The Gawtrybe

Started by Fleetscut, March 21, 2003, 11:57:20 PM

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 Days after talking with the Monitors, Deathclaw set the last stone to his fortress. He agreed to aid them, but then would turn on them to rule the lands. Word of seeing the Gawtrybe was spread and sniping started. A new front was becoming.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 OOC:  Killing another rpg character is AUTOING.


 OOC: Failing to post reguarly and showing you have not read of your death by posting something else is IGNORANCE!

Windhoung managed to escape the skirmish and hid  in the shadows. He learnt of Deathclaw's alliance with the Marsh Lord. Winghound was no fool. Deathclaw had now turned on the Gawtrybe and he knew that he would over rule the forest aswell.

This information was valuable! The Gawtrybe would pay a large cost for it!

Deathclaw ordered the Squirrel warriors he gained in the Windhound incident to be left behind to guard the fortress. The squirrels obeyed, not knowing the hares were going to attack their own tribe!

Night had fallen and Kiawo had not taken into account the thirst his tribe would endure. There was no source of drink in the acorn tree and rain did not seem likely in the weather they were in. Kiawo ordered a small party of squirrels to gather water from the river and forage for any berries they could find. The lizards had stopped their siege of the tree and set off to fight the long patrol.

OOC: Here I go again, slaying another character.
The lizards danced around and poked at Alcaline's still body. The long patrol were now all depleted and although they had taken out 7 score of lizards, it was still not enough.

EDIT: If you don't post in a certain number of weeks your character dies. No buts. If you want to prevent this happening, tell me before hand you will be away for a certain time.
Demoneye - Pirates of Terramort.

General Austin

 *As windhound sat sullenly in the dungeon, another shadowy figure appeared. Ash Barkwood, the little known and forgotten RPer, was coming in to save the young fox*

Oi, windhound! My family and I have come to save you! The guards are drugged, not to worry about them! They just look wide awake! Come back here with me, and I'll see what we can do about getting you a new boat!

OOC:I know he heard about Deathclaw's plans, but can he still be in the dungeon? You're autoing windhound now, too.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 OOC: He is in my dungeons, my own prisons, in my citadel in a disclosed location. He is heavily guarded, thus not being rescued as you would be caught by my many guards and imprisoned.

Seeing the foraging patrol in search of liquid, they quickly surrounded them and mounted an assault of slingstones. Due to only being armed with sticks and acorns, they surrendered, those who hadn't fallen on the initial attack. They were hauled to the dungeons and knocked out. They were all in seperate cells, far enough away to not be able to communicate. The citadel's vastness enabled it to have many prisons of great size, and they separated all cells with heavy cement.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 windhound sat desparingly confused.  He was being ripped from scene to scene, at first he had been out in the open, free, then he was back in the dungens, talking the the squirrel who had been in the little boat, then the squirrel vanished and he was left alone once again.  "Oddness"  he muttered to him self, "I wonder where I'll end up..."
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 "Stop your incescent muttering!" yelled a hare guard at windhound. The hares of this force all had the cunning to be a warlord, and vocabulary was a small thing in their minds. Make no mistake, these hares fought for good, but the Gawtrybe started the war, so they were fighting the just cause. Then, the Marsh Lords would be killed because they were evil and fought the innocent. All was well. Suddenly, a patrol came in, and through three squirrels in a prison cell, the latest catch. By now, the Gawtrybe new that the hares were against them. The hares erected tribuchets in case of attack, planning to ward off invaders this way.

A brustle in the woodland fringe caught Deathclaw's attention. He was in a makeshift hut with the tribuchets nearby, surrounded by a wall of protection, with the most loyal of fighters guarding and keeping sentry. A boulder went off through the air, and instantly slayed two large newts fighting a Gawtrybe squirrel. The squirrel fled the scene and was unable to be captured. The newts were quickly hidden so as to not arouse suspicion with the Marsh Lord. The Gawtrybe had retreated and hidden in the woodlands, and Deathclaw had a plan. He moved trebuchets to the edge of the woodlands and fired relentlessly all afternoon, up until nightfall. Then, he put the trebuchets back by his fortress, not knowing how many he had killed in his cunning plan to eliminate the Gawtrybe, or force them to smaller numbers.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 A light silver wolf comes up behind the hare and taps him lightly on the shoulder.  In appearence, the wolf wore a black sleeveless open leather jacket.  He wore around his neck a collar with sharp metal studs resembling spikes.  He had liquid ultramarine eyes, and he looked all-in-all like a tough wolf.  "I may be vermin," he spoke in a rough voice, "But I en't bad like 'em.  ccedpt me for the heart I have, not who I twas born ta.  I fight for the good."  With that he bowed deeply, and looked into the hare's eyes with those honest dark blue ones that he had.
On a rock climbing trip

-Mother has tripped five times-

Mother- "Matt, these shoes have great traction!"

Me- "Inwhich you have demonstrated so well..."

The following is going to be my extremely stupid bumper sticker:

Honk if you love peace and quiet.


 "Then join our forces against the Gawtrybe."
With that, he detailed six hares to watch the fox closely in case of double crossing, but allowed him the idea he was unguarded. He was given the job of tracking down squirrels with the hares working with him.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 A squirrel came racing up the tree in which Kiawo and his army were eating a frugal meal of roasted acorns and dockleaf tea.
"Sir!" He cried from below. "The Hares are attacking our camp! Deathclaw turns against us!"
Kiawo fumed and threw his tea onto the ground before.
"I KNEW we shouldn'tve TRUSTED him!" He yelled.
Although Deathclaw had all Kiawo's real warriors, things could still have been worse. The Lizards had now stopped attacking giving them time to amble down the tree and march back to the Gawtrybe camp. As he walked Kiawo thought in his head how they were going to deal with the situation. He smiled, Kiwao still had a few cards to play!
A babe squirrel squeaked with fright and clung on to his mother for dear life as a boulder came hurtling down destroying the huge bonfire the Squirrels had made. A Mother Squirrel soon saw Kiawo racing towards them. The babes cheered to see their fathers come home but it did not last long.
"Yesero.." Kiawo gasped, "Take 20 men and escort our squirrels to the mountain in the North. Seek an owl named Braveheart.." Kiawo saw the fright on the little one's faces and patted their heads reassuringly. "Don't worry. This owl won't hurt any of you." He then continued to Yesero. "Get Braveheart to come and help us as soon as possible. take your army back and leave the rest of the tribe there." Yesero obeyed instantly gathering the mothers and their squirrelbabes - and choosing several soliders to accompany him.

It was late into the night and a handful of hares stood by guarding the trebuchets.  Speeding silently through the air, 7 arrows found each one of them, slaying them silently in the cold night. Kiawo and the others raised flaming torches and flung them onto each trebuchet. They burst alight in flame and Kiawo watched for a minute as the siege weapons fell apart crackling as the flames roared and licked the wood. Then as soon as they had come, the squirrels vanished into the woodland.
The Battle was now on.
Kiawo then ordered his men further on back into the woodland. He knew the place much better than any foreignor. Deathclaw would have trouble finding his position, and even if he did the Gawtrybe would meet him first.

EDIT: Where the hell is Windhound going anyway?
Demoneye - Pirates of Terramort.


 occ:  *pokes Fleetscut*  no profanity!  oh well, I spose windy has been stuck for long enough, time for a swift escape.

windhound had been examining his cell closly.  It had been made out of some sort of hard, whiteish material which was quite brittle.  He found a small crack in the back wall and worked on it tooth and claw, the gaurds being much too busy with their new occupants to pay too much attention to a fox who they now regarded as a crazy muttering fool.  As soon as a sizable hole had been made, windhound stuffed it with a mixture of highly combustable herbs.  Taking a piece of flint and a chunk of moss, he started a small fire and tossed it into the crack while running backwards to the other side of the small cell.  *BOOOOOOM!!!*  The cell wall crumbled swiftly away, revealing a patch of sunlight near the top.   At once windhound scrambled over the chunks of fallen wall and enlarged the hole and scrambled out to freedom.  Finding a piece of smoldering herbs and moss, windhound tossed it onto the nearest trebuchets, setting many alight.  Leaving behind a firery inferno, windhound rushed on to the woodlands.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 Seeing the fleeing fox, Deathclaw removed a sleeping potion, dabbed a dart, and shot it, bringing down the fox. They bound him, as well as all the prisoners, and made more trebuchets, this time storing them only to be used when needed. An eagle, Wessima, reported to Deathclaw.
"They seek an owl named Braveheart to aid them. I have two jackdaws following them. What shall we do?"
"Take most of your aerial combat squad, seek the owl, and slay him and the soldiers seeking him, preferably in that order. Take ten hares, they will fight on the ground if needed. Go off now, we must win the war."

OOC: I took all but your cloak as previously mentioned, and gave a new one to avoid special features, and my trebuchets had more than a handful of guards and a wall around them. I'll let it slip and return things basically to normal, but only this time.

Glory, Glory, Man United!


 occ:  *grumbles darkly*  took me quite a bit to write that, all it's effects gone now..  me fix again :D   NO TOUCH MY WRITING, GO WITH IT!!!  
I hate my charicter being locked up  :(   I take more with me now  :P  punishment for not letting me go the first time...  ok, now on with the story:

Sleep slowly receded from windhound, leaving in it's place an incredible headache.  When he came to, he found that he was in a cell that was farther down the passage.  His bindings were easily loosened, they were hastily tied as the troops were anxious to get going.  The new cell was damp and moldy, and overall not a pleasant place.  windhound poked a wall disainfully with his paw, and it crumbled on contact.  Although farily new, the cells were already deteriorating in the dank, humid atomosphere.  Less cement had apparently been used as the cells progressed down, and he was, as far as he could tell, in the very last one.  The other cells were filled with chattering squirrels, who seemed to be not very put out by their containment.  Their strong, sharp teeth easily sawed through their bindings.  windhound got their attention by waving his long red tail around rapidly in a circle.  Wispering quietly to them, he told them all to attack the back walls of their cells.  The word spread and soon all the squirrels were using their boundless energy to rapidly destroy the back walls.  The gaurds couldnt do a thing about it, there were much too many squirrels and soon they were all clawing away dirt, pushing their way to the surface, windhound emerging first.  They all made a mad dash across the field, windhound making it to the trees with about 3/4 of all the squirrels from the cells.  The remainder remained on the field, being brought down by darts from the gaurds.  windhound dashed off through the woods, determined not to be captured again.  Once seen as enemy for some reason, windhound was now seen as a hero to the squirrels who escaped with him.  They squirrels ran through the trees, windhound on the ground, all racing for the gawtrybe camp.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 OOC: Though my cells are underground and made of thick stone, I'll let you escape.

Deathclaw took with him fifty fighting hares and sped after the enemy to the Gawtrybe camp. They stayed hidden to note the position, and a runner returned to the castle. Ten jackdaws flew to the camp, as many trebuchets were taken to use against the camp. One was at each side, five operating each so that they would always be sure of its continuous firing. First jackdaws attempted to still weapons. Two quivers of arrows were taken. Then, hares took to sniping positions, and trebuchets prepared to throw. Slingers took their position, and awaited a signal. A fast strike would occur, and a few hares would stay and keep the position. Trebuchets released their hold, arrows and stones found targets, and each jackdaw found a little one to take back to the dungeons. One jackdaw was wounded, and was forced to drop the young one, who landed on another, slaying the pair. Deathclaw whispered to those staying to find the position, "Hide well. Archers will hold them off until you are ready."
Archers and slingers alike fired their weapons, forcing the squirrel warriors to take cover ans give the rest of the troops time to escape, and the jackdaw time to hobble to the castle. Then, the speedy hare archers all escaped to their castle. Injuries were treated, dungeons strengthened, and more sentries posted. The the young ones were heavily guarded, a hare to each of them, plus two more. The other prisoners also faced being heavily watched.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 OCC:"Though my cells are underground and made of thick stone, I'll let you escape."  I thought you said concrete...  but whatever, the evil forces of Deathclaw are ruling the lands once again  ;)  

windhound watched in slight dismay at the damage being done to the gawtrybe camp.  He really didnt care about them, but he didnt want Deathclaw to win.  So windhound went wandering, staying far from the fighting as to remain uncaptured.  He started a small band of misc. creatures, and began expanding.  windhound hoped to soon have a force that, when combined with the gawtrybe, could overpower Deathclaw's army.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't