New drawing...

Started by Night Wolf, August 10, 2010, 11:26:15 AM

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Night Wolf

Krowdon...I think she said you could draw anyways and shes jelious or something. Long time ago maybe my memory lies dunno

Night Wolf

Quote from: Krowdon on August 10, 2010, 07:21:22 PM
Wow. great pic.
Thank you so much =) If ur bf were to draw something like that for u what would u think?
Quote from: Takara on August 10, 2010, 07:21:45 PM
I kno rite?! XD
Is it really that good lol?


We all know Krowdon is quite crazy in the head by now. -_-'

STOP SPEWIN' YER LIES, YA TWIT!! *whacks her with a fish*


i would re-do the thumbs

Night Wolf

They're two long I kno  :'(
But for some reason I couldnt make them proportionally correct and have them connect so....well u see which one I chose hoping it wouldnt be too noticeable

Night Wolf

Quote from: Takara on August 10, 2010, 07:24:08 PM
We all know Krowdon is quite crazy in the head by now. -_-'

STOP SPEWIN' YER LIES, YA TWIT!! *whacks her with a fish*
Got a scanner? you should upload some pics  :)


I love it! Hands are so difficult to draw!! >_<

(I did say I can't draw... But I didn't say I never try... ;_;)


Quote from: Night Wolf on August 10, 2010, 07:27:02 PM
They're two long I kno  :'(
But for some reason I couldnt make them proportionally correct and have them connect so....well u see which one I chose hoping it wouldnt be too noticeable

I understand, but apart from that, the nails are too front on. If you do it with your hands, you can only see half of each nail.

Night Wolf

Quote from: Takara on August 10, 2010, 07:27:52 PM
I love it! Hands are so difficult to draw!! >_<

(I did say I can't draw... But I didn't say I never try... ;_;)
Upload a few lol!
And I love drawing hands! My fav thing to draw infact...ive drawn my own hands drawning,praying, holding a butterfly stuff like that oh and one holding a flower, did that for someone special too

Quote from: Genevieve on August 10, 2010, 07:29:48 PM
Quote from: Night Wolf on August 10, 2010, 07:27:02 PM
They're two long I kno  :'(
But for some reason I couldnt make them proportionally correct and have them connect so....well u see which one I chose hoping it wouldnt be too noticeable

I understand, but apart from that, the nails are too front on. If you do it with your hands, you can only see half of each nail.
Yea but I was trying to like emphasize the difference between the guys and the girls hand


Lucky you!! ;_; Everything I ever "draw" has nubs for hands. XD

Night Wolf

from like 6th-8th grade my drawings had han with bumps as fingers lol, just takes a little practice. Maybe just sit down and draw a bunch of hands doing different things like I do, use your own hand for reference, you'll get better in no time


Quote from: Night Wolf on August 10, 2010, 07:32:25 PM
Quote from: Takara on August 10, 2010, 07:27:52 PM
I love it! Hands are so difficult to draw!! >_<

(I did say I can't draw... But I didn't say I never try... ;_;)
Upload a few lol!
And I love drawing hands! My fav thing to draw infact...ive drawn my own hands drawning,praying, holding a butterfly stuff like that oh and one holding a flower, did that for someone special too

Quote from: Genevieve on August 10, 2010, 07:29:48 PM
Quote from: Night Wolf on August 10, 2010, 07:27:02 PM
They're two long I kno  :'(
But for some reason I couldnt make them proportionally correct and have them connect so....well u see which one I chose hoping it wouldnt be too noticeable

I understand, but apart from that, the nails are too front on. If you do it with your hands, you can only see half of each nail.
Yea but I was trying to like emphasize the difference between the guys and the girls hand
I reckon that would be more obvious if the girl's thumb wasn't so much longer than the guy's.
I will not deleted this

Night Wolf

Yea I kno lol but that was the only way to make the heart even(didnt even realize how bad it was till you pointed it out either)....I kno its not perfect because I spent like 20 mins on it lol I was going more for "its the thought that counts"


Well, I do look at my own hands... The problem is, I get frustrated too easily and draw the thumb, and then just scribble in the rest of it. -_-' And I'm even going for ANIME style, which is just a line drawing. -_- I'm guessing it is simply a lack of natural talent at this point. XD

And then I wind up doodling other things I like to doodle even though they look bad, all over the page. >_<