New drawing...

Started by Night Wolf, August 10, 2010, 11:26:15 AM

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Night Wolf

Except im pretty sure everyone can understand what I was trying to say...
If I would have said it like well I know that you dont by french fries up in tacos in by bum look at my
thats more like what you sound like

Twilight Shadow

mostly blending all my comments together haha
I think too fast for my own good :'(

Night Wolf

Im sure thats it   ::)

Twilight Shadow

Hey! Just because I have an IQ of 160+ doesn't mean I am stupid. Yes I admit I suck at english... because it sucks at life.

Night Wolf

Yea IQ of 160+  ::)
A facebook quiz tell you that? someone who cann't put a proper sentence together is a genius....Good fairytale, bit on the boring side tho

Twilight Shadow

No not a facebook a legit one from scientist and professors, geniuses tend to suck at language but are brilliant in math and science

Night Wolf

Yea but im pretty sure they could at least speak so people can understand them....
That and im pretty sure a genius could easily understand the simple RWL code and get above 13th place by themself  :P

Twilight Shadow

I am above thirteenth place with everything I have

Night Wolf

Oh congrats the genius is up to eigth  :P

Twilight Shadow

Hey just to lazy to look at the code or anything too and have fun on your own taking down holby so I quit the rebellion and we will duel to the end of reg
Want to see who finishes higher? (whoever wins makes a topic about the loser to trash talk them all the way to kingdom come)

Night Wolf

Is it worth me wasting my time to completly crush you?

And btw Ungatt Ill try to get you ur avi soon, but im gonna try to play lumber jack tomorrow and hopefully all week and many a week after words so may be awhil(you totally called it btw  :P)

Twilight Shadow

You just play attack anyone whomever but whoever finishes higher wins help or no help except you are not allowed to except help from SS, fairmaid and holby otherwise fair game...
Sounds good?
Unless you have any suggestions

Hey lucy you set the rules how about that?

Night Wolf

I believe you mean accept and so you wanna go ur whole clan against me and m'boy crusher?
Maybe dark lord when hes not offing towelhead and has comp access

Twilight Shadow

Well my clan doesn't exist really but sure I have a friend that can help me? More than likely I will go solo against your clan but whatever. Bring it.
3...2...1... start the duel of ts & night wolf begins!

Night Wolf

Well if your going to go solo than I shall as well but the first time you have someone attempt to knock me you down you will be dominated like a skinny white guy in prison...