
Started by Shadow, May 22, 2009, 10:55:23 AM

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You spied on us, you died for it. Both are dirty tricks, but not code abuse. Kills are an intentional part of the game. Vacation for defense is not. Notice I am not getting mad at you about the spying - we killed you for it and booted him the day before the dist so we screwed him over there in return for his treachery.

However, vacationing to avoid being taken down is cowardly code abuse because there is no way to damage tat net while it is on vacation. ANy fool can mass up net, go on vacation, and then take it off before the reset and claim a win.

While we are at it, who are you ingame?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on May 24, 2009, 04:31:15 PM
You spied on us, you died for it. Both are dirty tricks, but not code abuse. Kills are an intentional part of the game. Vacation for defense is not. Notice I am not getting mad at you about the spying - we killed you for it and booted him the day before the dist so we screwed him over there in return for his treachery.

However, vacationing to avoid being taken down is cowardly code abuse because there is no way to damage tat net while it is on vacation. ANy fool can mass up net, go on vacation, and then take it off before the reset and claim a win.

While we are at it, who are you ingame?
no what im saying is leader suicides nad online attacks are cowardly after a person revives from being killed for nothing so eithwe that guy who killed me was being put on for you or you were cowardly and still attacked because ur too stubborn to use leaders how theyre supposed to be used. idk what type of wizard you are or how you are skilled at that but attacking someone so many times when u already had the clear advantage was the wrong way to go.

Now lets set this clear your issue was u let some unknown into your clan that was your own darn fault so take responsibility for it. They had loose lips or whatever and willingly and without compensation gave it to us for whatevr reason, As far as I was told the guy that did it has played here before. the fact that their info was accurate cements your problme. I was skeptical most of the time of the info until youproved it correct by killing or trying to kill us guys. having poeple go into vacation wasnt the main plan nor was it considered until after i died, and even then i was expecting a neutral party to be able to protect it so if u wanted to kill it youd gain enemies.

fairly obvious who i am if yuoud start reading. im curious as to your abilities so maybe later ill se eabout your offer before because i may take you up on it ingame.


You were in a clan of very good players, and you claim to be the leader. That means that you are either lying, or good. Since your account is new, I am inclined to think the latter, which makes you an older player. If you have another forum account, then start using it and stop wasting both of our times. If you don't, then stick around long enough to learn something about game dynamics before sharing your opinion on them.

Killing people is a dirty trick, and takes no skill. It is not code abuse though, because kills are an intentional part of the code. You can't argue this, because it is plain truth.

Spying is a dirty trick, but it is not code abuse, and I have no problem with it other than the fact that I will get revenge for it. That is perfectly understandable and is not code abuse. You spied on my clan, you are responsible for it. I let people in based on initial trust. Beyond that, it is up to them to uphold that trust one way or another.

Leader suicides were not originally part of the code, but they are now, and they are there intentionally, because they balance the power of leader players over indiers somewhat. They are not code abuse. If you can't defend against them, then you don't deserve to keep your net.

Putting accounts onto vacation is code abuse, because it is using the code for something it was not intended for. THe point of vacation mode is in the name - vacation. Since Windy isn't on vacation, you are abusing the feature for defense. There is no rule against it at the moment, but there should be. It is a coward's way out. Killing is less cowardly because you are always welcome to rejoin and try to kill back, but there is no way to hit someone while on vacation. Invincibility is not an intended feature.

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I didnt organize a spy to be in your clan but you ended up with one anyways. now then youre right that spying is a serious thing but its your ownfault that it happened. but yeah if you consider about 2, 2 1/2 months here a lot of time, thats cool then i guess im an vet of this then i disagree that a hundred failing wizard assaults is not a code abuse. theres no rules against it here just like theres no rules against using your vacation thing either and from what i understand its happened before and there is yet to be a rule made about it or something. if u wanna call code abuse then youought to get serveradmins to fix a rule.

now then the only real way i was a leader was having rook recruit and rook help out but im disappointed in player skills here just like at the last server comp where the only way your server won was by throwing together net at the last sec. thats a display of timing and not skill so thats my challenge to you and ill say it again. Fight guy based on skills and preparation instead of numbers especially when half the clan is absent. you had the advantage though your constant refusal to fight fair i see is your downfall, especially with wimpy and cowardly moves like mass onlining.


Not that we were cheating in the first place, it's not just us who was "abusing code".

48     ?    Corrado (#21)     16,808     $1,279,789,951     None     Marten     Mossflower
49    ?    New to the game (#41)    30,166    $853,853,202    None    Fox    Southsward

So please, stop looking at Guy as the sole offenders.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


Ok so there are more poeple doing it - more reason to stop it.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Peace Alliance on May 24, 2009, 07:18:50 AM
OK windy, I'm sure you don't have YOU'RE criminal code memorized either...
Nope.  And I don't attempt to make arguments about it either
...that's "YOUR" btw

QuoteCan we avoid making this personal?
He started it.

Quote from: Shadow on May 24, 2009, 10:33:19 AM
About ID theft - That link says nothing about it being illegal, only defines it. There are ads all over Ottawa saying that there are no specific laws against ID theft. So while it is a crime, there is no way to prosecute it in court at the moment except in a few specific cases. Same with this vacation thing. It isn't specifically forgidden by the rules at the moment, so people abuse it and cite the letter of the rules.
I do think that's more or less the point.  There's no rule specifically forbidding it.
But if you get caught with a database of a few hundred thousand "identities" you'd better beable to explain yourself.

QuoteMaybe not a full week for vacation to kick in on turbo - maybe more like 3 days for turbo and a week for reg. The important point is that people not be allowed to voluntarily vacation - if people are really on vacation, it will happen by itself.
Eh.  Three for turbo, regular idle time for Reg seems fair enough.

QuoteLeader suicides are a problem in tha they are too strong, but getting rid of them would unbalance the game waaay too much in favor of leader players. They may not have been intentional, but they are an example of a GOOD unintentional use of code, one that balances the game. A code hole that leaves the most net in the game completely untouchable is not a balanced one.
Well, that's another issue I have with the way things are.  The ability for 20 bil net to potentially be destroyed within 10 min is...  ...  a little wrong.  Especially considering the prepwork leading up is minimal...  but you kinda sorta touched on that atleast.
The problem is determining which unintended uses of code are GOOD and which are BAD.  Its not a clear line, and saying that something is an unintended use of the code does not necessarily mean the admins need to be handing out bans.  Which is my main point here.

QuoteNow I realize that as soon as this weekend is over you are going to take that account off vacation and tell me how wrong it is to jump to comclusions, but the point remains that the vacation feature has ruined a fine opportunity for a takedown, and the person in question is very obviously not on vacation.

Now I am very curious to see if you can rejoin a clan after 3 days on vacation - if you can, then there is another loophole that needs plugging.
After all the yelling and screaming I'm not so sure I want to bring Allendale out tomorrow.
Mostly depends on if I can catch up with Bob.  This is -his- net.  I've already been called a cheap cheating liar who should be temp banned, not much worse can be said if I continue to hold onto the net in vacation.  If I take it out into the open with my craptacular leader defense it'll evaporate before I see him next, which isn't exactly ideal.  Though it is exactly what you want Shadow, so you're not exactly a nice neutral party.
The joining-clan-lag code was tacked on as a patch, I'm reasonably sure vacation was not taken into account.  But I've been wrong before.  Not often, mind, but a couple times.

edit- spag
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Quote from: Briar on May 24, 2009, 10:16:48 PM
Not that we were cheating in the first place, it's not just us who was "abusing code".

48     ?    Corrado (#21)     16,808     $1,279,789,951     None     Marten     Mossflower
49    ?    New to the game (#41)    30,166    $853,853,202    None    Fox    Southsward
So please, stop looking at Guy as the sole offenders.

Corrado is a friend of mine and is actually on vacation, so just a shot in the dark here but that's the legitimate use for vacation? Or is it to just save yourself from getting your net destroyed?
I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.


Blankshots, to be fair, I also like Corrado, but he's not vaca'd on reg
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.



Who are you ingame?... And who have you been in past rounds (since you claim to have been around here for a long time according to your post in general discussion). I fail to believe you aren't simply an old player hiding behind a second forum account until you can answer that. Why would Snare, Oblit etc join the clan of, and be lead by an newby?

Quote from: Zeppelin on May 24, 2009, 08:19:04 PM
now then the only real way i was a leader was having rook recruit and rook help out but im disappointed in player skills here just like at the last server comp where the only way your server won was by throwing together net at the last sec. thats a display of timing and not skill so thats my challenge to you and ill say it again. Fight guy based on skills and preparation instead of numbers especially when half the clan is absent. you had the advantage though your constant refusal to fight fair i see is your downfall, especially with wimpy and cowardly moves like mass onlining.

If you believe boosting one player for the win, and leader suiciding your clans defences before the distribution are unfair, and didn't think of doing those two things yourself, then you are truely the inferior player here, and the previous servers you have played at must are the ones which should be questioned for skill. Noob.

Can you try to explain how leader suiciding is unfair/unskillful..instead of just stating that it is. How else are you going to destroy a leaderers net if they have a good ratio?


QuoteIf I take it out into the open with my craptacular leader defense it'll evaporate before I see him next, which isn't exactly ideal.

At least you admit your ongoing vacation is for defense rather than vacation.

I don't understand how you can not see that vacation for defense is code abuse. Of all the things I have complained about, this is by far the most clear cut.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I am crucio on fast. I played a few days before reset last round and this round and i have played about a bit less than 3 months on your slow server. the other thing is stop calling me bob. i'm an andrew (not an andy or a drew, just andrew) or zeppelin. i came here and was introd a few times so idk or care about hte full history here. blame me or whatever for the vacationing but i dont care because as the point was made being able to destroy half hte nw in the gamein 5 minutes is more destructive and disruptive. the way nw is supposed to be destroyed is by having enough warlords large enough to put together an army big enough to smash the other peoples armies and to spend the turns of 3 warlords to take all their land. i saw here that mages have big advantages but i think that can be fixed removing the farm or the ability to drop to the farm for ppl who have like over half huts. thats my fix to mage power.

now then until that type of junk gets fixed i dont lose sleep over using vacaation. i heard about it and it looks like it works but soo ill do what i originally planed.


Your not even leader of guy your only the assistant for starters, so it's not your clan.

EDIT: Your not even in guy anymore.

And what's the point in being able to destroy it? First of all, if you didn't once a leader got good net, if they had all the land, how is another leaderer meant to get enough leaders on a good ratio and take him down, without suiciding him so the task is more achievable?
Actaully that statement is completely false. Networth is primarily destroyed via murdering, poisoning, stealing, chaos and such. And even then, chaos is easily least effective.

Basically, your the assistant of a dead clan, claiming your it's leader, running around complaining about features which are needed to stabilize the game, and justifying blatant code abuse. I get the impression your not a very experienced prom player, or like Marell said, an old player having a laugh.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Windy, you weren't holding Bob's were holding for Rook, Zep and the rest of Guy.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


It seems to me that this is the last round all over again...