Turbo server not working out

Started by Earendil, April 02, 2003, 10:10:05 AM

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 Not to whine or anything ;)
but I'm thinking somehting needs to change in the turbo server. the entire game is played in the first 48 hours, and after that you have the top 2 or 3 guys and a bunch much smaller guys getting farmed. all the land pools in the top 3 guys, and never comes back down.
just look at the top ten, it's pretty obvious.

1   Xenocide (#13)                   100,234   $92,308,971   
2   Armed Forces (#4)               74,465    $57,291,079   
3   wolf bite (#9)                        61,916   $51,636,540   
4   Ereptor's Raiders (#25)        18,128   $17,548,809   
5   Earendil Star (#38)                 8,319   $10,653,031   
6   Swarming Hordes (#45)        7,675   $10,610,502   
7   Bringers of Darkness (#66) 10,631   $10,066,450   
8   Blood Wake (#40)                   9,330   $  9,632,453   
9   Vientoperros ll (#22)               7,531   $  9,550,768   
10   (#18)                                     5,231   $  8,803,627   

it is starting to lack the fun factor it used to have...
anyone have ideas about how to fix this?


 I agree. Before, Hickup was nice and all, but Xenocide is just ruthless. I TRIED to break him 3 times, and he attacked me back 20 times! Breaking every time. Fair? No.

On that note, I don't even play anymore because it's not fun.

 I know what you mean too... I don't rise fast. But I don't fall fast either. My strategy makes sure of that, so I can never get into the top 10, let alone the top 3... People attack more as well. On regular RWL, I get about 10 attacks a day, but on the turbo server, I get about double that amount.

General Austin

 Same here. :(  :(  Maybe we could throw veggibles at the top three or something... :lol:  
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

wolf bite

 (Grabs tomato and throws it back at Austin)

Having been in the top 3 for 2 rounds on turbo, I can address the problem.  

In order to keep the multi players like Josh (yes he is still here)  from destroying the game with his cheating ways, many have banded together to be sure he does not win and make the game not fun for everyone.

But the problem is that with a bunch of good to great warlords not attacking each other, we rise to the top.  We cannot (will not) attack each other, then with the weak attack penalty, we can only attack a few people in the top 12 ranks or less.  Anyone under that rank does not even have the land to be worth the loss of armies we incur.  Assuming I have all total 10,000,000 armies and attack the guy in 25 rank for 80 acres, I lose 300,000 armies.  Hardly worth it!  So those not at peace with me and any land worth taking get attacked to the full extent in order not to waste turns and so I can keep building armies to defend against the multi players having money farm personalities that send the cash up to their real players that buy a ton of armies.  All the top ranks are faced with this same problem, we may seem like we are playing mean, but it is survival.  I, and I am sure they, feel bad to attack someone we have nothing against 15 times.

I agree, the solution to keep the game fun has made it not fun.  Even if someone gets through my defences after 10 or so attacks, they will only drop me a bit, and my armies will bring me right back.  The attacker that got through will be attacked by everyone in the top ranks and will fall. Nothing will have really changed.  So what to do?

If the admins ?hired? a watch dog admin whose only job was to check stats and aid transfers to eliminate cheaters, the alliance would fall, because it would not be needed.  In order to have land to attack, a bunch of smaller alliances would be formed.  Then either slow down the turns or increase the maximum allowed turns so that a player that can only get on line 2 times a day will have a fair chance.  This would mix things up a bunch.  The game will be interesting and fun as the top ranks would keep moving and changing.

I could just sit up here in the top ranks and know that I have a place in victory eventually, but I would rather see if I can find a way to make the game fun for everyone and a challenge worth winning.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

General Austin

 I don't see Josh anywhere. Who is he?
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 I'm going to be talking with boze and ragefur about this...but the top 3 may find that no significant enemies means significant penalties...

Admittedly, any penalty that might be imposed would only happen after 1 week of being up there...
The 'ittle otter,


 Another problem is that there are so few people on the server that you can only attack so many people.  Since the game goes so fast you may end up inadvertinly attacking the same person twice. So now it looks like you attacked them 8 times and that generally pisses people off.  Then they get all their friends to attack you and then the game just starts getting stupid.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson


 I got to first for 5 minutes! :D
It /is/ posssible to get up to the top 10, it's just pretty hard <_<
I've never been able to consistently stay there, though, but it's always possible to take out one or two of the big guys and take their place temporarily!
I will not deleted this


 Yeah I keep getting up to 5th place but then I just get beat back down to like 17th.  It's very hard to stay up there.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson


 last round it may have been possible to break some of the top guys. but this round is stacking up to being impossible. as wolf bite said, they have banded together, anyone of us that does break them and bring some of the land down, will only lose it right back to them, and in turn a lot of our armies.

I made it to 4th place a few times, but every time I'd get knocked back down to 4000 land by wolf bite. wolf bites most recent attack not only took me back down to 4000 land, he also killed 400,000 of my stoats. no small thing considering I was 15 mil, but no real big thing to him Im sure, he is 63 million after all.

so now I find myself back to 8 million, 4 thousand land, and basically where I was 48 hours ago, forced to attack the players around me, gather land, *TRY* and rebuild my troops, only to loose it to wolf bite who will raid me 15 times right about the time I log off.

the thing that makes this game fun is that you you have hope of rising to the top, and maybe getting close. without that chance, the game turns into an incredible waste of time where all I do is gather land to make it easier for the top 3 to take it.


 Armed Forces(#4) currently 75,288 land -   $65,080,212

just shoved me back below 10 million (when I was up to 15 million) with 10 attacks. lost 600,000 stoats....

I'm just about to give up on this game.

wolf bite

 Stay with it boys and gals. They will do something to break it up. But for the time, I must hold on to my land by taking yours.  Really this is not what I want either.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 In response to what Darkness said a few postings ago...
(because I'm too lazy to scroll up and hit quote and whatnot =P)

I *think* that the general rule of thumb is up to 3 attacks/day is "acceptible" hostilities. However, what's wrong with "pissing people off"? It's kind of fun... as long as you're military is superior, especially!

*dreams of having a kill on one of her names*


 Wahooo I made it up to 4th place!!!  The only problem is that by the time that anyone reads this I will probably have fallen down to uhmm... let's say 19th.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson