LOTR: I'm outta this

Started by TR Shadow, March 17, 2003, 07:46:49 PM

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TR Shadow

 I have had a very good friend named Lauren for a long time.  She loved Lord Of The Rings.  I didn't mind that she liked it, infact, I loved it too (As many of you know after reading my RWL/LOTR thingy).  Lauren was a good Christian and loved God.  She then became so obsessed with LOTR that it became a religion.  I'm not kidding.  She actually prays to it and she doesn't believe in God anymore.  I don't want to turn this into a religous debate, but are there any christians out there that can tell me if there's anything I can do for Lauren?  For this reason, I am going to stop likeing LOTR, and yes, I will stop the RWL/LOTR thing too.  If anyone wants to make the next scenes or contenue where I left off, go ahead, I don't have a problem with it.  If anyone has any advise, any at all, please do not hesitate to give it to me.  Thank you.


Dead Eye

 Wow that is sick. I think it is good that you are leaving it.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 Maybe you show her how LOTR is fiction and take her to church or read her the bible or something!
Leader of Vermin Raiders

Also has been called a insane chipmunk.

 Go to Homestarrunner Its a cool site.
StrongBad rules!


 That's exactly what happened ot my friend Ellen!  She was so obessed that church turned into something she stoped going to!  My other friend Ingrid even says that Orlando Bloom is immortal and prefect!  She literally worships him stead of God!  It's taken 3 friends away from me.  Go ahead; it's a good movie, but it can never replace the real God.

General Austin

 All right. ONe thing is: PRAY. Pray really hard for her. If her parents don't know, tell them. Definitely, DEFINITELY talk to your pastor about this, because it sounds pretty heavy-duty. Get a prayer group to pray for her, too. Your pastor can help you out more than any of us can.

*bad spelling*
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 Aw...Austy speaks the truth  :D  

General Austin

 Hmm. As long as we Christians are talking about God, we should pray for the War thing too. And I'll tell my mom about it. she's a real prayer warrior.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 I agree pray for the war.  As for your friend.  I have some advice.  I am a christian.   I know and love the writing of J.R.R. Tolken.  Well my advice for your friend is that it is fiction, plain and simple.  Number one people that are unsatisfied with life turn to star trek and lotr for comfort.  Some people trust in a President blindly for comfort.  This world is not a comforting world and the battle between God and Satan.  This world is full of sin.  And as Christians we must have faith in a God that will come back and end our toil.  Your friend has found something that she can find comfort in.  But it is a false god.  Thou shalt have no other gods before Me, says my Lord.  I enjoy LOTR.  It is a very comforting book.  Tolken was great friends with a famous christian named C.S. Lewis.  Together they shared ideas on their books.  C.S. lewis gave Tolken ideas for his books.  If any of you have not read the lion witch and the wardrobe, you should read it.  He wrote a great series.  Finally as those above me have said.  Pray for her.  If she abandon's God you cannot force her to believe him.  But you can by your example show her what a great and powerfull and real God you serve.  God Bless.

This might seem a little out of charactor for me.  Or maybe it won't.  But i am human and not perfect.  And i love to get into my character in RWL.  :)
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 Worry not a bit. I have two things to present to you that should fill you with confidence on this.

1. I will pray for her/them. And so will some other of us. Every day until this madness is over. And you must admit, there is no force us humans can wield in this world that is greater than prayer, or more miraculuous. Satan's wiles can be overcome easily like this. I need not talk about how powerful God is, or how much He loves us. So be confident, friends.

2. I will write up a little story, a short fanfiction. It should cure anybody if they read it.


(I must remark here, Julie, there is no reason for you to stop the parody. LOTR is not evil, nor is Tolkien. Simply, Satan has done something evil, I believe, with her, and LOTR was just the medium. But I am not too wise, I can't really judge.)


 Well, you can describe to her that Aragorn is fictional and his philosophy is not the same as God's. I think that you should tell her parents and pray for her, and see what happens. It might be that she is possesed (not likely), or maybe she has other problems that you haven't been informed about.


 *Was thinking about starting a religion/philosophy thing based on Redwall* But I would not be giving anything up, I am an Atheist now.

I don't think you should try and change her.  If she is happy, let her be.  Nothing wrong with a Religion based on LotR.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 TR, don't listen to him. Pray for Lauren, and tell her parents. If they worship LOTR too, then pray for them.


 razor i know you can be angry about the subject.  but when you lash out like that against someone who does not share your beliefs or your faith you make yourself and us look even worse.  Not that i care what anyone thinks of me, but if i am portraying my faith i want someone to have an accurate view of what it is i believe in.  I would ask you to edit your post as it is not only offensive to me as a christian but mostly likely offensive to the person you were aiming your words at.  Treat others as you would like to be treated.  
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 OK, sorry. I edited it. It just really makes me mad. I know I can't dictate who's a Christian, but I can't bear to see someone saying that it's okay to worship a book.


 Razorclaw - BACK OFF, you religeous-pushing imbecile.

Julie... First things first, just because your friend has become influenced by this book doesn't mean that you have to remove it from your life.  It's all based on perspective, and mine on the issue is, Tolkien wrote those books with very high and christian morals as the building blocks, it's also a great and interesting series, don't hate it because your friend is messed.
Secondly.. Austin got it right  -  pray.  Prayer is the most powerful thing you can do for a friend, or enemy.  It's not right that you should push YOUR religion, whether it be christianity, evolution, buddhism, catholicism, etc.
It wont help her.
Instead, try to help her realize the benefits this religion may have(or lack).  It might help her begin to gain some more sense in the matter...

And to most-everyone else that has replied to this topic, I'd like to say something.  Firstly, I am a Christian, nothing is a greater first in my life than Jesus Christ.
But what you people are saying....That it's illegitiment to base a religion on a piece of fiction, while saying that the bible, is completely factual, is just hypocrism, and I hope I bring some shame to you for what you have said earlier in this thread.
You can't be closed-minded, if you intend on winning an argument for God, you have to view both sides, and argue both sides equally and fairly.
You must first have a feeling to win the argument for either side, before you can rightly justify your own.
Watch what you say, or you WILL be caught in your own words...  Knowledge is worthless without wisdom to guide it, and I see alot of ilknowledgeable, unwise people here.
I am one of them, but unlike most, I am willing to learn.