The resistance

Started by Firetooth, July 20, 2009, 10:56:50 AM

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Inspired by Muse's upcoming album, the resistance (heavily based on civil wars and such), including the track united states of Eurasia(europe+asia-brilliant track, here I have decided to make a roleplay called "The resistance," themed on individuals fighting against the tyranical rule of Vorgon the Stoat, ruler of Mossflower, Sampetra, the northlands, and soon he plans to invade southsward with an army of five-thousand soldiers. Redwall is his capital. The young stoat, Saver, is the only hope of southsward, equipped only with a rusty dagger, a small shoulderbag and the clothes on his back, he aims to slip past the excellently-defended border and get to Southsward and warn it's king and Queen.
Anyone who's bothered can join the rp-right now it's more of a story, and will be till someone else joins up.

Saver looked on. The scar one his cheek still stung, reminding him not to mess with his enemy. Four guards, all armed with swords. Saver wore a ripped blue tunic and black cloak, with a belt holding his rusted dagger. The guards were distraced-if he could move fast, he could take them out.
He crept through the undergrowth, seeing the small cart they wheeled their rations and shields on-they never expected anyoine to try slipping the border, generally those who tried were killed. He made a quick dash behind the cart. He was unoticed. Good. He unsheathed his dagger slowly and quietly. A weasel had his back to the cart, leaning on his spear.
Saver stroke quickly. He jumped up, snapping the weasels neck. He grabbed his spear as it fell from his limp grasp, he pushed it, impaling a started stoat. He jumped over the cart, knocking over a rat with a two-footed kick, then blocked a sword blow from another rat with his dagger, using his free hand to punch him straight in the fact. He then sunk his dagger into the chest of the rat who still lay stunned, trying to get off the floor. He threw his dagger at the last surving, staggering rat, killing him, as he gave out an agonized scream.
He sank to his knees, exhaused, but unharmed. He didn't have time to lay around though, he knew that-he'd been a guard once. Help would be coming, other patrols would've heard the fight. He quickly grabbed a decent-looking sword from the stoat who had been in charge of the patrol, grabbed a spear to use as a stave, and packed his shoulder bag with the patrols rations. Then he was off. A minute later he could hear the outraged snarl of Vorgon, and he couldn't help grinning.
The resistance had begun.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


With his hands bound in chains, Kare (Pronounces Ka-ray) the wildcat watched the stoat dispatch the guards.
"Quick, you there!" he growled urgently. "I can help you fight them. My katana is on that slain weasel guard. Cut the chains here and let me free!"
Kare had come from across the Eastern Sea from unknown lands. The situation of the west were unknown to him, and he had stumbled into it. The traveler was captured by Vorgon.
Saver scrutinized the wildcat. He was a brawny beast, with dark brown tabby marks across his thick pelt. The wildcat had icy blue eyes, with a fighter's light to them. He was dressed in a dark gray shirt and pants, with a black cloak.
Should he save this beast or leave him to Vorgon?

<<Nothing else to so besides spam and role play here! If you don't want me in this roleplay, you can cut me out. I won't be offended.>>


<<Nah it's fine>>

Saver looked back, still heard the guards, then sprinted, cut the chains, and started fighting them. Kare started sending kicks everywheree as he ran for his katana. Firetooth smashed two rats over with his spearbutt, knocking them out, then impaled a third. Saver could hear m,ore guards coming, so he becomed the stoat to follow him, turned around and ran for the woods, followed by the wildcat. After about half a mile sprinting, he stopped and started gasping in huge breaths of air. After a minute of doing this he turned to the slave he freed.
"So" he panted, still stopping for air "what's your name?"
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.



Strider the stoat sat in his watchtower by the border, snoring. He heard a rippling in the undergrowth. He grabbed his crossbow and scanned for movement. Nothing. He heard it again, but could find nothing. He hit the warning bell. Captain Pike was talking with two fellow stoats and a rat. The youngest called Alexander was the first to speak "Damit, that's the warning bell. Refugees trying to slip the border!"
Pike acted quickly, turningto the cart and ditching his spear "get crossbows and short swords, make sure you have enough arrows, take cover in the trees, leave some food and such out so they think we've deserted this part of the border!"
The small guard patrol did so, and as they carried out the order, Pike grabbed two sticks of wood.
Soon the cart, pulled by a badger on all fours, was thundering along. Pike jumped out of hiding, yelling "refugees, this is your one warning, surrender!"
Alexander turned in shock to Pike "protocal says we never warn!" The top of the cart opened and a squirrels head popped out, and an arrow impaled the nearest rat. Alexander returned with poisoned arrows, knocking the Squirrel off the cart. He writhed in pain. A well-aimed shot from Strider, who was now on foot, took out a mouse firing stones with a slingshot, one of which hit a stoat who was preparing to aim an arrow, smashing him over.
"Go to hades!" Pike snarled, quickly rubbing the two sticks of wood together to make a flame. He lobbed it at the wooden cart, which was now nearly over the border, setting it on fire. Everyone, including the badger, bailed out, running.
"Leave them now, they're just refugees!" Pike snarled, as they ran "don't waste bolts!"
Clown the weasel snarled "You're soft Pike. Take them out, it's the order of Vorgon to take out anyone who tries slipping the border, let alone attacks a patrol!" Alexander and the two surving rats grunted in agreement, as they sniped down the survivors. The last mouse was out of range, but the well-hidden strider took him out with a powerful headshot, sending him two feet flying in the air and sticking him into a tree.
Alexander turned to Pike "we lost Jonas, Skinner and if Grant doesn't get medical atttention, he's dead. Look what your heroic 'surrender' warning did, Pike. Drake just got made leader of patrols going to Southsward, he's one of Vorgon's best men. That blood on his mask? It's real. You're dead man!"
Pike turned and snarled at Alexander "I know flaming protocol, but I'm a respected captain, I'll be fine!"
"Just like every other poor captain that ends up as a either a slave, brutally murdered, or starved in that pit. Every flaming last one" Clown said.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


"Kare," the wildcat replied. He clipped his katanas onto his black silk sash. "I'm not familiar with these lands. I got exiled from the Eastern Lands and ended up here. My ship wrecked off the coast a moon ago. I was the only one who survived."
"Why did you get exiled?" Saver asked as the duo trudged along south.
"Ahh..." Kare grinned. "That's a long long story. I used to be an assassin. I worked for for both sides in the war. The worst punishment in my land is exilement, believing your soul could never return to the land even after exilement. Do i believe any of that beetle-dung?" The wildcat chuckled dryly. "My wife is still there with my child, Soran. That's the only thing i miss. What's the situation in this place?"


Saver looked a bit sad " this used to be a land of peace." he said "but then a warlord from the north, Vorgon, and his army came. I was in his army at that time. He also owned Sampetra too. He demanded everyone become his slaves who lived in mossflower. Redwall denied hm. A week later Redwall was over taken and the abbey dwellers are all slaves or dead." he paused for breath, the conitued "I feel guilty about what I've done. I overheard Drake and Calmass, Vorgon's two right hand-men, talking about his planned assault of southsward, whic will happen in a week. I jumped the border so that I could get a warning out. You interested in helping me?"
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


"Seems like a grand idea," KAre chuckled. "I've got food in my bag that i managed to hide from Vorgon's men. Need some?"

The duo trekked along south.


Meanwhile night wolf *hint hint*
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


((...Dangit. It seems that the wildcat with katanas has been taken. Or, does it matter if there are two of them? Or would you need a badger more?))


<<I think you can do wildcat again, but badger would be nice. You can be king of southswards if Firetooth lets you>>

Night Wolf

Quote from: Firetooth on July 23, 2009, 11:16:22 AM
Meanwhile night wolf *hint hint*
((hint taken but one question before I start. Where exactly are you in the story?))


Quote from: Night Wolf on July 23, 2009, 09:26:55 PM
Quote from: Firetooth on July 23, 2009, 11:16:22 AM
Meanwhile night wolf *hint hint*
((hint taken but one question before I start. Where exactly are you in the story?))
Outside of mossflower woods on the way to southsward
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Ungatt Trunn II

(should I join with a younger, perhaps nicer U.G.II?)


Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on July 24, 2009, 04:47:26 AM
(should I join with a younger, perhaps nicer U.G.II?)
Sure thing-don't tempt me to kill him though ^_^ (jokes)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Ungatt Trunn II

Weary from his ordeal, the former soldier Ungatt Trunn II walked on, alone. The army he was once part of was wiped out, whoever remained was enslaved. For about a year, he worked in mines. In time he knew the layout well enough that he found his old gear from his previous army, and slipped out of the enslavement camp.

He headed south, looking for warmer lands. He had some close calls with bandits, but managed to somehow fend them off. He came upon a bush, and ate what he could. A noise in the distance distracted him. "Hmm, is somebody there?"

He crept slowly towards the direction from which he heard the noise...