and did the same thing which gave me another extra push.  That was not planned, i helped him as a friend, then he would get busy or tired of his account and then ask me to kill him.  It wasn't as planned as most people think.  This was not cheating, but it is as close as i have ever come to it.

about being evil.  I love love love love lotr.  And i thought it would be sooo cool to have a evil emperor and have a bunch of hero's try to attack me and bring me down.  I did not think i would last to long with kilk and orcist and ragefur and deathclaw at my heals.   But i guess i have caught on to this game a little better than expected.  Kilk did break me.  But he also let himself die.  He is a friend and someone who caught onto the story i am potraying in the forums.  It is really fun when people play along.  I have always loved to play games in new ways, think of different things to incorperate into it, and use different strats.  Kilk and many others are big fans of lotr.  I hope i have brought a new challenge to the people of rwl and a new look on the game.  I have labeled "MySelf" evil.  But someone somewhere has taken this to new levels.  I know what it feels like to get hit EVERYDAY and never move up.  In the last server i would struggle for days and weeks to make it to the top ten, just to get hit down the very next day.   I learned the only way to stay alive up there was to make friends.  I didn't want to many friends.  To many friends = no targets.  It also means you have to hit them eventually to make it to the top.  This is what i have done.  A few of these people remain my friends, threw this.  Because they know it is just a GAME.  Some however have not.  I appologize if i have offended any of you.  But I don't now appologize for PLAYING the GAME.  I play it ruthlessly at times and i expect others to do the same.  On the other hand I respect Ad the rat and his great clan of Winter.  I have recently made an alliance with this clan.  This are going to start to change a little around here again.  I am not backing down, in fact i have decided to expand a little.  It is hard to stay Emperor and not get bored.   So i change and switch.  Well this post is getting to loing.  I hoped i answered most of your questions.  Chow

Emperor Ereptor The Great

Edit <  
btw where did these ideas for calculators come about.  This is slightly amusing if it wasn't so negatively directed at me personally.  I consider most of the things these people are saying towards me as attacking me verbally.  you can be sued for that.  then again who am i to judge.  I have said my share of things.  but this is no excuse.  and i do not appriciate it.  also the 24/7 computer usage is pretty funny to...i can at least blow that one off.  sigh.  enough said.
> edited
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 *Applauds* That was very good. It's a noble thing to explain yourself and your strategies with such openess. Maybe now some of the childish bickering and flaming will stop. *Sighs* I don't have too much hope of that happening though. Three cheers for Emperor Ereptor, the greatest emperor of all time!
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

 Wow. That's all I have to say. Except maybe that you were so "noble" (But I'm a scummy lowlife who lacks the intelligence to string a sentence together without using expletives, so don't mind me.) to cheat and actually do have the to admit it. There's hope for you yet. Or there would be, if you didn't sit in front of the computer 24/7 and maybe *got out of seat in front of computer for first time in months, went outside, and got shot up by an insane retired redwall warlord who happened to have been backstapped by Ereptor*. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the praise you get for cheating, backstabbing, and using a calculator to play Redwall Warlords.


 As for cheating , that's a debatable point. Backstabbing can be part of the game. And I stress GAME. And what's wrong with using a calculator to play RWL. It's all about math equations anyway. By the way, I don't appreciate being called a "dumbass." It doesn't help your cause by being a jerk and a loudmouth. Besides all this, it's only a game. Why can't you kids understand that? You're just proving yourself to be a poor sport by bad mouthing Ereptor because he's better than you.  
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

 Well I'm sorry for being a loudmouth seeing as i was talking.


 *Shakes her head* Perhaps you should've known the definition for the word before you posted something.

loudmouthed: adj. given to loud offensive talk
loudmouth: noun a loudmouthed person

Since this is a forum, I don't know how loud you would be were you speaking. However, you are all over the forum posting many times in controversial threads. This makes you loud to people who are reading the threads in this forum. Moreover, every time you post it is something offensive. Therefore, you are a loudmouthed person by your actions on this forum. I will not lower myself anymore by arguing with you further. I've said all I wish to on the subject of Ereptor (in this thread anyway). Say all you want; you'll be fighting with yourself.

Bravo, Emperor Ereptor! Long and prosperously may you reign!!
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

 loud adj. Producing sound of high volume and intensity.

Ahhh the wonders of the dictionary. If you read the definition, you would understand that being loud requires making a sound. seeing as the only sound I have made is that of the keys on the keyboard, i think you should stop "talking" which I'm sure you will do. Sorry I had to outsmart you on that one. You better not "lower" yourself and attempt to defend yourself.


 This guy might be pissing a lot of people off but as long as he keeps me laughing I don't really care if people hate him.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson

Badrang the Tyrant

 Are you talking about Ereptor has not hit puberty?


 To be honest, I never thought Ereptor was evil, I just wanted to take him down and get his land.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


Quote from: Ereptor has not hit pubertyWow. That's all I have to say. Except maybe that you were so "noble" (as the dumbass over here put it) to cheat and actually do have the balls to admit it. There's hope for you yet. Or there would be, if you didn't sit in front of the computer 24/7 and maybe *got out of seat in front of computer for first time in months, went outside, and got shot up by an insane retired redwall warlord who happened to have been backstapped by Ereptor*. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the praise you get for cheating, backstabbing, and using a calculator to play Redwall Warlords.
You know, you really disgust me.  I'm sure that even an idiot like yourself would have to admit that Ereptor explained hismelf well.  Thank you Ereptor, it's good to know that by your senseful post (unlike the idiot who I'm quoteing) that yuo've changed many people's thoughts of you.  I hate to see friends getting "burned" by idiots.


 Hey Ereptor has not hit puberty, what warlord are you anyway?
gobbling or somekinda hordes... taker yer pick.