Should there be

Started by Badrang the Tyrant, March 18, 2003, 03:12:02 PM

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Badrang the Tyrant

 I think there should be one.  It would be really fun.


 Jacques, at answered that he does not want a video game or any type of game for Redwall, becuase he finds it "Horrid." I think that just reading the books is fine and that with imagination, you can imagine battles and stuff like that. But who has the time!
Baransarn, WarLord of Peskiness
Pesselus Mach in RPG's
"There was a squirell named Pesselus,
who weighed less than all of us.
He was really fast
And was known now and the past
There was a squirell name Pessulus
who weighed less than all of us!"

Badrang the Tyrant

 Under what link did he say that?

Who has the time  to do what?


 It was under some fan mail answers. He doesn't like video games or nothing of that sort. You can tell by the way he writes his books. He uses a typewriter, not a computer and that he has someone control his website becuase he doesnt know how.
Baransarn, WarLord of Peskiness
Pesselus Mach in RPG's
"There was a squirell named Pesselus,
who weighed less than all of us.
He was really fast
And was known now and the past
There was a squirell name Pessulus
who weighed less than all of us!"


 I've actually thought about trying to get one made by the place that created the game, RuneScape.  
A more medevil(sp?) and fanasty like game with trolls and other things like that with a variety of sub-quests.  A very addictive game, though once some other players decide to engage you in battle and you die, you get kind of mad since you loose everything in your current possession...
But I think that Redwall should have a visual game, because the books I seem to think are getting a bit old and seem to fall upon the same story line as the others, meaning the same plots and so forth...
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
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 Yes, the "quest to find something" and the "attempt to foil warlord" plots are getting kind of old.


 A great plot for a Redwall story would be if a horde actually got Redwall, and the book shows the attempt and struggle the woodlanders try to get the Abbey back, just like in the Bellmaker.
Baransarn, WarLord of Peskiness
Pesselus Mach in RPG's
"There was a squirell named Pesselus,
who weighed less than all of us.
He was really fast
And was known now and the past
There was a squirell name Pessulus
who weighed less than all of us!"


 Oooh, that sounds like..... MOSSFLOWER!!!!! Neeeeeext.


 First! In Mossflower, there was no actual REDWALL!  <_<  
Baransarn, WarLord of Peskiness
Pesselus Mach in RPG's
"There was a squirell named Pesselus,
who weighed less than all of us.
He was really fast
And was known now and the past
There was a squirell name Pessulus
who weighed less than all of us!"



 Daemons! I knew that you'd be the first to come here and spam.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Hey, hey.  Who voted, "Badrang, you have to calm down a little"?  I put that in there as a joke!

And you could pick, be a vermin warlord, or be Champion of Redwall.  


Badrang the Tyrant


 Oh yeah, I would definitely like that!
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"Perfect practice makes perfect."