admin power abuse

Started by lonewolf1817, January 27, 2010, 03:24:16 PM

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Peace Alliance

Sevz you are responsible for your own actions. Step up and take that responsibility. You're an adult, for goodness sakes.


the admin on the site need to start acting as such.
When you have done soemthing right, no one will know you have done anything at all


Quote from: Sevz on January 31, 2010, 09:47:30 AM
Sure i deserved the gag after all the warnings.

I agree with Lonewolf.
You have a spiteful moderator who can't handle being beaten. Can i get a forumtalk restraining order? I assure no problems if he can say his last 2cents and nothing else.
Quote from: windhound on March 31, 2012, 05:10:16 PM
Coding out holes in the game is the best way to do things. 
Relying an the admins to patrol is a) time consuming for the admins in question b) unreliable c) only invites conflict
There is no conflict or "I didn't know any better!" excuses with a coded in rule.


No Sevs. I said nothing that wasn't verifiable fact ingame. If you can't handle that, then you need to act in such a way that gives me no cause to post about it.

You are responsible for what you say and do. I didn't make you do anything.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


There's a difference, You manipulate the story to influence and create false belief.

Many people Including you said Suicides are a part of redwall format. Now when I use them you exile me for it.

Don't go publishing me as the villain and a hypocrite cos i did Your trademark ability after you gave approval.
It takes some nerve to post that and threaten a gag bro.
Sure you got mod powers. Doesn't mean you can push me around. I'll run circles around ya on the battlefield.

You can't even live up to ya forum name
Quote from: windhound on March 31, 2012, 05:10:16 PM
Coding out holes in the game is the best way to do things. 
Relying an the admins to patrol is a) time consuming for the admins in question b) unreliable c) only invites conflict
There is no conflict or "I didn't know any better!" excuses with a coded in rule.


I will say this one last time.

Suicides are fine. You, on the other hand, condemned suicides as cheating and used it as an excuse to delete your account after we took over reg, and then used them the next day. There is no manipulation of the story here, this is exactly what happened.

That is hypocrisy.

I was not calling you out for using suicides. I was calling you out for acting in a way that was inconcsistent with what you said. If you had not called it cheating, I would not have posted about it.

If you will run circles around me, feel free to join reg and give that a try.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I would call it me giving you all a taste of your own medicine after i've despaired my rally to have it changed.
I have no interest dueling in reg 1 against you and all your friends on a slow turn rate with leader suicides. I'd hardly keep up with all the aid your team can spare whenever you get in trouble. Thanks for the callout though
I'll take over turbo. I will destroy your top ten chances whenever i learn your number. More turns to allocate.

on a serious note
May i request a mute button for shadow on all topics about me?
Quote from: windhound on March 31, 2012, 05:10:16 PM
Coding out holes in the game is the best way to do things. 
Relying an the admins to patrol is a) time consuming for the admins in question b) unreliable c) only invites conflict
There is no conflict or "I didn't know any better!" excuses with a coded in rule.


just scroll down fast
that's what I do when I have no interest in what someone has to say
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


noones awnsered my question yet, and shadow by u tangling urself in yet again a war of words with sevs, makes me only feel more justifed in my original argument that ur original idea to gag had be under clouded judgment.
When you have done soemthing right, no one will know you have done anything at all

Peace Alliance

Shadow has every right to defend himself. In fact, Shadow is leading a good example by showing everybody the appropriate way to disagree with people.

Lonewolf we haven't answered your question because it was already answered before you asked it. If you have nothing else to say to continue this conversation, then don't. If you just like the feeling you get when you openly oppose authority... I'm sure there are some punk rocker anarchist forums out there that would be happy to facilitate this. In fact, I'd be interested in those forums myself, would be like a social experiment.


I can answer your question Lonewolf.

Shadow gets burnt alive on the battlefield. I can't stop him talking about me. I tried to be silent and he still continued posting about me for weeks. I reply and he says i'm obsessed with him. He's writes something in the forums and modifies it as i'm replying. The honest truth is, we both know i'll beat him 9 out of 10times on the game and he'll beat me 9 outta 10times on the forums.

The gag was fair and legal in the eyes of the other admin and not because i've given them all grief
Yes he did harass me leading up to it. No this wasn't under clouded judgement (it was intended) Yes it was impulsive. No it's not his duty to offend people and gag them for responding.

In future someone else will gag anyone who steps out of line except another moderator.
Quote from: windhound on March 31, 2012, 05:10:16 PM
Coding out holes in the game is the best way to do things. 
Relying an the admins to patrol is a) time consuming for the admins in question b) unreliable c) only invites conflict
There is no conflict or "I didn't know any better!" excuses with a coded in rule.


peace heres again my problem.... and this is i think more at heart another main issue..... i dont see you or shadow as authority figures. ur admins but ur "in game" and you have yet to dissassociate the two putting you in a awkward position, as the people with the power. You also know darn well who i am and sinces when was questioning the people with power been a bad thing? and no you have not awnsered my question at least in  manner that suits me. When will the admins start acting as such?.... shale ur awsome and excluded becasue you dont get into squables on the forums, and you DONT PLAY THE GAME. Its just bad buissness practices and it seems more and more blattent with peaces recent post seeming moderatly angery at me that the whole administration isnt functioning properly. Shadow from the beging you should have stated that you where wrong for administering the gaging and that in the future more precautions would be taken in assuring no bias was at play in the deliberation or rulings. As for Peace, you should stick by ur admin and let everyone know that he is a admin and his choices are final, but also that he was wrong in putting himself in this precarious prediciment and you and him will work closly in the future to maintain fair game play. Anything other then that is the inccorrect awnser my friends.

modifyed- yes sevs gaggin was entirly appropriate thats not my issue, just that the admin need to act in a more (mature managment manner) when haddling issues with players. They are after all admins, and if your going to play (again i dont think they use there admin powers to advantage) you need to walk on egg-shells to be P.oliticaly C.orrect about it.
When you have done soemthing right, no one will know you have done anything at all


for God's sake! for 150th time, Shadow is NOT an admin!
he's a forum moderator, which gives him no power what so ever in game.

forum moderation has nothing to do with anything ingame.

That being said, I'll leave it to the real site admins to decide if it is appropriate for a mod to gag someone when in a dispute with that person.
After all, it's their site, they make the rules. No one is forcing us to be here.

and sevs, you do nothing but run your mouth.
then when someone calls you out on your BS, you take to flaming them.
now you think you can play the victom 'cause you got a big whopping 3 day gag for flaming a mod?

Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


this above is the most clairifying post so far.
When you have done soemthing right, no one will know you have done anything at all


Quote from: lonewolf1817 on February 02, 2010, 06:42:21 PM
peace heres again my problem.... and this is i think more at heart another main issue..... i dont see you or shadow as authority figures. ur admins but ur "in game" and you have yet to dissassociate the two putting you in a awkward position, as the people with the power. You also know darn well who i am and sinces when was questioning the people with power been a bad thing? and no you have not awnsered my question at least in  manner that suits me. When will the admins start acting as such?.... shale ur awsome and excluded becasue you dont get into squables on the forums, and you DONT PLAY THE GAME. Its just bad buissness practices and it seems more and more blattent with peaces recent post seeming moderatly angery at me that the whole administration isnt functioning properly. Shadow from the beging you should have stated that you where wrong for administering the gaging and that in the future more precautions would be taken in assuring no bias was at play in the deliberation or rulings. As for Peace, you should stick by ur admin and let everyone know that he is a admin and his choices are final, but also that he was wrong in putting himself in this precarious prediciment and you and him will work closly in the future to maintain fair game play. Anything other then that is the inccorrect awnser my friends.

modifyed- yes sevs gaggin was entirly appropriate thats not my issue, just that the admin need to act in a more (mature managment manner) when haddling issues with players. They are after all admins, and if your going to play (again i dont think they use there admin powers to advantage) you need to walk on egg-shells to be P.oliticaly C.orrect about it.
The game and the forum are two separate things.

Shadow is a moderator of the forum, not an admin, and he has NO power in game.
Peace is a forum admin, and he does have a game admin account, but with NO current power in game.

Game admins are not allowed to play the game as well as actively administrate. Even if it's an unwritten rule, admin will always distance themselves from playing if they have to use their powers in game. It would be a massive conflict of interest otherwise. It caused problems when Stormclaw was around, as he actively admined the game as well as played it. That was not taken overly well, and it set a no playing precedent for game admin.

It is important that the leaders of RWL play the game, they must know everything about the game's functional use in order to better it. Having only a non-playing admin (like Retto) sent RWL backwards. And while Shael doesn't really play, surrounding herself with the game's elite means changes are good for the players.
I will not deleted this