
Started by Shadow, October 09, 2010, 10:20:39 AM

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I think  a really nice feature we could add to the game would be that on a warlord info page, insteafd of "yes" or "no" in the attackable field, it told you how many attacks were left before someone was maxxed (assuming you could attack them in the first place) and "no" only if they were out of range for some reason.

What do people think?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Agreed, that would be very helpful.

Yellow Eyes

That sounds like a good idea, but would it effect peoples strategies? If you can see that someone is 1 attack away from being maxxed out, say for example the guy in the #1 spot where everyone is trying to take him down, someone planning an attack on him has an advantage of being able to wait to see that he can attack fully, rather than start his attack, and 3 attacks in realize he's maxxed. (sorry for the run-on sentence)

But at the same time,  you could also use the fox's "Falsify Documents" spell to falsify that information.

In my opinion it depends on how you view the subject, and what your opinion of it is.


Well, it has already been put into the game, with mostly positive feedback. It is not actually that hard to figure out hw many attacks are left on someone based on the timestamps of the recent attacks on them, all this change does it make that information accessible to people who don't want to spend the time to figure it out - evens the playing field a little bit.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..