Storehouse results

Started by The Lady Shael, September 24, 2010, 08:25:17 PM

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The Lady Shael

Quote from: Peace Alliance on September 26, 2010, 04:19:44 PM
That would be a pain to program, most likely.

Yes. It would. Which is why I'm not too enthusiastic about coding it. But after the Reg reset I will try to start working on it.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


I don't think you should be focusing your time writing code to compensate for a low member base - that is just stop gap measures, when we should be focused on getting our community to the point where stuff like that would not be necessary. Especially since it is just for one themed round, which we do maybe twice per year. It's not worth the effort.

FAF is dying. I have been trying on and off to get players there interested in RWL, with limited success, but I know that a lot of other prom players don't like RWL because the diversity of strategies is so low. Time spent coding global logins would be better spent diversifying RWL's code to allow for more strategy options so that it will appeal to more people.

Don't get me wrong, global logins are a great idea. It's just that they aren't going to do anything about our declining member base, which is the most pressing issue at the moment.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

Game balances aren't really a programming thing. They're a game design thing. I still think it's the user experience that is our issue.

Twilight Shadow

Quote from: Shadow on September 26, 2010, 08:02:50 PM

FAF is dying. I have been trying on and off to get players there interested in RWL, with limited success, but I know that a lot of other prom players don't like RWL because the diversity of strategies is so low. Time spent coding global logins would be better spent diversifying RWL's code to allow for more strategy options so that it will appeal to more people.

Actually I have been playing FAF this past two rounds both rounds this time are dead about two active for each one :D

I agree with the more strats idea compared to recording games of individuals or global logins.
Start with getting more strats then once we have members that stay then we can go into coding past records and global login stuff.

Another thing I would like to say on the behalf of noobs alike to this game. Since I am partially still considered a noob I understand the players that are killers at heart and super noobish.  Go easy on them, attitude-wise, otherwise they will not play and leave dropping the numbers as vets retire and our community play will lessen even more.  I am a rare noob who is used to dealing with this plus the fact I am older than most of them helps.  The players that are coming in are like 12 to 14 not even in high school.  So maybe just try to be nicer and they will stick around since really there aren't many new players since 2010 except vargarth and me, I believe. So what I am trying to say is take it a little more easy on the noobs, they are just trying to have fun(angering the vets :D ).

And Shael, nice job with improving the code since I have been here.


TS, I disagree with you.  We shouldn't take it easy on these stupid noobs that only want to play to kill.

That Feragho noob had too many kills to count, and look what it did for him.  Got him killed twice with a now very low networth.  And he killed the likes of me, who is currently sitting in second place.  I know it was mostly because of having Juska and Lucy in my clan as well as Night Wolf and Peace, but he killed and got his butt handed to him. 

That, is what I feel, needs to be done to the noobs.  I know when I first came here I wanted to just kill, and I got killed.  I came back and tried to reak havok on the player that killed me (and if I remember correctly, it was Snare... go figure..  Haha).  That is the mentality a lot of these guys will have.


Since this is the storehouse results thread.....

Earth's Storehouse Results:

Clan                      Rats                 Weasels                   Stoats                  Skiffs                       Food                              Cash                               Loyalty
Earth Clan    8,336,356,714    1,657,411,875    4,467,216,237    1,384,530,443    105,920,482,305    1,435,509,352,400     20,703,066

Total Storehouse Networth:     $40,519,841,457

Empire                                      Status          Networth Contributed     % of Storehouse
Redwall: Warlords (#5)           Vacation    $0                                                    0%
Bowie (#6)                                    Active    $8,237,287,104                         20.3%
Wolf-tail (#14)                            Active    $879,670,475                               2.2%
Jack The Ripper (#19)            Active    $514,243,260                                 1.3%
Juskabally (#21)                   Active    $6,904,692,554                            17%
Peace Alliance (#27)            Active    $199,853,001                                    0.5%
Martin the Warrior (#36)    Active    $106,000                                             0%
Honan the Decimate (#38)    Vacation    $0                                                      0%
amod (#41)                               Vacation    $0                                                    0%
steve the great (#44)             Vacation    $0                                                    0%
Rangval the assain (#48)    Protection    $0                                                   0%
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Twilight Shadow

2 indies and three leaderers for our clan(the one above) Yes five players

Stella Cadente

Fire Clan:

Quote214,889,889 Rats
478,948,090 Weasels
1,815,566,849 Stoats
207,785,162 Skiffs
36,552,754,959 Food
$639,628,491,784 Cash
150,781,519 Loyalty

Total Storehouse Networth:   $32,006,012,780

Empire   Status   Networth Contributed   % of Storehouse
Night Wolf (#4)   Active   $5,021,264,613   15.7%
Wookie (#15)   Active   $450,000,000   1.4%
Quixote Katana (#18)   Vacation   $0   0%
Nastras (#24)   Protection   $66,463,519   0.2%
The Oblit (#28)   Vacation   $5,588,063,691   17.5%
Guild (#29)   Dead   $102,020,000   0.3%
Mailbox (#42)   Active   $2,036,610,974   6.4%
Scar Silvertail (#43)   Vacation   $0   0%
theSlayer (#45)   Dead   $1,102   0%


AND we had someone contribute only 100k net worth and he stole 4 bil from everyone...


Yes, very annoying. But still pulled out the solid clan win.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Night Wolf

My day just keeps getting better and better  >:(
Tried to log in to attempt to knock peace down again and the server actually reset on time...I think this makes to day like a complete and epic fail for me

Good job though earth

Good job to all my mates in fire as well 

Twilight Shadow

fail as in ph phail
But nice job for fire's competition to earth. It was entertaining.
Nice job to the other clans for basically kills  ::)
And sharptooth making a gap between earth's top four


Hmm, raised another question. Who was the real Peace Alliance?
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Night Wolf

Quote from: Twilight Shadow on September 28, 2010, 09:54:24 PM
fail as in ph phail
But nice job for fire's competition to earth. It was entertaining.
Nice job to the other clans for basically kills  ::)
And sharptooth making a gap between earth's top four
Yes Ph phail TS
Quote from: Juska on September 28, 2010, 10:59:06 PM
Hmm, raised another question. Who was the real Peace Alliance?
The one in your clan

Peace Alliance

Quote from: Juska on September 28, 2010, 10:59:06 PM
Hmm, raised another question. Who was the real Peace Alliance?

When asking oneself this question, it is important to recognize that the real Peace Alliance is most likely the one in first place ;)