The resistance

Started by Firetooth, July 20, 2009, 10:56:50 AM

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After a somewhat brief fight, which resulted in a few dead guards, with the others being unconscious, the duo stood panting.

"I never did much like this Pike, anyways," Quixote muttered, nudging the unconscious captain. "Besides, there wasn't anything in protocol about warnings."

"You're not like the others," the badger finally said. "You're not so...merciless. I'd never dreamed that a cat would help me break out."

"Watch it," the wildcat growled. "My name's Quixote. Come to think of it, I never learned yours..."

"It doesn't matter," the badger replied. "Let's get going."

After relieving the outpost of its food and water, the duo continued on their way, heading south. It was quite a while before they neared the desert.


"Sh!" Kare hissed. "People are approaching fast from the north!"
The cat threw his a sandy colored canvas over his companions. They laid on the ground, not daring to speak.


Saver ducked down. As they laid themselves flat against the barre waistland, they saw a small patrol of seven scouts from Vorgon's empire. All equipped with daggers and supplies.
"This could work to our advantage" Saver chuckled. Silenlty they drew their weapons and charged. Saver impaled one scout, then slashed another rat's arm off before he could draw his weapon. Ungatt sent a rat barelling into a nearby stoat scout with a viscous kick, and Kare stabbed one rat, whilst sticking his sword lightly in the ground and using it to propel himself in a flying kick at a weasels face. Saver punched the daylights out of the last conscious scout, then impaled him.
"Looks like we won't go hungry" he grinned
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Kare took the bags of the patrol. Inside, it was bulkily laden with foods of all sorts.
"Yum, scones," the wildcat grinned as he munched one down. "There's drinks too. Nettle beer, ugh. I'll take water."
"Let's rest here for the day," Saver announced.
The others nodded.
"I'll be first guard," Kare offered. Then the other two were fast asleep.


Strider panted as he ran. He'd seen the wildcat rescue the badger, slaughter the patrol. Good thing he was a camoflauge expert. Wait till he told Vorgon...promotion!He grinned, anticipating becoming a captain.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


As he and the badger entered the desert, Quixote could tell, after examining the ground, that there had been others here recently. "There may be more ahead," he said, standing back up. "Be on your guard."

"When am I not?" the badger muttered, making the wildcat raise an eyebrow.

Neither had known that Strider had gotten away from them. Nor did they know of the five remaining Shadow Wolves, who were just ahead, or of the trio that was several yards past the Shadow Wolves.



Inside redwall abbey...
Gruff smacked a mouse round the head with his spear butt. He snarled "hurry up and deliver the rest of the rations to the wall patrol"
The mouse rubbed his head and continued. Meanwhile, in the slave compound dark talks were on.
"It's time Vorgon takes a fall" a skinny but muscular squirell called Barkswipe declared to the small group of rebel slaves.
"Agreed" an old mouse, Perry the former abbort, replied "However, the problem is raising a rebel force"
"I dont care how" a young mouse called Chris said "I just want Vorgon to stop degrading us. We hsould be free, remember the saying 'cut a Snake's head off and the rest stops moving?' We cut off the Snake's head!"
Everyone agreed then hushed as two guards walked past. They whispered
"Time to gather more rebels"
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


The otter guards of Castle Floret watched the horizon with great care. They could see someone, or something coming from the wasteland. Then there was something behind them.
"Captain Glen!" Rorgun, a guard yelled. "Two groups approaching Southsward!"
Glen scrutinized the tiny figures. The top of castle Floret, anything could be seen from many, many leagues. The groups must be far away.
"Rorgun, Shan, Dubble, and Carreb, some with me!"


Vorgon smiled as he sipped his wine, two mice fanning him. He was a sleek stoat, wearing a rough lizard-hide jacket and a black cape. A sword hung loosely on his belt. His beedy eyes were everywhere. His General, Kain, was before him, bowed on one knee.
"Sire, our attack force of five-hundred troops has left. They will be at southsward by the end of the week at the pace they're going"
Vorgon closed his eyes, taking this in, then leaped up, snarling. He batted one mouse away, kicking his footstall over. He grabbed his desk and flung it at the wall, shattering it. He stamped up to Kain, picking him up by his cheeks with both hands. He put his face right next to his and snarled "that is unacceptable"
"SS-sire, what should I do?" Kain gulped, struggling for breath.
Vorgon flung him across the room, smashing him into a wall. "Send a rook messenger. Say they must be there in five days time."
"Yes sir" Kain said, and quickly fled the room.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


"There's someone following us," Ungatt hissed to Saver.
The stoat turned around and saw five wolves, all lean and menacing striding toward them. They were obviously weak from lack of food and water, but their blades shined in the hot sun. Behind then, was another duo, consisting of a badger and a wildcat. The badger was in a tattered uniform, obviously a slave. The wildcat was wearing finer items than his companion.
"So, what do we do?" Kare raised an eyebrow.
"They obviously know we're here, so we should wait," Saver nodded.
"Alright," the wildcats echoed.


Quixote put an arm in front of the badger, stopping him. "There's someone ahead," he muttered to him, "and I don't know if they're friends or foes. I think we should wait here."

"What would be the point of that?" the badger replied, frowning at the arm in front of him.

"I don't wanna hurt them if they're friendly, that's what the point is," the wildcat answered.

So wildcat and badger waited to see what would happen.

((Cue for the Shadow Wolves.))


<<Is Night Wolf continue his part? Or should someone continue it for him?>>


((Maybe we should ask Night Wolf...))


Quote from: loti71 on August 11, 2009, 09:14:22 AM
((Maybe we should ask Night Wolf...))

<<night wolf pm'ed me to continue his part>>

The Shadow Wolves turned.
The leader, Night Wolf "Nighty," growled and twitched his ears. "Who are you? Show yourselves! We are peaceful travelers!"


Quixote started forward, the badger close beside him as they walked toward the other two groups. Once they came in sight of each other, the black wildcat swept his eyes over the Shadow Wolves. "I'm not sure that you look peaceful," he replied. "As for who we are, I'm Quixote Katana, former member of Vorgon's empire." He put emphasis on 'former'. "And this badger here is..." Quixote trailed off, waving a hand at the badger.

"Let's just say I don't want to go back the way we came," the badger growled.