USA about to declare war.

Started by Ereptor, March 17, 2003, 01:35:55 PM

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 Gah! I spelled it right, Bloodrath didn't. Would everyone please quit calling us newbies?


 I'm not calling you a newbie I'm just stating that in one of your posts you happened to spell it wrong as did a lot of others, but I didn't feel like scrolling back through and reading all those messages again to find out who did it.
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SlitFang Fireyes

 I support the war with Iraq. However, what will happen after he is beaten? How long will we spend rebuilding the country and how much money will it take? Also, it seems the world will hate us for it. Finally, why does everyone hate newbies? Everyone was one at one time or another...
SlitFang Fireyes,

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Quote from: ScarwakeI on the other hand do not support this war with Iraq.  Sure they've managed to build weapons, but we still have more than what they do and they're no threat to us.  If they were to have attacked us, that would be different, then I would support the war.
I feel that this war is going to be one that could possibly lead to many others in the future.  I'm an American, but I'm able to see that America has put a lot of countries around the world under America's juristiction, which I find makes it hard to run anything the way it should be ran in the eyes of the religion, and in the eyes of the government of these countries that are basically under the the control of the United States of America.
hello, IF WE WAIT INNOCENT AMERICANS WILL BE KILLED.  We must be pre-emptive, not retaliation
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


Quote from: calriaMy input on the matter.

a) I believe that Bush has very little of either our nation's or the Iraqi people's welfare in mind. He is capitalizing on the events post-9/11 to make himself look good and be elected to his second term... in other words, to top his father.

b ) Going against the wishes of the UN Security Council technically authorizes the UN to take action... not against Iraq, but against the United States of America. We could legally be thrown out of not only UN discussions, but also out of the United Nations entirely for these actions. This would throw back world political and social progression by about 50 years.

c) If this war were really about weapons control and stopping the Iraqi government from helping terrorists, we would not be invading the entire nation. We would, instead, merely bomb any and all possible weapons manufacturies. However, this is not what we're doing. We are invading the nation of Iraq- killing its civilians with our urban bombings, terrorizing its people, who do not know why this war is going on!

What in these actions makes us any better than the terrorists? The terrorists target America for bombings because they say that we oppress the Middle East. We target Iraq for occupation because we say that their government oppresses their people.

All of this reminds me so much of how Hitler invaded Eastern Europe in the 1930's.

d) I live well within the estimated blast area, should a nuke ever hit Barksdale AFB, where the nation keeps its B-52's and fighter jets... one of the top 3 targets, should a nuclear-weapons enabled nation attempt to stop our military. I would be dead within 30 seconds of impact.
Several of my best friends who graduated last year, including two ex-boyfriends, are currently serving in the military... at least 3 that I know of are in the Middle East with the Army. There is a much higher chance that American soldiers will die in this battle than in the last- the last battle was not fought with large amounts of chemical and biological weapons at the Iraqi's fingertips.
When I graduate High School in 2.5 months, I will have two years of college before entering the Air Force. I am in the Air Force JROTC now. I will enter the Air Force as a captain. Captains get sent into combat. This war will not necessarily be over within two years. Occupation in Iraq will certainly not be over in 2 years.

President George Bush has already sentenced me to spend time in the desert.
...but I will go into the Air Force anyway. Not to oppress the Iraqi people, and not to fight Republicans' wars, but because I believe that if you wish to take a stance in an issue, you must be an active part of that issue.

Right or wrong (and in this case wrong) I will stand up to defend the American people. NOT America- the American people.

How many of you, who say "WAR! WAR!" instead of wishing for peace, will do what I am doing and will do for my country?

Until you have seen yourself in uniform... until you have held an M-16 in your hand and learned to use it... until you have sat in the back of a cargo plane, and watched the air base fade away into the horizon as you and your flight soar through the sky... until you have said the pledge of allegiance and sung the natoinal anthem, not with your hand over your heart, but saluting your flag... until you have stood with a group of your fellow flight leaders around a desk and listened to your aerospace science instructor tell you that he may ship out within 2 weeks notice of his mobilization...

THEN you may speak with vehemence in your heart about the righteousness of war.
My My, what a democrat. Sorry, but lets discuss......

a) I believe that Bush has very little of either our nation's or the Iraqi people's welfare in mind. He is capitalizing on the events post-9/11 to make himself look good and be elected to his second term... in other words, to top his father.

He isnt u remember the speech he gae when he said he would hunt down ALL TERRORISTS? And now he tries and u criticize him.

b ) Going against the wishes of the UN Security Council technically authorizes the UN to take action... not against Iraq, but against the United States of America. We could legally be thrown out of not only UN discussions, but also out of the United Nations entirely for these actions. This would throw back world political and social progression by about 50 years

Technically, they can't. By issue 1441, It allows the U.S. to use force against Iraq. We also cant be thrown out.....'Nuff said.

c) If this war were really about weapons control and stopping the Iraqi government from helping terrorists, we would not be invading the entire nation. We would, instead, merely bomb any and all possible weapons manufacturies. However, this is not what we're doing. We are invading the nation of Iraq- killing its civilians with our urban bombings, terrorizing its people, who do not know why this war is going on!

Ok....I have no idea what u r talking about....the better strategy is to go in there.....look, if we go in there, we get the top government once we win. If w just bomb weapons, then Saddam gets away untouched, no?
For another thing, we aren't bombing settlements.....we also told them we were going to do this...thats why the speech was given.....and they do know. We aren't terrorizing either....this was totally warped....

All of this reminds me so much of how Hitler invaded Eastern Europe in the 1930's. thats crazy....Hitler strategically conquered the whole of Europe, almost.....and we're going against 1 country. We also are going to A. Occupy.
B. give them new government. C. Leave.... Once again ur view of comparing Hitler to Bush is INSANE.

the last battle was not fought with large amounts of chemical and biological weapons at the Iraqi's fingertips.

You just double-crossed yourself..... go up to point 1. If Bush is capitalizing, as u so mistakingly say, then he would be lying.....if they DO HAVE WEAPONS LIKE U SAID THEN WE ARE JUSTIFIED.

Right or wrong (and in this case wrong) I will stand up to defend the American people. NOT America- the American people.

Ur entitled to believe its wrong, however, America IS the American people.

How many of you, who say "WAR! WAR!" instead of wishing for peace, will do what I am doing and will do for my country?

Most ppl here aren't old enough to join the JROTC......u should know that......

Thanks, you've been great.....And sorry for the double post
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Yep. That's a person who acts like a democratic liberal when any wars come up. Sad. :D  :D  :D  

Rough Raiders

 Well in my opinion...  NUKE THEM Thank You.. O yea thats right slitfang why does everyone hate newbs :blink:  
Official Forum Acorn Thrower
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 I didn't read all the posts, but here is my say:

Saddam has these weapons and has used chemical weapons on his own citizens. He poses threats to any countries in range of the Al Samoud 2 missile. He has personal vendettas with the U.N. and the U.S. He must be stopped. His military is full of cowards, they will drop their weapons, except his elite Republican Guard. 50 to 60 thousand will fight, and poorly at that. They have no tactics. Hussien poses a threat, and when their is a threat, you eliminate that threat. Stop the threat, end his reign, douse the fire, douse the flame. He will die fighting in cowardice.

My take in short, I left a lot out.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Rough Raiders no longer deserves an opinion on this topic. He obviously is a git and is now BELOW every newb here. You newbs may claim him at will. He must not understand the whole situation AT ALL, nor is he bright. After he reads this, I hope his brain cell dies so he can't respond and keep filling the boards with stupid.

Anywho, I think Deathclaw is right...(I don't feel like writing super long stuff anymore...)


 Nuking would kill allies and innocent civilians. Too violent, Rough Raiders. We'd kill our forces in and around Iraq, and you are obviously a stupid 8 year old thinking nuking them will kill only the enemy. You do not fully, yet partly, understand this situation, nor any other world matter.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Sending a nuclear attack on Iraq is the dumbest thing you have ever said. You should be spat on for your willingness to slaughter innocents.

And I must really say that the comments of "What a Democrat..." and such are quite annoying. I, personally, am considered a Democrat, even though their reply to the Sate of the Union was as pitiful as the speech itself. Both sides should stop their little bickering and focus on the issues.

~Shy, Myuh!
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)

guardians of night

 Why do we bother? Iraq's "missles" only go like 23 miles! YA! They can reach Afganistan! And then you got North Korea with their missle's going like 93 miles. The U.S. is only like another 10000 miles. So, we really have nothing to fear, but fear itself.(President Someone) lol. But the sooner we get this done, the better so us 13 year olds don't gotta get killed when were 18 fighting a war.  
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My tries at making games has finally succeded!
Nevermind, Lycos screwed up my game!


 You're thinking of North Korea's possible nuclear missiles. They have intelligence reports that NK has and has sold ICBM's (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles) to terrorist organizations. These missiles can hit our west coast if launched from any island in the Pacific or simply the eastern coast of Russia...Not nuclear, but they're missiles none-the-less, and if you hit say, Los Angeles with one, we're talking tens to hundreds of thousands of deaths...(That is if they make a launching facility without us knowing, etc...)


 The Al Samoud 2's go 123 miles, over their set limit, and they can reach bordering countries. LISTEN TO THE NEWS! You aren't 13, don't act like it.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 The United States is making a tactful decision in deciding to declare diplomacy dead unless Iraq fully cooperates by the end of his forty-eight hour ultimatum to the Iraqi dictator. Hussien has weapons of mass destruction, France helped build a nuclear reactor for what Saddam called "educational purposes", yet the reactor was too big for study purposes. France, in exchange, recieved oil and money. This problem should've been taken care of much sooner. Hussien won't listen to acts of diplomacy, only war. He boisters his defences to no avail. His military is full of cowards ready to surrender at the first signs of a fight. Saddam wishes to go out with a BANG (Razorclaw, see that???), and will take some of his own citizens with him. Urban fighting is unavoidable, but not many citizens will bare arms to defend their evil dictator. Not any, in fact, in my opinion. My greatest fear is chemical and biological warfare. He has means of deploying this, but not very many... in all, we shall victor. Three days of bombing, three days fighting, I would guess. I'll post more later, I guess.
Glory, Glory, Man United!