
Started by Firetooth, August 10, 2010, 07:29:55 AM

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Twilight Shadow

Thats on some occassions harry :D
It means i am in the us and your in australia; the water in your toilet spins in the opposite direction compared to mine ;)
your a mod so you need control somewhere and you need to feel like your doing something since sevz has left and not meesy with ya :'(
and suck at life... pretty understandable :P

Ungatt Trunn II

I think Twilight Shadow is a pretty cool guy. Eh talks garble and doesnt afraid of anything.

Twilight Shadow

Thanks man. What is the point to be afraid when you can just hack someone if I wanted to.
"Thats a promise not a threat"

Ungatt Trunn II

Uh oh, TS is a l337 h4ck3r!!

Approval guy


Quote from: Twilight Shadow on August 15, 2010, 09:14:18 AM
Thats on some occassions harry :D
It means i am in the us and your in australia; the water in your toilet spins in the opposite direction compared to mine ;)
your a mod so you need control somewhere and you need to feel like your doing something since sevz has left and not meesy with ya :'(
and suck at life... pretty understandable :P
You've thrown around several insults in this thread. Please stop, or at least be more inventive about it.

Holby, modding.
I will not deleted this

Twilight Shadow

okee dokee ;)

There are times during the day when I have rage. Sorry that i release most of it here on you guys. That might be why I struggle to post something intellectual or something that makes general sense, what-so-ever

Night Wolf

That or the crack...

And I know no posting about drugs and that *slaps self on the wrist* its bad go to ultramoderated discussion where you can talk about such and blah blah

~Night Wolf modding himself

Twilight Shadow

I am not going to post them but I have never done any of those drugs or drank, like some...
But i have gotten high off a sharpie sadly to say for art class. I walked into a wall :D

Oh.. and codine when i was sick

Night Wolf

And im sure it was accident to wasnt it  ::)

Twilight Shadow

Making a drawing with a sharpie.

Night Wolf

With your nose resting on the paper?

Twilight Shadow

two feet or a foot above it how else when you got to make it small?!

Night Wolf

Chicken pox babie for if the why in toe do you it were up lobster

Twilight Shadow