Started by rizzan, June 22, 2009, 01:02:02 AM

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Wonderweiss gobbled the chestnuts atop his flaming phoenix mount.
"Do you have another place in mind where we can stay near the beach?" Grimmjow asked swiftly. He took out his bow and fired a few shots at the painted ones. The blue wildcat was rewarded by screeches of pain.
Ulquiorra took out his bow as well. "We're far ahead of them. Quixote, take Wonderweiss, JAdrek and Rizzan away. I think me and Grimmjow can hold them off a little bit and join you if you tell me where it is."


Quixote sighed. "To be honest," he replied, "we haven't ever really-"

"Wait a moment," Jadrek interjected. "There is a place. Near the water's edge, group of boulders. There's a space between them, with one way in, one way out. Numbers probably won't matter so much."


OOC:sorry i havent posted in a while my computer crashed
"yhea thats a good idea and we can probly take shifts one at a time to garud the entance"said Rizzan examing his armour and fur wich moons ago had been gistineging pure white and were now covered in a vile mixture of drit and they climbed in to the hole Rizzan realized that it was roomeyer that expected"I,ll thake the frist shift" Rizzan offered drawing his long swords and taking the possiton at the entarnce wating for the painted ones to come for he know that they would find them.
"We are gumpy old bearded men sinning about bunnies!"-Fall of Efrafa


Grimmjow and Ulquiorra fired off arrows, picking the savages one by one, from their cliff top perch.
"Their almost up to the top," Ulquiorra remarked as he fired one last green-fletched arrow. "We better skedaddle."
Grimmjow nodded and fired off on of his blue arrow. "Come on."


from the cave mothe Rizzan wached the assenet of the painted ones as Grimmjow and Ulquiorra  fired their arrowes "Thell be here soon  so we might as well be prepared to fight so get up and lets see just how many of these pest we can take with us!"hw howled truning to Wonderweiss and Quixote.Rizzan leped out of the cave and and waited for the wave to be upon them like falcons on mice.
"We are gumpy old bearded men sinning about bunnies!"-Fall of Efrafa


Ulquiorra noted that none of the savages had long ranged weapon. They were quite primitive in fact. "Grimmjow, go to the top of the outcropping of rocks over there and pick them off!"
Grimmjow grinned. "We'll have a good last stand t'gether bro. I'll cover you."
The silver wildcat gave his companion one of his rare smiles and fired off arrows as fast as his arms could.
The blue-ish wildcat roared with blood-lust. "Grind, Pantera!"


Rizzan held back the urge to rush into the fray when he realized that arrows were only being fired from Grimmjow and Ulquiorra he thoght that they would hold them off for a while but kept he wepons at the ready.
"We are gumpy old bearded men sinning about bunnies!"-Fall of Efrafa


The painted ones fell from the fierce onslaught of arrows.
Ulquiorra saw that he had only a dozen arrows left. "Grimmjow, it was nice knowing you."
His companion nodded grimly. "And knowing you too."
The painted ones stormed the outcropping of rocks where the steadfast duo was perched.
They knew it was just around the end.
The silver wildcat sighed. "Bind, Murcielgo..."


Rizzan saw the arrowes stop and his heart skiped a beat eather Grimmjow and Ulquiorra had run out or they were dead eather way they were no help now.He truned to his compinain "This is our last stand for our friend let those vermin feel our wrath!"he yelled foaming at the mouth he lead the charge with Wonderwessi and Quixote behind him.Into the fray he charged hacking left and right killing all in his path detrmained to avenge hus comrades deaths.
"We are gumpy old bearded men sinning about bunnies!"-Fall of Efrafa


Ulquiorra had suffered a gash to his shoulder and Grimmjow was nicked in many different places.
"Hey, Grimmjow," Ulquiorra hissed. "Tell Hime that I love her alright?"
"Sure," Grimmjow replied. "Tell Neliel that i love her too if you survive."
The silver wildcat let out a bitter chuckle as he hacked and slashed at the vermin.

Captain Neliel Tu Odervschenk watched the little party battle from her perch on the prow of the ship. The wildcat had no fear of the water roaring beneath her. Her light brown fur billowed in the salty wind and her gray eyes watched the horizon.
"Pessche, get a rescue party prepared for them. Dondochakka, stay here. It's time to rescue those two idiots."
Chigo the hawk cackled. "They're lucky that we made it there on time."


Rizzan ran a pantaied one through with his gantulet and saw through the red haze that blocked his vison Grimmjow and Ulquiorra the haze lifed as he joined saieds with them to fight.He noteced that Ulquiorra had a nasty gash on his shoulder truning his silver fur red"Im here now friends I be sure you guys live because without you two i would have been eaten by the little savages.haha"and so the battle contued as shuch.
"We are gumpy old bearded men sinning about bunnies!"-Fall of Efrafa


Nel took out her spear and pounced into the shallow water of the island. "Attack!"

Ulquiorra breathed a sigh of relief. "Wow, that was earlier than usual..."

The crew of Nel's ship charged the savages and drove them back inland. She lost none, but chopped away a hefty hunk of their forces.


"Salvation,we shall countuio to live anothe day"whispered Rizzan under hi breath he went and shook the entire crews paws and thanking each and every one of them for his rescu.
"We are gumpy old bearded men sinning about bunnies!"-Fall of Efrafa


((Oops. Sorry I haven't posted in a while.))

Quixote and Jadrek had joined the fray; when Nel's crew had driven the locals back, the wildcat had been amazed. He and Jadrek walked up to Nel. "Thanks for getting here," Quixote said. "I'm Quixote Katana, and this here is Jadrek. We've been here, uh, long enough to want to leave. Would it be okay if we came with?"


"Where do you want to sail?" Nel asked. "We are roamers, going wherever we go. Ulquiorra and his crew got separated and washed off the deck by storm. We usually are in this together."