Turbo awards

Started by Firetooth, November 29, 2009, 11:11:23 AM

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Omg (if anybody hasn't done these before they're pretty straightfoward)

Best player:
Worst player:
Best leaderer:
Worst leaderer:
Best indier:
Worst indier:
Best newcomer:
Most annoying:
Best clan:
Worst clan:
Biggest suprise:
Biggest dissapointment:
Biggest talker:
Best hair doo:
Worst hair doo:

My choices:

Best player: Mystic Frost by a mile.
Worst player: Dunno
Best leaderer: Sevah
Worst leaderer: N/A
Best indier: Peace or Snare?
Worst indier: N/A
Best newcomer: Daryn (technically not a newcomer but this is easily his best round yet-big improvement)
Most annoying: The Master's (Briar) constant sacking or Checkerpaw's (In the name of the law) constant blabber;the fact Sevah was maxed at the end by a bunch of pointless suicides (he still had 14mil leaders) preventing me from taking any of his land, stopping me from being able to spend more efficently.
Best clan: Probably <<<<>>>> (or whatever it called)
Worst clan: Most of them were only 1 man clans, or intended for killing...maybe RSL, seeing as it only had 1member left by the end, and wasn't really all that aggrovating minus one member.
Biggest suprise: Nova clinching the win, mainly because everybody expected noble or <<<>>> to win.
Biggest dissapointment: I couldn't get on to finish spending :( Also was hoping to see more players above the 1bil net mark at the end.
Biggest talker: Checkerpaw
Best hair doo: Me
Worst hair doo: Me
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


lol. Sweet on the most annoying player, that's what I was going for this round.

And RSL was able to pull off some pretty decent NW imo for just two people.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


Quote from: Briar on November 29, 2009, 11:14:39 AM
lol. Sweet on the most annoying player, that's what I was going for this round.

And RSL was able to pull off some pretty decent NW imo for just two people.
Not really. Daryn had a decent finish, but like 650mil or so if you hadn't died isn't that much :P
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


thank you for crushing my dream of actually contributing to something in this game.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?

Alazar is Back

Best player: Nova
Worst player: Shadow(lol)
Best leaderer: Sevah
Worst leaderer: Idk
Best indier: Snare
Worst indier: Idk
Best newcomer: Nova, cause technically he is still really new.
Most annoying: The Master
Best clan: Mine of course
Worst clan: No balls
Biggest suprise: The above said clan doing so terrible in the end.
Biggest dissapointment: Not controlling the top two spots i guess
Biggest talker: The above said clan.
Best hair doo: Nova, real slick son.
Worst hair doo: Shadow, we mess his up pretty bad ;)

Briar, I think for what I have seen out of you so far you had a really good round. Good job and keep up the good work. If you want a little help Feel free to pm me or add me on msn and i would be more than happy to show you a thing or two about netting/ and or takedowns.
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


Lol Ally, whenever you guys win something you always talk to big after, it's cute. Your team did very well - all you personally managed to do all round was die with a lot of your clan's net after spouting some bull about how nobody would take your city. Just putting things in perspective.

Best player: Nova
Worst player: /
Best leaderer: Nova
Worst leaderer: /
Best indier: PA, with the endless stream of city-stealing rats
Worst indier: /
Best newcomer: Nova, though not completely new
Most annoying: Tough one, not sure
Best clan: No clan did very well this round
Worst clan: Noble could have done far better ^_^
Biggest suprise: Ally sitting on the bottom doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the round after he got owned.
Biggest dissapointment: <<<>>> only doing takedowns and not making anything worth destroying
Biggest talker: Ally's "Change is coming thread" makes me giggle
Best hair doo: PA, always
Worst hair doo: /
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Best player: Nova
Worst player: Windy (under 70k net)
Best leaderer: Snare as Genocide
Worst leaderer: Shadow, too many mistakes
Best indier: Juska (breaks through steel)
Worst indier: PA
Best newcomer: Nova or Haydee if they're newer
Most annoying: Sevz i'd hope
Best clan: Armada when it peaked
Worst clan: Nobs
Biggest suprise: Checker
Biggest dissapointment: Getting killed late since i'm always innocent
Biggest talker: Alazar
Best hair doo: Briar
Worst hair doo:
Quote from: windhound on March 31, 2012, 05:10:16 PM
Coding out holes in the game is the best way to do things. 
Relying an the admins to patrol is a) time consuming for the admins in question b) unreliable c) only invites conflict
There is no conflict or "I didn't know any better!" excuses with a coded in rule.


Alazar, you're getting on my nerves. Go find another thread to egotize and complain about Noble, because last I checked, you aren't the cream of the player base here.
Shadow+Alazar: Nova plays Valhall, which isn't miles diffrent from rwl, it's just more competitive, so he's not really a newcomer as such. Maybe if he was playing endrev or something.

Sevz: Haydee isn't new but thye haven't been around long.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Gen. Volkov

Best player: Nova, cause he got the win. Though massing food all round is kinda easy.
Worst player: Whoever was in dead last, but not in protection.
Best leaderer: Sevz or Nova
Worst leaderer: no idea
Best indier: Solo? Me or Juska. On a team? Snare or Peace.
Worst indier: All the indiers were pretty decent
Best newcomer: Nova
Most annoying: dunno
Best clan: Armada before everyone left.
Worst clan: dunno
Biggest suprise: Nova winning it all
Biggest dissapointment: Noble's lack of organization
Biggest talker: Hard to say, lot of big mouths in this forum
Best hair doo: Mine, white-fro always wins
Worst hair doo: don't know, don't care
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Hello ALL, I am from  valhall server.  Indeed, massing grains doesn't take much skills.  I guess I dont deserve the credit for the win on the record books.  It's quite easy to net at valhall compare to RWL, the pilllage feature is quite annoying, have to protect my cash  and grains as a mager, so had to re-adjust my strats  a little, still have to get familiar with RWL code.


Best player: ~
Worst player: ~
Best leaderer: Sevz
Worst leaderer: ~
Best indier: PA?
Worst indier: ~
Best newcomer: Nova. He is good
Most annoying: No one in particular
Best clan: RSL, considering we managed to pull of a lot of net with a two man/woman team
Worst clan: ~
Biggest suprise: I ended up #6...seriously...I never expected to get that high. It was just massing food
Biggest dissapointment: Briar died
Biggest talker: ~
Best hair doo:~
Worst hair doo:~


Quote from: NoVa on November 30, 2009, 09:41:52 PM
Hello ALL, I am from  valhall server.  Indeed, massing grains doesn't take much skills.  I guess I dont deserve the credit for the win on the record books.  It's quite easy to net at valhall compare to RWL, the pilllage feature is quite annoying, have to protect my cash  and grains as a mager, so had to re-adjust my strats  a little, still have to get familiar with RWL code.
Hahah yeah, their version of it is pretty tricky to get around, but you'll be able to manage just fine. Give it a bit.

Gen. Volkov

QuoteHello ALL, I am from  valhall server.  Indeed, massing grains doesn't take much skills.  I guess I dont deserve the credit for the win on the record books.

Heya Nova, wasn't trying to say that. You deserve all the credit in the world for that win. No one ever managed to market theft you, which does take skill. Well done. I was just saying "Store food on market all round then take it off for the win" is kinda easy, and might need to be worked on. However, credits and grats to you for pulling it off.

QuoteIt's quite easy to net at valhall compare to RWL, the pilllage feature is quite annoying, have to protect my cash  and grains as a mager, so had to re-adjust my strats  a little, still have to get familiar with RWL code.

Yeah, I've had to do the same at Valhall and QMT, coming from here. It takes a bit, but I think a win in your first few sets is still pretty dang good.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Death, seems like your everywhere, probably only place  isn't there is hell, lol.


Give me a couple of years, darn.