Wolf Snare

Started by Night Wolf, October 30, 2009, 02:50:10 PM

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Night Wolf

That is enough. you are on your way to a gagging night wolf, im not going to tell you again. 2nd warning in a day. Forcing my hand to tell my superiors, this is just inappropriate.
Um yeah I had that pic as my avi for like the longest time and its been posted about more times than I can count. And no ones said anything before. Just figured id tell ya.


Also, Snare person... i herd u lyk mudkipz.
Generic Orthodontic Appliance Testers


Quote from: Night Wolf on October 30, 2009, 02:50:10 PM
That is enough. you are on your way to a gagging night wolf, im not going to tell you again. 2nd warning in a day. Forcing my hand to tell my superiors, this is just inappropriate.
Um yeah I had that pic as my avi for like the longest time and its been posted about more times than I can count. And no ones said anything before. Just figured id tell ya.

Just because we haven't seen it before now doesn't mean it is ok now. You know better, seriously, use your judgement. If you can't do that, judgement will be made for you.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Ungatt Trunn II

I honestly can't see how that is inappropriate, it's a simple MS paint modification and shows nothing. C'mon guys, I know we got out of line but there is a point where censorship is going to far.


Quote from: Shadow on October 30, 2009, 03:41:42 PM
Quote from: Night Wolf on October 30, 2009, 02:50:10 PM
That is enough. you are on your way to a gagging night wolf, im not going to tell you again. 2nd warning in a day. Forcing my hand to tell my superiors, this is just inappropriate.
Um yeah I had that pic as my avi for like the longest time and its been posted about more times than I can count. And no ones said anything before. Just figured id tell ya.

Just because we haven't seen it before now doesn't mean it is ok now. You know better, seriously, use your judgement. If you can't do that, judgement will be made for you.
List what is wrong with the picture. I've seen mods post worst things, myself. Oh, and AoU gets away with anything, and despite his denials, he's still posting things that aren't pg13.
Not trying to attack anyone, but the mods should use their judgement. Some things aren't worth the trouble. Some things are. People need to make sure they don't cross the line.
Vulgarity is bad, but censoring stuff that doesn't need censoring? Pointless. Banning for supposedly posting inappropriate content? Pointless.
If you ban wolf, you're wasting your time. Infact, in all the time in the spa, he's probably the only one who hasn't posted anything I'd call inappropriate.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Ungatt Trunn II

And for one time in the history of the universe, the stars all lined up and all planets stood still, Ungatt and Firetooth agreed on something.

And then everything blew up.

And then some IDIOT thought that AoU was Ungatt which, seriously, really? HOW CAN I BE THE SAME PERSON WHEN WE POST AT NEARLY THE EXACT SAME TIME, A LOT!?


Well, we can't police everything that is said in here, there is just too much, which means that you are going to get hit harder when you do something out of line. It's the price you pay for your spamming ways. Now stop arguing and smarten up. PG13 guys.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Ungatt Trunn II

Okay, so we are going to G rating now?


Quote from: Shadow on October 30, 2009, 04:02:36 PM
Well, we can't police everything that is said in here, there is just too much, which means that you are going to get hit harder when you do something out of line. It's the price you pay for your spamming ways. Now stop arguing and smarten up. PG13 guys.
Define "pg13." You would find limited nudity, probably worse then what wolf posted, in pg13 films in certain occasions, but that wouldn't stand here. You find swearing in pg13's, but that wouldn't stand here.w We need clearer boundaries.

    The movie may contain intense violence (but some or almost no gore), some sexual content, partial nudity, drug references, and/or infrequent strong language. Children under 13 should have parental guidance."

Which of those would stand here? A total of...0

I'm not trying to criticize the mods, but I'm saying we are technically not going over pg13 according to those guidelines. That's from wikipedia, idk if that's 100% true, but can you at least expand on what we are and aren't allowed to post?
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


No swearing, nothing sexual, suggestive images, etc. You -can- discuss these things in ultramoderated discussion if you have something meaningful to say about it.

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I know I shouldn't argue with mods . . . . but in Night wolf's defence he never seems to do anything wrong, and he didn't even edit that image himself.

AoU on the other hand always seems to be doing stupid inappropriate things and getting away with it

Quote from: Shadow on October 30, 2009, 04:02:36 PM
Well, we can't police everything that is said in here

I'm sure there are people who would be willing to point you in the direction of some of AoU's posts as proof he's always getting away with stuff, I only remember seeing him being warned once.


Quote from: Shadow on October 30, 2009, 04:33:49 PM
No swearing, nothing sexual, suggestive images, etc. You -can- discuss these things in ultramoderated discussion if you have something meaningful to say about it.

Thanks, good that's clear, now nobody can complain.
Though the rating really shouldn't be refered to as pg13 then. It will only confuse people.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


You're just splitting hairs. Also there are other things that are forbidden (see habit vs character), racism, sexism, etc etc. Just don't be a foul-mouthed jerk and you're probably ok.

-DO NOT- go and post things that are borderline innappropriate or not listed here and then claim that it is ok because I didn't expressly forbid it. You all know the rules, and it will get you gagged even faster than it would without the quote.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Hey, hey, hey.

People, I made that picture. Night Wolf didn't even know I'd make it. Why attack him? It's utter nonsense.

OK I've now seen that he made a topic about that picture... But the picture was around for A LONG time. I posted it and nobody said anything. Night Wolf used it as his avatar (I had to shrink it for him, lol), and nobody said anything. The picture was around for so long that it got forgotten and was buried. And Night Wolf remembered and unburied it.
Actually, again, he wasn't one who unburied it, I was. And with nostalgy. It reminded me of times when Spa Room was sane and enjoyable. So I was happy to put it up again. I had no idea it was offensive in any way. It wasn't supposed to be suggesting or anything. I thought the picture was completely innocent.

Anyway. I think that now that Spa Room is out of control, mods simply have strenghtened their measures. Hard times need hard actions (lol).

Quote from: Takara on August 08, 2009, 12:50:19 PMHOWL IS AWESOME. YOU ARE SAD BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT HOWL.

Quote from: Genevieve on November 11, 2009, 02:38:03 AMAsian food is also usually inanimate.

Ungatt Trunn II

It's a martial law, which outlined in RSL political policy V. 2.3, "Only the SRA Grand Master General can declare any form of martial law with the majority support from the council. All 3rd party entities are,  therefor, considered acts of violence fit for war."