What is trickey mod up to?

Started by Night Wolf, August 10, 2010, 07:59:51 PM

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Night Wolf

Holby  08:58:29 PM Unknown Action
And hes in the spa...why for the secerecy?

Twilight Shadow


Dirty Harry must only use his powers for the Holy Grail thread.

See this post:

This may be the spa, but some parts of RWL history are worth preserving! This thread has fallen to ruin. At the moment, it's kinda like giving a small child a wonderfully illustrated book and letting them draw all over it.

Harry, I have a task for you. If you choose to accept it, you will be responsible for cleaning up the streets of RWL and the Holy Grail.

You will be responsible for moving or removing any of the posts in this thread that do not vaguely pertain to the original content. You may also lock this thread if required. Everything posted before 2009 is acceptable. Anything after that date that degrades this topic must be dealt with, but is by no means inclusive of every post. This is a very important role, and while order must be maintained, it may not spread to any other topic in the spa.

Good luck.
I will not deleted this

Twilight Shadow

Stella Cadente

Wow, now that is a terrible load.  Good Luck!!

Now, RSL, We have a threat, what is the response action?

Dirty Harry

Quote from: Holby on August 10, 2010, 10:22:22 PM
Dirty Harry must only use his powers for the Holy Grail thread.

See this post:

This may be the spa, but some parts of RWL history are worth preserving! This thread has fallen to ruin. At the moment, it's kinda like giving a small child a wonderfully illustrated book and letting them draw all over it.

Harry, I have a task for you. If you choose to accept it, you will be responsible for cleaning up the streets of RWL and the Holy Grail.

You will be responsible for moving or removing any of the posts in this thread that do not vaguely pertain to the original content. You may also lock this thread if required. Everything posted before 2009 is acceptable. Anything after that date that degrades this topic must be dealt with, but is by no means inclusive of every post. This is a very important role, and while order must be maintained, it may not spread to any other topic in the spa.

Good luck.

Thank you, I will do my best
Topic locked for personal insults.
(NOTE: Any warnings I give ARE NOT REAL. The only thing I will actually do is maintain the purity of that thread)
Quote from: Twilight Shadow on August 10, 2010, 10:23:50 PM
Spa Regulator.

"Go ahead, make my day."