When zombies attack

Started by Night Wolf, July 29, 2010, 04:50:13 PM

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What do you do...

1)   Run screaming into the crowd of zombies and get eaten
2)   Grab a .5o cal. sit on roof top sniping zombies until you die of starvation or run out of ammo at which point you use your last round to off yourself
3)   Who you gonna call ghostbusters?
4)   Samurai sword, leather armor holding them off as long as you can.
5)    Knew the zombie apocalypse would come so I made myself a bunker when I was five so I live there in comfort for the rest of my life.
6)   Knew the zombie apocalypse would come so I made myself a bunker when I was five but forget to lock the door and get eaten
7)   Go to the nearest army surpluss store and hold out until rescued
8)   Go to the south poll with the eskamos where zombies cant go
9)   Act like a zombie walk into zomie horde and get eaten
10)   Do nothing and hope the  zombies go after the idiots that are shooting at them or running from them or running them over so they dont notice you
11)   Log onto RWL and warn everyone zombies are comming
12)   Other

Night Wolf

Good qualaty spam?
And duh im gonna use my swords to behead as many of those bastards before they wear down my armor, eat me and turn me into a zombie

Wolf Snare

1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

Night Wolf

Thank you  :D
Me and my friends are always joking about what we're gonna do when the zombie apocalypse comes and ive got like 1,000 more scenarios but I didnt want to make the poll to long

Twilight Shadow

Night Wolf

Quote from: Twilight Shadow on July 29, 2010, 05:16:19 PM
Plants vs. Zombies!!!!
What? And I see you being the one trying to call ghostbusters  :P

Twilight Shadow

Its a pc game or your ipod touch or iphone do you live in the real world since you are almost 19?

Night Wolf

I dont waste my time playing stupid pc games and unfortunately I dont have money to waste on an ipod touch or iphone....and dont ruin this tread!!!!

Twilight Shadow

Well i would use my plants from Plants vs zombies and I have it for my touch wolfy... I only played for a while until I beat it now I play when I beat every other game in the world

Ungatt Trunn II

9 I have always rehearsed 9 but I know I'd end up screwing it up.

Night Wolf

Thats what the option indicates lol

Ungatt Trunn II

Though the zombie people are quite accepting. For a all time low of half your body mass you can become one of them.

Night Wolf

For just a small donation of flesh to I hear ;)

Ungatt Trunn II

It really is a modest fee.

Night Wolf

Unless you have the misfortune of getting inducted by a whole group of zombies and end up missing a leg half your face and three fingers

Ungatt Trunn II

Just bathe immediately before charging into a horde. They hate cleanliness and will be more prudent about devouring you.