Wolfy vs. TS

Started by Twilight Shadow, July 23, 2010, 10:26:24 PM

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Night Wolf

*pulls out poisoned oreo*
Your prize good sir and the end of the contest

Twilight Shadow

Looks at oreo
looks good
eats it
tastes good
falls over
fumes at the mouth
eyes turn white...

Night Wolf

*Pokes TS with a stick*
Yup seems like the oreo worked

Twilight Shadow

*Does a head spin and knocks out wolfy*
*Pokes wolfy with same stick*
Seems like the dead pill for 5 secs worked Yah!!!!!

Night Wolf

*kicks TS in the knee*
Fool it would take far more than that to take me down...Im a tank

Twilight Shadow

A tank of marshmallows :D
or a big soft teddy bear :D

Ungatt Trunn II

Night Wolf has a blast proof S&D suit.

But watch out Night Wolf, when Twilight Shadow finishes his training he will get a Nanosuit, due to the spec ops nature of his unit...

Night Wolf

True but a tank none the less....Actually I think you hit that right on the spot for I am a marshmellow/teddy bear(until im pissed) but have a remarkable pain tolorence, which pisses all my friends off

Ungatt Trunn II

*shoots Night Wolf in the butt*

Tanky tanky.

Twilight Shadow

*pulls out flamethrower*
"Do ya feel lucky..."-Dirty Harry
painb tolerance how 'bout now

Night Wolf

Bring it on my friend

Twilight Shadow

Night Wolf

*throws Krowbar at TS*
Take that

Twilight Shadow

*throws a moldy orange that slits open in mid air at Nighty*

Night Wolf

*Defelects w/can of cheese*
Your no match for the cheese