RSL anniversary

Started by Agent Elliot, June 02, 2010, 06:38:44 PM

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Twilight Shadow

Night Wolf

Quote from: Krowdon on July 22, 2010, 08:17:33 AM
Quote from: Night Wolf on July 20, 2010, 07:55:36 PM
Quote from: Krowdon on July 16, 2010, 07:36:37 AM
we argue here a little.

wow. I feel like an idiot re-reading that.
I laughed so hard that day those were good memories. :D
And when me and you met in reg we did the same thing

Lol. I remember that. for the record you were the one who started that. well, I attacked you but then you were all like, angry.
You attacked me like 3 times lol and I warned you to stop then u didnt listen then I threatened to kill u then u said you would get ur clan to kill me then I joined O.H. and said my caln could whoop urs then I called you an addle brain or something then after like a week we startrd talking ciily

Ungatt Trunn II

Ahhh. O.H.

Those where the days. At it's peak I had a ton of people in it.
If that [darn] Holby didn't have dibs on everything in reg at the moment I may actually have a clan. But nooooooooooo.

Oh, and after reg resets I vote that we make a RSL clan in game. Me, Night Wolf, Stella/Briar(?), and the others. We would dominate  >:D

Night Wolf

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on July 24, 2010, 05:51:37 PM
Ahhh. O.H.

Those where the days. At it's peak I had a ton of people in it.
If that [darn] Holby didn't have dibs on everything in reg at the moment I may actually have a clan. But nooooooooooo.

Oh, and after reg resets I vote that we make a RSL clan in game. Me, Night Wolf, Stella/Briar(?), and the others. We would dominate  >:D
I do believe I recruited like 5-6 people in my time in O.H. then well you know what happened after that...And I tried getting u to make a clan like that a few months ago and u didnt want to  >:(
But yea that would be awesome

Ungatt Trunn II

You wanted me to join a rebellion... again.

Night Wolf

No before the rebellion when I want to become the surpressing force not fighting and we could of because I was kinda working w/the people who made holby rediculosly strong and we could have taken him down before he was a problem but no some didnt want to join

Ungatt Trunn II


Night Wolf

But of course you wouldnt listen to me and ended up on the losing end of the  game along with me  >:(

Twilight Shadow

So if you make rsl I will make another clan so me can trade land between sounds good because I already recruited some people.
And do you guys actually have people who know how to play and spam?!

Night Wolf

Me, Ungatt,briar....firegoose but I dont think he'd join...
But im ok at teaching people the basics if you have a bunch of people who dont really know how to play

Twilight Shadow

Basics ha I have taught them the understanding already they just have not found their strat yet

Night Wolf

I was actually thinking about brining back something like KOTW, where I would recruit and train noobs and thus create a gigantic army!!!
Not sure tho yet

Twilight Shadow

Whatever but its SRA era

Night Wolf

And if you would like to make two clan you should take dennis/elementa/crusher into your clan as like a liason(spelled way wrong I kno)

Twilight Shadow