My research@@@!!!!

Started by Ungatt Trunn II, July 15, 2009, 12:10:13 PM

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Ungatt Trunn II

Well I joined the Enclave!


I'll eat your lily-livered face.
Generic Orthodontic Appliance Testers

Ungatt Trunn II

You didn't catch the reference?


I did, I just don't care... I was staying in my pew pew lazor super mutant RP.
Generic Orthodontic Appliance Testers

Ungatt Trunn II

Yea but I still got Boba, the Fett.


I deliver the prize but I still narrow my eyes cause my time I don't like to waste.
Generic Orthodontic Appliance Testers

Ungatt Trunn II

Think you can cook, I got a grappling hook. Let's make this quick , 'Cause I'm really booked. I'm a devious degenerate. Defender of the devil, Shut down all the trash compactors On the detention level


My backpack's got jets, well I'm Boba the Fett,
I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt to finance my Vette,
I chill in deep space, a mask is over my face..
Generic Orthodontic Appliance Testers

Ungatt Trunn II



You still don't get the gist?
Spiked boots are made to kick,
Targets are made to hit...
You think I give a poo?
Yo mama is a dog.
I see you in the Sarlaac Pit.
Generic Orthodontic Appliance Testers

Ungatt Trunn II



Generic Orthodontic Appliance Testers

Ungatt Trunn II

We shoot the sick, the young, the lame,
We do our best to maim,
Because the kills all count the same,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Chorus: Napalm sticks to kids,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Flying low across the trees,
Pilots doing what they please,
Dropping frags on refugees,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Goods in the open, making hay,
But I can hear the gunships say,
"There'll be no Chieu Hoi today,"
Napalm sticks to kids.

See those farmers over there,
Watch me get them with a pair,
Blood and guts just everywhere,
Napalm sticks to kids.

I've only seen it happen twice,
But both times it was mighty nice,
Shooting peasants planting rice,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Napalm, son, is lots of fun,
Dropped in a bomb or shot from a gun,
It gets the gooks when on the run,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Drop some napalm on a farm,
It won't do them any harm,
Just burn off their legs and arms,
Napalm sticks to kids.

CIA with guns for hire,
Montagnards around a fire,
Napalm makes the fire go higher,
Napalm sticks to kids.

I've been told it's not so neat,
To catch gooks burning in the street,
But burning flesh, it smells to sweet,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Children sucking on a mother's tit,
Wounded gooks down in a pit,
Dow Chemical doesn't give a poo,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Bombadiers don't care a bit,
Just as long as the pieces fit,
When you stuff the bodies in a pit,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Eighteen kids in a No Fire Zone,
Rooks under arms and going home,
Last in line goes home alone,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Chuck in a sampan, sitting in the stern,
They don't think their boats will burn,
Those darn gooks will never learn,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Cobras flying in the sun,
Killing gooks is lots of fun,
Get one pregnant and it's two for one,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Shoot civilians where they sit,
Take some pictures as you split,
All your life you'll remember it,
Napalm sticks to kids.

NVA are all hard core,
Flechettes never are a bore,
Throw those PSYOPS out the door,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Gather kids as you fly over town,
By throwing candy on the ground,
Then grease 'em when they gather 'round,
Napalm sticks to kids.


Does Napalm stick to Ungatts?
Generic Orthodontic Appliance Testers

Ungatt Trunn II