Random role play.

Started by Zara_rose_wolf, August 19, 2009, 01:14:52 PM

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Sorreh. I just don't like to feel stupid. XD


2edly yes this is rp... its a war storie type of thing.. uuuhhh just role with it i guess




((Um... I need more than just that. What's the enemy, what's the purpose of the war, what sort of fantasy (modern or medieval), and do they have powers or wierd abilities or something? I'm picky.))


ugh. it midevil dating back to beform the time of reborn (Renisnce) the time of mtholgogy. you person can control abilittys......you have your powers (top 2) and a wepon (more if you want)

name: zahara "zara" aymya.
dob: october 31st.\
age: 14

abitltys: fully controls darkness and mind bending (telkia)
wepon: kuromi staff (darkness staff)


Leon... Almost 16... Increased physical abilities... Weapon is just that little thing in his hand for the moment, but the necklace has some dark magic XD...

Mary... Almost 15... Creates things with her mind (learning how to do it without drawing the thing first)... Weapon is an umbrella-looking thing that is hard as a shield, sides that can slice when thrown like a frisbee, a tip that's very sharp, that her father designed... And she has an Irish Wolfhound named Miles that has lived for all of Mary's life, and is her most loyal companion (he stopped aging at one year)...

I just have that here to seperate my characters. XD I hope you don't mind them. XD


((GTG for right now. I'll start posting tomorrow. DX))


I dont wanna RP where everyone can see.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works



No. my Roleplay skills suck.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


As do mine. But to be honest, you're a heck of a lot better than I am. ^^


Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


Yes you are. ^^

Can you come over?


(ok on with the rp......))

I look up to capitain bulgara... i sigh, time to go i have no more time this is going to be mercyless... i stand and walk off only looking back once..