It has come to this.

Started by Ungatt Trunn II, December 05, 2009, 10:14:06 PM

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Ungatt Trunn II

It would seem that RSL no longer exists. So I am going freelance. I will now resume my conquest for domination of spa. Do not bee sad, I am willing to take no more than two under my wing. Please, children! MANNERS! One request at a time!

-Immortal Ungatt Trunn II, King of Everything

Ungatt Trunn II

Wait, I forgot. Briar is already my Grand Chief Advisor or something like that. One person, then. One person to RULE THE EVERYTHING WITH ME!

What are the benefits, you ask?
-Discounts, everyfreakinwhere
-People bow to you unless you don't want them to, in which case you could kill the peons
-Really cool .44 revolver with heat seeking bullets that explode on impact
-Ability to instantly pwn Firetooth
-over 9000
-over 9000
-over 9000
-? ? ? ?

Also your own Feral Cat army that are genetically modified in various ways and have lasers. You also get your very own corner of the universe, I let you pick because there are so many. I, however, get the middle. And because everyone knows that the Earth is at the center of the universe, that means this is my base of operations. So all those who resist will find 96504695837268956 times infinity + antimatter missiles that never miss, cannot be tricked, and never run out of fuel heading right for ya. And those who join me had better be ready to not betray me, that only makes things worse.

Also, new laws.

-There are no men on the internets. I give Briar the title as "exception"
- I rule your world.
- Break on Through to the Other Side is the best song, evar
- Saturday is now known as Caturday
- Do not feed the troll
- If it is your turn to feed the troll, be quick about it
- Ceiling Cat is the best thing, Evar
- Spellcheck ain't got nuthin on me
- typos are ilegel foreve
- no editing posts
- if you screw something up, be sure to edit your post
- be sure to troll at least once a day
- trolling me is punishable by death
- yes, the cake is indeed a lie.
- If there is a lion, get in the [darn] CAR!!!!
- All these laws apply to you, but not me. And me = Ungatt Trunn II
- These laws could change real quick

I enforce these laws with assistance from IRA, Blackwater, Delta, SEALs, SAS, and of course my own feral cat army. Anything you have I have the power to recreate and multiply by 1bajillion and force them to fight for me, so don't get your hopes up.


Also, I said Also a whole lot.


Ungatt Trunn II

Ungatt Trunn II   11:54:59 PM   Viewing the board Spa Room 101.
    windhound   11:53:25 PM   Viewing the topic City Bug (Again).
Guest   11:44:02 PM   Viewing the board RWLCon.
Guest   11:43:59 PM   Viewing the board RedCon Specific.
Guest   11:43:55 PM   Viewing the board Activities.
Guest   11:43:51 PM   Viewing the board The GOP Party (ODD).
Guest   11:43:44 PM   Viewing the board Role-Play.
Guest   11:43:35 PM   Viewing the board Help / Bugs / Development.
Guest   11:43:22 PM   Viewing the board Clans.
Guest   11:43:02 PM   Viewing the board Reg Discussion.
Guest   11:42:41 PM   Viewing the board Real Life.
Guest   11:42:31 PM   Viewing the board News / Updates.
Guest   11:42:09 PM   Viewing the board index of Redwall: Warlords.

Wow, lot o' guest.


I'd better be your grand chief advisor.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?

Ungatt Trunn II

I made another variation of a seal that I use too much for the events to come.

Night Wolf

Your cheese really has slid off your cracker if you think you can out spam me.

Ungatt Trunn II

I don't need to outspam you mortal. I have a secret weaponz.

Night Wolf

Ungatt Trunn II


Night Wolf

we must join together and show the mods what we're made of


I'm made of human excrement and krazy glue.
It was a doorway trying to seal itself shut.. But I climbed through.

Night Wolf

Remind me to never let you touch me


Quote from: Night Wolf on December 06, 2009, 07:58:29 PM
Your cheese really has slid off your cracker if you think you can out spam me.

you can post, what, like once a century?
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?

Night Wolf

Nope the stupid mods probation Idea is broken  :D
I just cant edit my posts (which is extremely dumb and completly unnesisarry) or creat new topics anywhere....except real life board for some reason :-\
but again thats dumb what if I noticed a bug in the game how would I tell everybody about? Thats right I wouldnt because some genius made it so I cant post new topics. Smooth move X-lax


I believe this is similar to the "crying wolf" scenario.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?