Started by Night Wolf, September 01, 2009, 07:47:33 AM

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Night Wolf

That......Was......AMAZING  :D


*accidental caramelldansen*

Quote from: Takara on August 08, 2009, 12:50:19 PMHOWL IS AWESOME. YOU ARE SAD BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT HOWL.

Quote from: Genevieve on November 11, 2009, 02:38:03 AMAsian food is also usually inanimate.

Night Wolf


What if there was accidental randomness, and non-accidental randomnes?

For example, why does "accidental" have "dental" in it? What does it have to do with teeth?

Quote from: Takara on August 08, 2009, 12:50:19 PMHOWL IS AWESOME. YOU ARE SAD BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT HOWL.

Quote from: Genevieve on November 11, 2009, 02:38:03 AMAsian food is also usually inanimate.

Night Wolf


A day in the life of my thought processes at school:

What is memory? Right now you're seeing things, feeling things, and remembering things, and this moment right now is going to become some form of memory at some point. But how is it that you forget things from the past? Is there a past? Well, this moment right now becomes the past in the future. So what will you remember in the future? What are you living for and remembering? Are there certain things you're meant to forget and others you're meant to remember? What is forgetting when it comes to your past?

And what if you forget something? What if you lose a memory? You wouldn't feel that, would you? You wouldn't even know it happened. And obviously, you wouldn't remember if you forgot it. So then, if you lose a memory, how do you even know anything that happened then? You wouldn't realize that part of your life was gone. So, how would you know that chunk of your life happened?

And what is the purpose of our very life here? We make things better for new lives that come along, and those new lives make things even better for the next lives that come along, and so on. But what are the lives for? And what happens when you die? Do you really just sleep dreamlessly? If when you sleep dreamlessly, the time goes by like it wasn't there, then what would it be like to sleep for eternity like that? If the time seems to not exist but you're lying in that time frame forever, what do you feel, since you have no senses or dreams? What is it like? Or is death just a matter of a dream of Heaven and eternal peace? Do you go to Heaven for real? (I'm not going to state any real religious beliefs here, just wondering.) But what if reincarnation is true? The moment you die, do you lose your memories and start fresh as a new being? But then what was your life even FOR if you just form another person in the end?

If that's the case, then maybe the world did start with two lives, and then those two lives, male and female, split into many lives and lost their memories? What would that be like? And what's the purpose of that, to keep making more and more and more lives? What are the lives for? It's not like there is any real purpose if the lives begin and end. And if we never existed, we wouldn't even know because we never actually WERE, so what would be the difference?

So if life and time is made up of different frames (off topic), what you do won't effect it, either. So no matter what you do, your fate will always be the same. Kinda makes you wanna sit on your butt and wait, right? Because if the future already knew that you were gonna sit on your butt, your future would be death. But the future is all decided on what you do, just off of what it already knows you're gonna do. Your fate will always be the same in that case, no matter what, and your life can take on any path that you choose, but if it's all in frames, your life is already sort of preplanned, isn't it? It's all very confusing and makes you wonder: why live your life when it'll all end one way? But you still effect it, don't you?

And then you could start to wonder, what do other people see? If all YOU see in YOUR life are the other people, how do you know they all exist? How do you know you're not the only life and they're all fake? Then what is your life in itself? You could wonder, if nothing else exists, why do I follow rules? It won't effect anyone else because they aren't real. If they are real, how do THEY see the world? Do they see the same things you see? What are colors, then? Sounds? What if everyone hears or sees them a tad bit different than anyone else but you wouldn't know, like opinions differ? What if sight and sound are like opinions on how you YOURSELF see them, not just the eye and the brain? (This may be proved against with science. I have no idea.)

In the case of opinions like that, what do other people see of the people you're familiar with. Do people you know actually APPEAR different to you? Do other people see something different than you do when they just look at your friend, whom they've actually never spoken to? Do familiarities actual make a difference in what you see, hear, and feel? Does that effect anything?

What is being familiar...? What is a memory...? What is time and life and death...?

And then I spend the rest of the day wondering this until I get a headache and spend my time pondering in the dark while eating something sugary to make myself happy. O_o

It feels good to write it all down. And correct me if I said anything wrong or wierd, because I'm definately not gonna be able to go back and read this without going into another mental conflict sort of thing. ;_;

Night Wolf

I didnt bother reading it sorry I dont feel like it at the moment


Trust me, I wouldn't want to read it either. XD I just had to write it down before my head asploded.

Night Wolf


Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Night Wolf


Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Night Wolf


At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?

Ungatt Trunn II