
Started by Shadow, July 07, 2010, 05:18:13 PM

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The heat is going to kill me. Today it was 44C with humidex. Even you aussies would be melting...

Is anyone else sharing the misery?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Twilight Shadow

You live in Canada no way its that hot! Its about 30C where I live for the past month  :D and there are a lot of mosquitos and ticks though :'(

You should be swimming, tanning or something though with weather like that


Why do people assume Canada is cold...

Canada is huge. While it is true that some parts are always under ice, Canada is big enough that it also has deserts and rainforests...


Tanning? Are you mad? Nobody should be outside today. It is so hot and humic you can barely breathe. Swimming would be nice, but that would involve going outside. And outside is an oven.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Twilight Shadow

Dude swim go cliff jumping, go to the mountains or climb them

I bet your power will go out tomorrow if its this hot tomorrow. I bet one snarecake!


No cliffs or mountains that are high enough to have any temperature difference at the top around here.

Friggin power better not go off..
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I may also find 44C quite hot, but I wouldn't make a topic about it  ::)

It's 12C here :(

Twilight Shadow

It has happened to me haha


Quote from: Genevieve on July 07, 2010, 08:06:10 PM
I may also find 44C quite hot, but I wouldn't make a topic about it  ::)

It's 12C here :(

wth is this? I wanna 12C.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


On July 6 I had a golf tournament and It was 6C outside with rain and wind. Come on guys. Quit complaining about it being warm.
Collapsing and Expanding Dem Categories with no help from Kilk!


yeah kyle, stop complaining, some people have to play golf...


I like 6C with wind and rain. You can have this muggy wet heat, k?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Twilight Shadow

muggy heat sucks
dry heats good

Night Wolf

Its perfect around michigan
about 80F(forgot what that is in celciuos  :-\) and we surounded by lakes  :D


35 C here and getting hotter everyday

just installed AC today

the hottest it's been in kamloops while I lived here is 49 C

and for those who didn't know
Kamloops is in Canada too
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.