Happy 8th Birthday RWL!!!

Started by The Lady Shael, October 14, 2010, 06:42:33 AM

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The Lady Shael

RWL has been around for 8 years starting today!! Let's show our appreciation! =D

The Reg server was supposed to be opened today, but we're still busy to make sure it's super nice for your guys. Hopefully the Turbo server is keeping you all busy.

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Twilight Shadow

Night Wolf


Already? This seems to happen really often.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Gen. Volkov

It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Peace Alliance

wolf bite

(shows up for the cake)

So great to see all the names I know so well.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

wolf bite

I was poking around. Good to see how much you have grown Firetooth.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Happy belated birthday RWL!

Welcome back, wolf bite. :)
I will not deleted this

The Obliterator

Happy B'day Redwall
It's been a great ride so far :D
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better

The Lady Shael

It's hard to believe I've been here since I was 13 (and I'm 21 now). All throughout high school, all throughout college. I don't think I saw myself being here this long.

I can't wait till our 10th birthday....we gonna do something big. =D We just don't know what yet.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


8 years is a long time....

10th - actually party?
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Blood Wake

I too was 13 I believe when I found this wonderful community. That would be really cool if we actually did all get together for the 10th birthday...
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos: