Turbo poll?!

Started by Twilight Shadow, July 21, 2010, 08:09:16 PM

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Twilight Shadow

Does anyone know where the admins have disappeared to and when the supposedly suggest a theme and we will put up a poll in a week  will actually happen? (posted almost a month ago) And the polled theme is suppose to happen in what a week and a half?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I am strangely confused...

Yes i know PA is at camp but Shael seem scarce since her new job. Wolfbite who knows... Windhound are you going to take charge since you were lasted active or whats going down?



I know you are old enough to use proper punctuation and grammar, so please do so. Right now your request for answers is about as credible as a horde of cannibalistic vegetarians.

Admins are quite busy IRL, but they are making the time to work on the game and improve it. New code was implemented last round, and is still being tested. Patience! Exciting things will come...

Modding in an editorial fashion.
I will not deleted this

Twilight Shadow

Sorry dont really care from english and grammar stuff. Used to texting fast too. But if they bring up these ideas and set a deadline, in a way, they should probably follow through and from what I can tell the only admin who actually works the game is Shael and PA who does ingame problems and fixes them and from what I can tell I have no idea when the other, what... 3 or 4 do?


Most of us don't have code access. Or even know how to code for that matter. What makes you think we can fix things? We cab suggest fixes and solve problems, but actul implementation depends on shael and windy.

Shael and Windy can code. Peace doesn't, very much. Shael will get to it when she has time to do it, and, as has been said countless times before,  complaining won't make it happen faster.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Twilight Shadow

For one your a mod obviously you cant code due to the fact your not an admin yet. And actul is spelt actual. And shael talks more than windy recently but i am not complaining if thats what you are thinking just bringing the fact back up


What does being an admin have to do with the ability to code? ^_^

I can code, I just don't have code access (and no time to do it even if I did). Windy had code access long before he became an admin.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Twilight Shadow

Sorry some don't have code access even though they can and is prominace or whatever a basic code or is it more complex


Quote from: Twilight Shadow on July 22, 2010, 04:59:47 PM
Sorry dont really care from english and grammar stuff. Used to texting fast too.
Unless you are 7 years old, we expect basic grammar and capitalizing without instant message type expressions

That's a rule of the forum. Please make an effort. And it's not just "english and grammar stuff", 3/4 of your posts don't actually make sense. Run them through a spell check, and re-read them twice before you post. It will save a lot of time and pain for the rest of us.
I will not deleted this

Twilight Shadow

I spelt check them 50 percent of the time and sorry about the confusing phrases I am tired 200 percent of the time :D