Free Figheters ?

Started by Ereptor, March 26, 2003, 10:02:46 AM

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 What about Super MArio Sunshine, when you defeat Bowser in the end and save good 'ol Princess Peach. Not to mention millions of other video games.

Bad Guys:1
Good: Higher than the bad guys.
Leader of Vermin Raiders

Also has been called a insane chipmunk.

 Go to Homestarrunner Its a cool site.
StrongBad rules!

Badrang the Tyrant

 And all of the Redwall books, Terry Brooks' Shanara series.

Bad Guys:1
Good Guys: At least 30


 What about Star Fox adventures? Yuo can die, and if you don't have a bafomadad, then you have to start over, so the badguy wins. Not to mention that in almost every Redwall book, an important goodguy dies. But I still think that the free forces will at least prevail over the nazgul, but I'm not so positive about Ereptor. Anyway, actions speak louder than words! That's technically a lie, but you get my meaning.


 If we are talking about video games then consider this.  Add up all the times you die in a game and then compare that to how many times you have beaten the game.  So technically everytime you die the bad guys win.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson


 Also note that Redwall isn't a video game. If you try to countermand THAT, then I'd love to see the post.


 How bout we just concentrate on comparing our Mossflower world to Star Wars.  Ereptor is the Death Star, Naz are the little TIE Fighters, and the rest of us are the X-wings and Y-wings.  We even have two Death Star destructions going for us.
something funny goes here


 Bad example. Half of a squadron gets killed just in the trench run. Only....four ships, including the Falcon, made it out alive.  


Quote from: RazorClawAlso note that Redwall isn't a video game. If you try to countermand THAT, then I'd love to see the post.

True that this is not the traditional video game but it is done on a computer so anyone with a high school degree would know that the computer is a type of media and therefore it can be considered a video game.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson


 No, it isn't. It doesn't use the audio-video function, therefore it is a GAME, or even a computer game if you like. But it isn't an interactive audio-visual ezperience. Hence, it IS NOT a video game.


 Uhm I'm pretty sure if it's a game and it's done on a computer then it can be classified as a computer game.  It's just common sense people.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson


 I didn't say that it wasn't. I said that it is not a VIDEO game. There IS NO audio-video function.


 It would be cool if there was.  It would make this game a little bit more fun.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson


 Yeah, that would be neat, except for the gore..... Imagine what it would be. But other than that, it would make the game better.

Abby The Rat

 It be nice to have at least some picture to look at. I.E when you scout, you have a picture of vermins going off to scout for land.
Not around, please ignore.

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 Maybe we should all talk to the administrators and see if there is anything that can be added to the game.  I mean someone made the game so they obviously know how to code so a few pictures here and there wouldn't be too hard to code into the game.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson