
Started by Retto, April 01, 2003, 03:02:23 PM

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 It saddens me to announce that I, too, will be leaving the ROC. For a number of reasons...you can read about it here.
The 'ittle otter,


 Touching...good luck with your everything, Retto!

*frowns* Now why should I stay? I dislike warlords, anyway! Heh, not really. No offence, Retto, but I really need to go. Must...leave...

Let me go! Gahh! Stupid addiction.


NOTE: Holby loses
NOTE II: He will play his own trick.
NOTE III: Don't give it away to Retto what Holby's doing!
NOTE IV: The trick's below...

Look, Retto! Your shoelaces are untied! :lol:

Hee, I won this time.
I will not deleted this


 Note to Holby: Click on link at bottom of leaving page. *wink*


 Actually, the first link says "April 2003," while the other says "gotcha"
Very sad, though. Ya see, Holby doesn't like being unsure of these things.
Therefore, he will edit his post above.
*Goes off to edit*

*Comes back to edit*

QuoteCongratulations, you've just been had. The webmaster/webmistress/team of the site you just visited aren't really retiring. April Fools!
I will not deleted this


 *grins widley, and hands Rhetto a few going away skittles.  Before pegging annanymous readers with others.*  Hooray... wow, you write long speeches...

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."

Badrang the Tyrant

 I should have known that this was a joke...


 Why are you guys giving this away for people just ariving? That's no fun!






Retto, you can't leave! Who's to be admin NOW?

Abby The Rat

 ~Pats Kilk~ It sadded me much. ~Shake Head~
~Pats Retto~ You gave so many reason, one is that your not getting any happiness out of ROC and people complains if something goes wrong and not praise for something that you worked on or made. It hurt me greatly to hear that. Time is changing and it seem to going for the way of Newbies.

I hope you will show your self around ROC at least sometime in the future. You really are a great guy and I wish you every success in the furture.
I hope you will at least keep in touch with me.


Bye Retto  :(  Bye ~Waves~

I think I say for everyone in ROC but please let me say it. Thank you Retto for all your work done for ROC and may it be known what you have done for the rest of ROC life.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]

Abby The Rat

 Well, after going to send you a e-mail, I find you are NOT leaving ~glare~ and it really made me pour out my hearts for you. ~Sigh~

~Shakes Fist~
And after april fools.

Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]

 lol... That scared me for a moment... Phew! I don't know what I'd do without RWL... I doubt if I'd ever get my old life back...


 But, but Retto.....? Nooooooooooooooo! Bye! We'll miss ya!

 Erm, RazorClaw, click the link at the bottom of the page...

The Lady Shael

 *sneaks in quietly*

Retto, don't ever do that again. When I saw this topic on the board, my heart nearly jumped out of my ears. I sorta calmed down a bit after reading Holby's post, but my pulse was still going about 250 beats a minute. You're the LAST person I'd think who would leave the ROC. You're like an immortal being on the ROC, or an ambiguous idol. Whatever.
Also, it's amazing (and a little amusing) how many people just reply to this post without even checking his good-bye letter. ^_^

*dusts her footprints and erases any signs of her presence*
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.