Hey, im here.

Started by The Bruce, July 03, 2009, 06:16:56 PM

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The Bruce

hi all.
im new to the game and ive got lots of questions.  one, how long does it take to get a turn?  two, what the heck do the buildings (other than markets, foragers, huts, and baraks) do and are they worth building?   three, what does loyalty do?  four, why didnt you explain all tis stuff in the guild?
thats all for now but once these are answerd i'll ask more.
Thx Older Players,
The Bruce (King of Scots)

The Bruce

oh yeah, and why arent there any highland squirls in this place.  they should at least be mercinaryies.  and while were at it where are all the other non-evil buggers we should plunder?


Haha welcome:

In order:

on turbo, you get 5 turns every 10 minutes, on regular you get 1 every 10 mins
markets maske cash
tents make workers (not really important for beginner players)
barracks make troops according to the training settings in the "manage army" menu
huts make leaders join you - leaders can be used to do offensive missions on other players or to make resources for yourself.
foragers make food each turn
towers give you defense
camps make your merceneries cheaper and you can sell troops on merc for more

loylaty is used to do missions with your leaders - each mission has a loyalty cost. Missions are found in both warlord's hutt and general's hut. And yeah, the guide is a work in progress haha.

There are no squirrels because there just idn't room in the game for all the redwall creatures, sadly. And you can plunder just about anyone, really, but they might fight back ;)

Welcome to RWL!
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Bruce

thx, wow 1 every 10 minutes!  thats...so slow.  oh well.  thx for the help with buildings and loyalty.  so what do the missions do?  is there a difference between missions from the warlord tent and the general tent?  sry for the questions, but i like to know whats avalible to do.


general's hut missions do good things for your empire, warlord hut missions do damage to other people's empire.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Bruce

sry but can you be a bit more specific.  i saw the feast mission, what does that do?  and how does it hurt other empires and who will it hurt every one or just one particular person.  if im getting on any ones nerves sry, but the guild doesnt explain much in these regards.


general's hut:

raise defenses: if people do offensive missions on you, it will cut damage by 2/3
loot: makes you cash
feast: makes you food
move north: move to the next area: mossflower has gets you more loyalty per turn, northland make your barracks give more troops, southsward makes your tents get more workers.
move south: see above
prepare raiders: you need to do this to attack someone who is in a different land from you
recall raiders: unprepare your raiders
heal: heal yourself 10%

warlord's hut:

espionage: gives you a report on your target's stats
murder: kills 3% of your target's troops, or 1% if they have defenes raised
poison: kill a percentage of your target's food and cash
incite uprisiging: destroy some of your target's loyalty
attack: try to use your leaders to take your target's land
steal: take your opponent's cash
open attack opportunity: if your opponent has been attacked too many times recently and you can't attack anymore, this will allow you three more attacks if it succeeds.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Bruce

ok thx.  that stuff seems prety important.

Night Wolf

The Bruce if you have any more questions you can feel free to just message me In-game, Im  Night Wolf (#5), and Ill be able to answer most of your questions

Blood Wake

hello Bruce! looks like all your questions so far have been answered, but I wanted to say hi, and welcome to your new home. Haha
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:


Hello Bruce. Welcome to the RWL! I'm Volg (#53) in reg if you need anything. Also you can never leave. I have tried, but you just can't. Enjoy RWL!


Welcome Bruce, stick by me and you'll be juuustttt fine
Just joking, enjoy your time here.
Quote from: Blood Wake on July 04, 2009, 12:24:32 PM
hello Bruce! looks like all your questions so far have been answered, but I wanted to say hi, and welcome to your new home. Haha
Shut it.
Sorry Bruce, Hippie's these days have no respect*glares*
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

The Bruce

Lol, thx for the welcome.

The Bruce

alright, now that my economy is steady, im ready for troop building.  but what info do i have to build on...rat=attack, weazle=deff, stoat=few but good, skiff=navy, leaders=idk...do we have any stats for these units?


rats have 2 offense 1 defense: good for attacking,  but they take the least land per attack (not a big difference though) and they eat a lot of food. Recommended only to mass if you really need to break someone.

weasels are 2 offense 6 defense, and take the second least land per attack. Eat a lot of food too, thought not quite as much as rat. Good for defending cities so you don't get killed, not so much for attacks

stoats are 5 offense, 3 defense, and they take the second most land for attack. They are the unit of choice for land grabs for a lot of people. They take more cash than food

skiffs are I think 6 ffense 8 defense, so they are a little better in defense. They take the most land per attack, and also use the most cash and the least food

leaders are more complicated - there is an article in the guide about them that you should check out and then ask specific questions about that.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..