Started by rizzan, June 22, 2009, 01:02:02 AM

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Quixote and Jadrek looked at each other; the wolf eventually shrugged. "Well," the wildcat started, turning back to Nel, "if you know where the Mossflower country is, we'd like to go there. I haven't been there for five years, at least. Jadrek and I will go on from there."


Nel nodded. "All aboard the ship!"


"You sure you don't wanna get anything else from our cave?" Jadrek muttered to Quixote.

The wildcat shook his head. "We've got all we really need," he replied to the wolf. "Besides, why go all the way back for more supplies when we can go less than a mile and still find them?" With that, he got up onto Nel's ship, followed by his partner.


When the ship reached Mossflower, something was different. No one knew what it was, but it was different.
Ulquiorra and Grimmjow decided to accompany Quixote, Rizzan, and Jadrek until they got comfortable for sheltering them in the savage's island.
"Something is wrong," Quixote frowned. "Very wrong."
As the group trekked inland, Nel's ship sailed north to dock in one of their old haunts. Then, a patrol of vermin burst out from the bushes.
"Why are you on Lord Bloodrage's land?" the lead weasel demanded. "Especially with weapons!"
Ulquiorra put his paw on his katana. Things could get very ugly.


Quixote and Jadrek had found some spare equipment aboard Nel's ship. Along with his dual katanas, Quixote now had a set of leather armor on; his deep-blue tunic was still on. Jadrek had also found a chainmail-shirt and kite shield to go with his longsword.

The moment the patrol had made themselves known, Jadrek had drawn his sword and shield. Quixote just simply prepared to quickly draw his katanas should things get messy. "Well," the wildcat started, "for one thing, Jadrek and I have been gone for at least five years, so we have no idea what's going on here. For another thing, we were simply on our way to Florin. You know what that is?" The lead weasel didn't respond. "It's a somewhat large piece of land not too far from here, with a castle and a surrounding fort that was in a shambles, last I saw it. And I, Quixote Katana, used to live there."

/What are you doing?!/ Jadrek mentally shouted, looking sidelong at the wildcat. /You're not really helping things here!/


Lord Jazphar Bloodrage ruled the entire Mossflower country from his throne on salamandastron. The wolverine was larger than average, with a muscle bound frame and sinew that twisted beneath glossy black fur at every movement. Right now, he was wearing a tightly woven leather tunic which could repel arrows. A massive halbred fixed with a pike head was his preferred weapon.
Jazphar had come all the way north, down south seeking warmer lands. There he had found Salamandastron with Lord Drake Flashfire, a formidable badgerlord known for the red eyes he had. He was a direct descendant of Lady Cregga. The wolverine had conquered the mountain in less than a moon, with his army of two thousand. The hares were now enslaved and Drake was imprisoned in the dungeons.
The last obstacle for his entire conquest was Redwall Abbey.
The huge wolverine saw a battered patrol come back.
"What is this?" he snarled.
"Lord," the weasel stumbled forward. He had a nasty cut across one arm and a clipped off ear. "Newcomers come from a large ship. Then we try to kill them, but they beat us!"
Jazphar stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Newcomers, eh? Call Fenris and tell him to hunt them down!"
The weasel shuddered thinking about the cruel wolf general, Fenris.

The situation at Redwall abbey was dire. A couple of hares who had escaped Salamandastron guarded the ramparts. Starving them out was not an option, for their orchards and fields provided them with food, while the pond provided them with water. The siege had been continuing since last moon, and there were no progress on both sides.


"That wasn't too hard," Quixote muttered, sheathing his katanas as he watched the battered patrol flee. "Maybe a little harder than the locals on the island. Or is it just me?"

"Welcome to old age, Quixote," Jadrek sighed, putting away his sword and shield; he managed to hide his panting. It was clear that his pelt looked spotted, with small patches of white fur showing. Quixote himself had flecks of white in his fur.

"Speaking of which," the wildcat started, "just how old are- ?"

"Doesn't matter," the wolf cut him off. "Besides, I'm still moving, aren't I? Now, to find that fort of ours..."

**An hour later...**

"What's happened here?" Quixote exclaimed, standing a few feet inside the treeline, Jadrek beside him. Across the road from them was Redwall Abbey; there had been only one other time when the wildcat had seen it in a similar condition, and that had been when he'd been chased out of his own fort and castle. At the moment, a group of vermin were firing arrows at those who were on the wall; the Abbey-beasts were retaliating with their own bows and slings.


"Should we help'em?" Grimmjow growled as he touched his katana. "A good proper battle, unlike the island skirmishes. That is what i feel like."
Ulquiorra shrugged leaving the decision to Quixote. "I hear the Redwallers are good beasts. Perhaps they can give us shelter if we fight the vermin off?"
"They'll probably shoot you, Ulqui since you're a wildcat," Grimmjow scoffed. "And me."
"So what do you think, Quixote?"


Quixote was silent. Sure, he'd helped goodbeasts before, despite being a wildcat...then again, with this happening, they'd be lucky to make it to the wall.
"Our place can wait," Jadrek said, placing a hand on the wildcat's shoulder. "Besides, an abbey with live people is better than a fort with nobody at all."
Quixote sighed. "Might as well," he muttered, drawing his katanas once again. "You with me?"
The wolf rolled his eyes. "I always am," he replied, bringing out his longsword and shield. "Besides, where else would I go?"
The wildcat didn't wait to answer; within a few seconds, Quixote was nearing the vermin, Jadrek some distance behind him. Beasts would fall here.


Ulquiorra shrugged and joined Quixote in the fray. Grimmjow followed soon after.

The vermin were surprised and the defenders stopped shooting arrows. When either all the vermin were dead or they ran away, The gate of Redwall was opened.
"Be ye friends or foe?" a creaky voice called. An elderly mouse in a green habit stepped out.
"Friends," Ulquiorra called. "What else would you think we were after helping you guys?"
The mouse smiled. "Come on in!"


Quixote put his katanas away before starting forward; with his experience, he knew better than to approach someone with blades drawn if you intended to make that someone an ally.
Jadrek put away his sword and shield as well, but he didn't move as quickly, almost expecting these Abbeybeasts to ambush them inside the gate.


The Abbey beasts welcomed the newcomers cordially and served them heaping amounts of food.
"Nom nom," Grimmjow mumbled through a mouthful of apple pie. "Better than my ma's cooking."
Ulquiorra nodded as he wolfed down hot root soup. "This is even spicier than the horse root we have at home."

The abbot of Redwall, Matthias, greeted them. "We are in dire need of help at Redwall. If you can help, it would be great."
"So what do you say?" Ulquiorra asked his friends.


Quixote looked up from the scone he was eating at the moment. "I don't see why not," he said through a mouthful of food.

Jadrek agreed with the wildcat: Redwall would need help. However, the wolf was still somewhat suspicious of the Abbeybeasts.


"Then, we'll be staying with you guys as well," Ulquiorra nodded.
"Yup," Grimmjow grinned. "Another load of good adventures!"
"So, what do you need help in?" Ulquiorra asked the abbot.
"Well, basically everything!" the abbot replied. "Defending the walls, caring for the sick, and don't forget getting enough food to feed all of Redwall and its defenders."


Quixote swallowed. "That bad?" he raised his eyebrows. "I think it's time we knew what it is that's going on here."

"Obviously," Jadrek interjected, "Redwall's under siege. Any idea who it is, Abbot?"


Fenris the wolf general had been given orders: hunt down the band of newcomers and exterminate them.