
Started by Ungatt Trunn II, July 06, 2010, 05:53:50 PM

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Ungatt Trunn II




guys listen.

I have the best ide

guys listen

I have the best idea ever


I'll put WINGS



I'll put WINGS
guys listen here

I'll put WINGS... on my BACK legs.


Twilight Shadow

Yeah such funnyjunk :D

Night Wolf

Picture no work  :'(


What is that thing?
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Twilight Shadow

Funnyjunk that's what it is haha
wolfy it's a Dino withe wings on it back legs
mostly a lizard with bat wings on it's back legs and it's entirely a dirty lime green color


I like this idea o.o

Night Wolf

Those arent bat wings and hes orange and green not just lime green. (btw the pic works now)  :D

Twilight Shadow

whatever the one i found online was that color sorry

Night Wolf

You gave a completely inacurate discription I thought of something way cooler then I saw it then was disipointed your not forgiven

Twilight Shadow

Good cuz you can search for it


I would have one of those as apet.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


O-kay .. that would be interesting.  But I'd much rather have the wings attached to my arms.  And would rather be a bat over a dinosaur -- dinosaurs are much too large  :P

Bats! Heehee ..
☠♪ Tenebris In Lux (Wisey) ♪☠
Forever metal and vikings

Twilight Shadow

Except it is a small lizard thing ha!


*le gasp*  It's a mammal :o
☠♪ Tenebris In Lux (Wisey) ♪☠
Forever metal and vikings

Twilight Shadow

how is a lizard a mammal its a reptile