Started by Ungatt Trunn II, November 02, 2009, 09:33:29 PM

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I know Hiten Mitsurugi style swordsmanship.
It was a doorway trying to seal itself shut.. But I climbed through.

Agent Elliot

My dad can beat up your dad.


My father would kindly help bt, saddly can not.


Probably, unless my Dad was having a really low sugar... he gets like a berserker.
It was a doorway trying to seal itself shut.. But I climbed through.

Agent Elliot

My father was some scientist in area 51. My mother was a test tube. My cousin, however, is a cow. Very odd family.


Do you have any cow genes?
It was a doorway trying to seal itself shut.. But I climbed through.


Im indian. people i know find that very werid.

Agent Elliot

Some. Strangely I look as close to the average healthy human male as possible. But I can happily eat grass for food.


Do you mean Indian or Native American?
It was a doorway trying to seal itself shut.. But I climbed through.


Agent Elliot

All Native Americans are good for is target practice.


Funny to see a Native American use the term Indian... ironic I guess. Either way, does that mean you can do a whole lot of cool things legally by right of birth?
It was a doorway trying to seal itself shut.. But I climbed through.


once again this is why i hate you. We gave you so much and all you did was rape our females and take our land.    I own a mountain.. to answer the kind qestion

Agent Elliot

Please. You aren't full Native American so stop acting like you are. YOU gave nothing. I  did nothing. Our ancestors, sure. Stop acting like your life is bad. You have a great life so enough with your whining.


Can you kill as many animals as you like, whenever you like? In Canada the Natives can.
It was a doorway trying to seal itself shut.. But I climbed through.