question the cowards...

Started by Blankshots, April 26, 2009, 07:13:46 PM

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Seems the clan that started with 5 are now down too only one member, 2 left the clan before their justice could be served, which in my opinion is the act of a coward. 2 were killed, and one remains, for now. Hope you boys had a fun round, and remember, you brought this on yourself.
I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.

Peace Alliance

Seems like a lot of people are willing to make rash adulterated accusations.


I'm still clanned, watch how broad you paint with your brush.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Calling them cowards is a bit harsh - just annoying, maybe
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Hey Blankshot, ever consider the possibility that they were kicked out of their clan??  Stop making assumption.

And I really don't think they brought it on themselves.  Sure they may have a huge mouth but maybe they just wanted to get a reaction out of you. It seems like it worked...

edit: vowing and attempting to kill an entire clan after two kills is noobish.  An eye for and eye makes the whole world blind...
Eine alte Störung ist immer populärer als eine neue Wahrheit.


Quote from: Truth on April 27, 2009, 12:59:55 AM
Hey Blankshot, ever consider the possibility that they were kicked out of their clan??  .

And I really don't think they brought it on themselves.  From what I could tell, they were responsible for ONE kill.  That was it.

Zulu was the first kill, and myself the second, guess you may need to go back and read before you talk, only makes you look silly.  I'm sorry but in my opinion a clan is held responsible for it's actions as whole, so yes I thought about that possibilty, I highly doubt they were kicked, rather, they left knowing they were going to be be killed, sorry but that's cowardly use the clan to kill and then leave before you yourself are killed...
I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.


Quote from: Blankshots on April 27, 2009, 01:27:04 AM
Quote from: Truth on April 27, 2009, 12:59:55 AM
Hey Blankshot, ever consider the possibility that they were kicked out of their clan??  .

And I really don't think they brought it on themselves.  From what I could tell, they were responsible for ONE kill.  That was it.

Zulu was the first kill, and myself the second, guess you may need to go back and read before you talk, only makes you look silly.  I'm sorry but in my opinion a clan is held responsible for it's actions as whole, so yes I thought about that possibilty, I highly doubt they were kicked, rather, they left knowing they were going to be be killed, sorry but that's cowardly use the clan to kill and then leave before you yourself are killed...
I didn't protect any recent killer: I protected a student of mine and myself. Oh well: I'm back in command now so whatever happened in my absence will be considered but likely ignored.


Quote from: Truth on April 27, 2009, 12:59:55 AM
Hey Blankshot, ever consider the possibility that they were kicked out of their clan??  Stop making assumption.
And I really don't think they brought it on themselves.  Sure they may have a huge mouth but maybe they just wanted to get a reaction out of you. It seems like it worked...
edit: vowing and attempting to kill an entire clan after two kills is noobish.  An eye for and eye makes the whole world blind...
HEY...who are you?

Btw Question are the ones who went noob and started killing people because they got murdered. Now their overeaction is being justified imo.


Half of question can't get back into the clan because they were booted less than three days before the reset. Peace and Windy are the only two left, and if they disband, theyll be left in peace and will likely win. And yes, I did rejoin. I felt bad after deleting for leaving the people who helped me in the lurch.

But to the Question members being all innocent like (and Truth): you guys made the first two kills. We retaliated with two. No complaining. I suppose Snare could join again now that he is back with such a scary monicker, but Who and When are gone for good. Probably would have eded better if they had let themselves die.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

When a judge gives a ruling in court that is tougher then anticipated, is he a coward?

Some of you didn't like the justice I gave Zulu for his part.

But now you guys know my limits. You know that when you murder me without a cause, you'll have crossed the line. That's not cowardice, it's having a backbone.


You were never murdered without cause. You were holding land, murdering you makes that land available to others. Windy has used that justification on me a few times while I was playing defensive indy.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Gen. Volkov

QuoteBut now you guys know my limits. You know that when you murder me without a cause, you'll have crossed the line. That's not cowardice, it's having a backbone.

Same as me... though you were murdered for more cause than I.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Peace Alliance

Sure it makes sense to murder to get at locked up land. But i had average amount of land, and there were several people who could break me. Some of those people were even part of the murder-attacks.

Also, after I was murdered my land wasn't taken!

So getting my land was not the motive behind murdering me.


Quote from: Shadow on April 27, 2009, 10:17:03 AM
You were never murdered without cause. You were holding land, murdering you makes that land available to others. Windy has used that justification on me a few times while I was playing defensive indy.

Yip, sure did.  Flip situation to now, you were being a turd then as well  :-*

Its the whole White Knight thing Sticker, those that murder you are making it easier for -others- to take your land.  Its a public service, they're too noble (and out of turns =D) to take it themselves
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


The way your defense strat works, taking your land with a single troop types only slows you down, because then you can rebuild that troop type only and still have a good army in all the other ones. Taking your land worked for a while, but there came a point where it was necessary to take your army down a notch or else we would no longer be able to break. You know this. Stop acting put-upon, you would do the same thing in my shoes and you know it. Getting your land was the motive behind murdering you. It worked, didn't it? This is not a sticker-hunt, and you aren't being targeted for any reason other than that you tried to lock (initially) and now it is because you killed in retaliation. You see how these things escalate? Windy got it right - murdering you means that -someone- can take the land. This was a very sprawling and disorganized team effort to take you down, so if you weren't broken immediately it is because we didn't coordinate very much.

You can't be a turd from both ends of a situation, windy. Well, you can, but then everyone is ^_^
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..