Holbrook's Reign

Started by Shadow, January 28, 2010, 06:35:17 PM

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Shadow stepped out of his tent, and took a deep breath of what should have been fresh morning aid. Instead, the combined smells of the vast vermin army arrayed before him assailed his nostrils. He pushed the smell to the back of his mind. Odd, he thought, that just days ago this army was the biggest that was available for miles around, but his emperor now commanded more than 6 times these numbers, with more pouring in every day. He chuckled. 4 and a half trillion cash has that effect on vermin. They had come pouring out of the woodwork when that number began making its rounds. He made a mental note to congratulate Marell and Genevieve on their success on that front.

His mind turned to more serious matters. While their takeover had been swift and their enemies too much in shock and awe to even respond, they were starting to mobilize, and they had to be repressed long enough for the plan to come to fruition. Even with most of the land under complete and direct control of the emperor's armies, the pockets of resistance could be problematic if left alone too long. The clans not associated with the emperor would have to be neutralized one way or another.

But there were just so many of them. Priorities had to be sorted out. The largest would be the first to go. There was no need to destroy it all arbitrarily, though. The supplies and troops of the rebels would be just as useful on the emperor's side of the coming war. Shadow pondered briefly, then crossed the camp to join one of his generals, Gorak.

Gorak smiled as Shadow approached - usually, this meant that there was fighting to be done, and there was nothing Gorak enjoyed more than rousting an enemy on the battle field. His smile widened when he heard the plan, and he summoned messengers immediately so spread the word to those empires not yet under the control of the emperor. The message was simple:

Those of you who are as yet uninvolved have no need to become so. However, there will be limits to the power of any individual warlord while under the protection of the Emperor Holbrook. Any empires with an excess of supplies and armies will be required to send that excess to the emperor's outlying camps to help his glorious ascension. Any who refuse will have an amount equal to double the amount of required tribute destroyed without further notice.

Gorak sat back to wait. He knew there would be stubborn warlords who refused to see the wisdom of compliance. And when that happened, the fighting would start.


Anyone over 100 million net worth must send the excess net to someone in SS or FairMaid, or twice that amount will be destroyed. You have one week to comply.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Juska took off his helmet and let the lingering sea breeze cool his face, the soft slap of oars accompanied the wind, he turned to look back toward the sea, over the heads of his oarsmen he could barely make out two shapes, but he knew there were hundreds more behind them. His fleet of skiffs had raided deep into enemy territory this night and came loaded with plunder from the granaries in the south. The helmsmen sailed up a small inlet and let the boat bump lightly against the shore, in moments it was hidden beneath the willows and reeds. Sentries stepped out of the night to challenge he and his mens approach as they neared the cavern which served as his base of operations, they quickly stepped aside and saluted when they caught sight of their insignia, a small silver crown marked each one of them on their left breast denoting each man a king, free to decide his own fate, and he, Juska, was their leader.

His captains arrived shortly after and one of them brought news.

Look at what this swine who calls himself the emperor has "decreed" he demands tribute from us, as if we were his subjects.

So he would have us be subservient or he will force us into submission.  Send out the word to any free nations, tell them to sharpen their swords, strap on their armor, and prepare for the dance.

It is time for war.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


Gorak smiled to himself
He had caught wind of Juska's call to arms, and was overjoyed at the possibilty of a real war.
He so longed for war, thirsted for battle. Perhaps Juska could rally a force to quench such a thirst.
Gorak's smile faded as he realized he was getting his hopes for little reason.
"prepare for the dance eh. Lets see if this Juska can dance to my rythem."

Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


Juska let his sword slide slowly from his hand, blood and sweat glistened against his armor in the moonlight, he looked around and saw thousands of corpses, the stench of death was oppressive. Slowly he let his gaze drop down upon his enemy, who he had and his loyal men had bested this night, she still held her sword as if that had helped her any more than the millions of troops she had been sent by her allies to defend her. Tonight The Resistance had won a great victory!

Your raiders gather their provisions and venture forth,
Your battlefield healers quickly move around the battlefield, healing the injured.
Your Army breaks through C.P.L.5.9.3.H.'s defenses and captures 2 Acres of Land! In the effort, you lost:
530 Rats
In their defense, C.P.L.5.9.3.H. lost:
C.P.L.5.9.3.H. (#14) has been destroyed!
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Gen. Volkov

A wolf poked his head out of his tent. He had heard the messenger hurrying up and did not want to let the warm air out.

"What is it?", he asked.

"The lady Ashyra, sir, I'm afraid her empire has been destroyed this night", the young rat responded.

The wolf's mouth tightened.

"I was afraid of that. Very well, gather the generals, it is time to take our revenge."

The messenger sighed in relief. Their glorious leader had been known, at times, to take out his anger on messengers who brought bad news. He then hurried off to find the other leaders of his master's great army, for he knew Volkov would not wait too long before growing impatient.

Meanwhile, back in his tent, Volkov sat silently in meditation. He knew soon he would have to rage and break things, to keep up his persona, but for now he just sat, cleared his mind, and focused himself. The time to plan and act was soon.

"Revenge for this shall be swift in coming," he muttered to himself, before lapsing back into motionlessness.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Of course the bobcat had been away in vacation for a long time, soaking up the summer breezes of the tropics. Soran yawned a bit, and sighed at the scenery. Blue waters. Plentiful food. The shining sun. Eternal summer. Infinitely blue skies. Everything a bobtom would want. Except an angry bobtom. That would only mean that there was a need for something to be shredded. A few days ago, he had recieved a message. All warlords with over an amount of net would have to send some of it away or be prepared to be pwned.

He thought over the choice, and scratched his head. He was dressed in Bermuda shorts, and a pair of sun-glasses were perched on his gray muzzle. His armor was stored away somewhere on this island community. He forgot where it was. Soran hadn't been to war in a long time. "Maybe...Just maybe. Hey, you!"

Pointing a sharp claw at his aide, he barked a gruff order.

The thin wild-cat rushed over. "Yes?"

"What is the meaning of this?"

"I dunno."

Soran facepalmed. This was despicable. So that was what his empire had gone to... He mused over his optiong, and then called aloud, "Prepare for war."


ive already started "preparing for peace"
When you have done soemthing right, no one will know you have done anything at all


I'm keeping a low profile until I find a good Clan. Then, I'll see who I ally up with.


No fully OOC posts here, please.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


It was dawn, but it may as well have been night. Millions of Workers throughout the lands toiled without break, without rest, removing any sense of calm or quiet with it. Saws groaned and wheezed, fires burned, cooking aromas whirled, and every so often the harsh bubbling and steaming of tempering steel rose above all else. It was good practice for an Emperor's lands to be so active.

It was all going so perfectly, too perfectly.

Emperor Holbrook thought himself to be a kind, thoughtful fellow. He had a weakness for conquering and pillaging, but that was not at all out of character for an almighty Emperor. Yet, he had met no resistance in his quick rise to the top. That was unprecedented. Not a single attack. A few half-hearted failed espionages from fools with awful ratios, but nothing to feel threatened over.

From this, he could only assume everyone else thought he was a friendly soul who merely wanted control of all the lands of Southsward, Mossflower and Northlands. A perfectly reasonable sentiment.

In the near distance, new Towers were being constructed. Better not to be too optimistic. But why not? His Empire was the richest in the history of all Eras. Four and a half Trillion cash. It attracted Generals from all around to be part of a venture so fantastically wealthy. It was an amazing feat, but it would not be the last or the biggest.

With such compliance, it could go on forever. Every acre could be his. It would put all past Emperors to shame, including the infamous Ereptor. It was all so easy.

I will not deleted this


Shadow surveyed the new conquests with a careful eye. They had taken a massive swath of Mossflower today, leapfrogging armies ever deeper into enemy territory before allowing the emperor's horde to assume control. The focus today had been on demonstation - the rabble that called itself the resistance was left with bare scraps of land to squabble over. They had proven troublesome in the past, but with the border of the Emperor's realm moving so quickly, it was all the so-called resistance could do to keep ahead. Soon they would be broken completely.

It was a shame, Shadow mused as he stepped over the broken corpses of the pathetic armies the woodlanders had fielded to stave off the massive attack, that these measures were necessary. Why did they not see that accepting the glory that was the Emperor was the path to peace in these lands? Those who followed the emperor wanted for nothing, while those who opposed him were reduced to scrounging their every-weakening fiefdoms in search of resources.

Ah well...The rabble was not without teeth. Recently, one of the general's of Holbrook's Army had fallen in battle. Her ressurrection was well under-way, but it was a minor annoyance, that would be dealt with in blood. But not the blood of the perpetrator. The Resistance was no longer strong enough to worry abot single members. From here on out, they would be treated the same as every other vermin in the land - as sources of farm land. Their silly efforts could be safely ignored.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


The Emperor basked in the afternoon light. There was no cause for concern anywhere within his lands, or those of his generals. His kingdom was steadily increasing, and those who followed him were prosperous. Soon, he would hardly need an army, his enemies were now few and small.

No resistance, no effort. Emperor Holbrook would be one of the few to rule without fear of attack. He was free to increase his wealth a hundredfold. And he would.

I will not deleted this


Quote from: Shadow on January 28, 2010, 06:35:17 PM

Anyone over 100 million net worth must send the excess net to someone in SS or FairMaid, or twice that amount will be destroyed. You have one week to comply.

Not coming out of vacation for you. Sorry; won't be making YOU feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Peace Alliance

Ah, I was wondering who that was.

Coby, you aren't helping anyone being on vacation... We can figure out a way for you to play without enduring Holby's wrath...


Quote from: CobyCopper on March 11, 2010, 11:55:07 AM
Quote from: Shadow on January 28, 2010, 06:35:17 PM

Anyone over 100 million net worth must send the excess net to someone in SS or FairMaid, or twice that amount will be destroyed. You have one week to comply.

Not coming out of vacation for you. Sorry; won't be making YOU feel warm and fuzzy inside.


you're cute

come on, make history by being the first person to so much as attack holbty since we took over.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..