
Started by Shadow, May 22, 2009, 10:55:23 AM

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Vacation is intended for - get this - vacations. Not defense. Abuse of vacation should end in a temp ban. Can't you guys defend yourselves without it?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Memorial Day Weekend, oh ye who loves to jump to conclusions

And there should be no ban for rules not yet implemented, that's retarded.  Seems like -you- can't win w/o trying to get the other team disabled ;)
It is cheap though
As is destroying the other team's leader defenses right before the distrobution

btw, there's already discussion of this in the other topic.  Clutter is not appreciated
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Blood Wake

I agree that we should only talk about it in one place, but the other topic shouldn't be about this anyway, it was just brought up.

But I of course am also highly upset about you going on vacation. It doesn't give us our fair chance to win, I don't care what excuses you make, it was not a neat move
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

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The Obliterator

well what options do you leave us after destroying all our leader defences.
Ok so your telling me that if all your leaders of the people in your whole clan was gone and you were holding 22 bil cash you do the honourable thing and stay around waiting for it to get smashed.
Anyways we are rodents for goodness sake we dont have honour.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better


Windy, you and I both know that that vacation is for defense only. He could't run for three days anyway, so memorial day weekend would be no different on or off vacation.

I will not acknowledge any win had by vacationing net until it is convenient to take it off, especially if the days spent on vacation count ttoward the days until you can join a clan.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: The Obliterator on May 22, 2009, 11:54:31 AM

Anyways we are rodents for goodness sake we dont have honour.

Well what about your buddy bob, he seems more like a snake to me, I ran last night waiting for him to go offline to attack. I made my attack, and while I was half way through my run I was onlined.  Onlining and putting yourself into vacation mode are weasel moves, attack me online again Bob and I will kill you. As for the vacation exscuse, the holiday ends on what the 26? If you are truly using vacation for the holiday then I guess we can expect to see you back on the 26th then? If your not back by then, well I guess I might just start killing your other players. Watchtower out net's you anyways, I don't really care if you hold 1st place the entire round, but your friends still in game will pay for it.

Enjoy the memorial day weekend boys.
I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.

Night Wolf

This is a bit off topic but which one is Bob?



And I thought I would kill two birds with one stone, bob works with guy,
therefore I grouped him into my vacation comments too.
I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.

Night Wolf

I figured that was him, and I know he works with Guy.


No, I was wring about that, Bob is #8, FHD is Sevah apparently. Either way.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Night Wolf

Oh Bob was #8? hehe good then I finally got me revenge. :D

And who in gods name is Sevah?


FHD is Sevah? What is he doing back? I played along time ago with Sevah, if memory serves me correct he backstabbed Snare and I one round way back.

Remember snare, you were a wolf I was a marten?
I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.

Gen. Volkov

QuoteSeems like -you- can't win w/o trying to get the other team disabled

We did win. We recruited better than guy, we had a bigger storehouse, we outplayed them at the distribution, and it's only by using cheap tactics that should be illegal because it's abuse of the code that guy has managed to save it's NW. Reducing the other guy to dishonorable tactics that abuse the code is a win in my book.

They aren't cheap tactics anyway, it's code abuse. Pure and simple. Abusing the vacation function in this way is no different from when the Pressgang bug was discovered. Maybe Allendale has the excuse of Memorial day, we'll see if he ever comes back off vaca, but what is Aust's excuse? We destroyed his ratio? Well too bad! Not succeeding at the game is no excuse to abuse the code.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.


Quote from: Shadow on May 22, 2009, 12:00:31 PM
Windy, you and I both know that that vacation is for defense only. He could't run for three days anyway, so memorial day weekend would be no different on or off vacation.

I will not acknowledge any win had by vacationing net until it is convenient to take it off, especially if the days spent on vacation count ttoward the days until you can join a clan.

Eh.  What do you mean "he couldn't run for three days anyways"?  If you cant run for three days, especially on turbo, you put yourself in vacation.  That is a perfectly legit use, I'm not sure how it makes no difference. 

Not acknowledging a win didn't do much for me when you pulled crap a loong while back.  It wont get you far here either.  So...

Anyways.  If Watchtower had won fair and square, why make it impossible for Guy to win by destroying their leaders? 
That's a rather low blow tbh.  Three weeks worth of careful storing can be destroyed in 10 min if they didn't have defenses.  If you had them beat flat-out, why not prove it, rather than heavy-handed net destruction.
I'm not going to defend net-to-vacation.  Its a sucky move.  But given the circumstances...  eh. 

That's the reason I made ASDF, I'm getting tired of the drama and cheap moves pulled by both sides
I agreed to go with it because I made a poor (but honorable!) decision a round or two back that cost us a win, and Allendale hasn't done much this round anyways.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't