Turbo awards

Started by Firetooth, July 29, 2010, 03:31:51 AM

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It's pretty obvious who I was, so I'll just post the awards on my account:

Best player: Snare was good in the small time he player and Shadow was good, at least for the first half :P Scrabble was a very good player too
Worst player: Sorry, but Star-Wolf stands out.
Best leaderer: Shadow or Snare? I didn't see a ton on the Burn side of things, so I might be missing some key figures out here
Worst leaderer: Nothing that stands out
Best indy: Scrabble (think that was Genieve?)
Worst indy: N/A
Best clan: I wanna vote for M.F over Burn, but I'm not sure. Both were better in their own ways, but Burn probably deserve this spot
Worst clan: Only two real clans, so I'll leave this closed.
Best new player: Vargarth was good this round, and even all in all Star-Wolf was quite noobish at times, he seems to have developed his skills
Most annoying: STAR WOLF
Best hair doo: Me
Worst hair doo: Me

Overall a decent round, and I quite enjoyed it
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Best player: Lucy did the most overall, both in terms of net and damage
Worst player: Star Wolf, helping a clan that didn't even ask him for no reward, and failing two kills on someone without an army to defend his city.
Best leaderer: If we break down the timing, me and Snare tied for food. On the other hand, had  he joined at the start he would have beaten me, so Snare, that time ^_^
Worst leaderer: Nothing that stands out
Best indy: Lucy
Worst indy: Star Wolf again, all those sacks should have translated into more troops
Best clan: Gotta say Burn, they outnetted us pretty nicely.
Worst clan: I don't think MF was worst anything, if it has reset an hour sooner we would have had the top ^_^
Best new player: Wasn't paying that much attention, TBH, but Vargath seemed to do very well at the end
Most annoying: Guess who
Best hair doo: I need a haircut
Worst hair doo: My scruffy week-old beard that desperately needs shaving. Ugh.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Best player: Probably the mysterious Vektor
Worst player: Star Wolf
Best leaderer: Snare. He was on par with Shadow but was in my clan lol.
Worst leaderer: I dunno, Rosegate didn't really go anywhere.
Best indy: Probably me in that one run... or Vektor, he made a lot of net.
Worst indy: Star Wolf, but I think he was trying to indy solo for the first time in a no mercs round, which was basically impossible.
Best clan: Burn.
Worst clan: not MF
Best new player: Vargarth I suppose, is he knew?
Most annoying: Star Wolf, by approximately a million points.
Best hair doo: Dirty Haz
Worst hair doo: Volkov, it seemed to make his head too big.


I am sort of new. I did not run much this round. This was my 4th turbo round ever.
Collapsing and Expanding Dem Categories with no help from Kilk!


A few categories I missed out:

Biggest suprise: Burn appearing overnight
Biggest dissapointment: Everybody leaving MF in our apex :(
Biggest talker: Probably me
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Twilight Shadow

Oh indy solo I was told to indy for burn at the beginning when they did not clan yet(me and vektors idea!) got worst indy i agree but thats because I had help then was abandoned with no leader to help so I accept worst indy and annoying BUT this was my first indy round and third turbo round so I deserve credit to be alive. Shadow and firetooth I was not trying to kill you. I was sacking to gain CASH! Yes send stuff by aid and market did not much help there.... I would not say worst player... maybe stella or briar was worse than me. And yes you can call me worst player but yet again was trying to indying then had no money so whatever...
Fun round so far bad round for indying which makes it a little lame and we have what maybe 8 or 9 players actually trying which is pretty pathetic truthfully saying...
I tried to recrute two new players from reg, one got on, but does not know exaclty how to play but knows some basics,  while the other got disabled then I think tried again and got disabled one more time and hes about the same as the one that actually joined.

It was probably the worst round i have played out of my entire three.


You were sacking an indy that 90% of the time had no cash, literally...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Stella Cadente

Quote from: Genevieve on July 29, 2010, 07:26:20 AM
Worst leaderer: I dunno, Rosegate didn't really go anywhere.

*gasp* Stab to the heart.

But seriously, I didn't go anywhere. my goal was to finish above TS, which I accomplished. He was being a little...poo-head. Now, back to finding arrowheads and rock shelters...

Twilight Shadow

You finished above me due to the fact I aided it away plus I still had stuff on the market that I had not taken off yet
And I barely attacked you firetooth and was just basically pissing you off which worked obviously

Dirty Harry

Quote from: Twilight Shadow on July 30, 2010, 04:22:52 PM
You finished above me due to the fact I aided it away plus I still had stuff on the market that I had not taken off yet
And I barely attacked you firetooth and was just basically pissing you off which worked obviously
Yes, you didn't attack me much, but you attack me when I ws under 10k.
Spa Regulator.

"Go ahead, make my day."

Twilight Shadow