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Started by Ungatt Trunn II, June 03, 2009, 02:09:03 AM

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nope...never coming back
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?

Night Wolf

Or better yet just dont leave at all ;)


Night Wolf

So very very mean...your just like wolf


Night Wolf

Im now ashamed to know you as well...acting like that moron >:(


:Pnorom eht ruoy snorom ton er'eW


Wolf, would you like the job of being my new friend since Night wolf is no longer?

Night Wolf

Hes not your friend he MY moronic matter how much of a backwards talking Idiot he is.


I was talking if he wanted to have your job as being my friend.

Night Wolf


I think Wolf should choose. Or I can give you back your old job and you can be my friend again.

Night Wolf

Tell me and Briar your name and Ill be your friend again


I guess I won't have any friends then...